OtakuOni: Chapter Three: 3 Paths

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Path Two- Chero and Dino

“So tell everybody I'm on my way. And I just can't wait to be home! With the sun beating down yes I'm on my way. And nothing but good times to show~” Chero sang as she led Dino along.

Dino chuckled to himself as he watched Chero sing. It seemed to distract her from how they had to leave Hime and Dante behind. The monster…He seemed larger than before. Dino ignored these worries and followed Chero to the locked door in the Japanese style room on the first floor.

“This has to be the door,” Chero said, putting the key into the lock.


Chero turned the knob and opened the door.

“Success!” she cheered.

“Let me walk in first, to make sure it’s safe…” Dino said walking in.

He walked over to a door and tried to open it. Locked. He motioned for Chero to come on it.

“It seems safe…” he said.

Chero nodded and joined him. The pair headed to the back of the room. Chero screamed when the monster came out of a door. Dino grabbed Chero’s hand and ran.
The couple ran through the door and kept going until they reached the kitchen. Dino leaned against the closed door and took a few calming breaths. The monster did not seem to have followed them.

“Are you ok, Amore?” Dino asked Chero.

Chero nodded, “Are you?”

He grinned and nodded.

Chero looked around the kitchen, “Has anyone tried to get into that door?”

Dino looked to see Chero pointing to a door at the back of the kitchen, “I don’t know. Why don’t we look?”

Chero nodded and tried to open the door. The door swung open and Chero walked in.

“There is a safe in here!” she called back, “It needs four numbers…”

“Looks like we will have to keep exploring…since we cannot open it now.


Dino pulled Chero close and gave her a quick peck on the top of her head.

“We should go back to the Japanese style room.” Dino said, “The monster must have been hiding something…”

Chero nodded in agreement.

Dino opened up one of the sliding doors in the room the monster had been. He stared at the piece of paper on the floor.

“All that…for a piece of paper?” he questioned.

“Well…It must be important!” Chero explained, picking it up. She showed it to him, “Looks like some sort of abstract art. Maybe it’s a rare piece of art!”

Dino chuckled and shook his head, “It looks like it’s just a ripped half of something…In any case…we should head upstairs and meet up with Kiki and Mocha.
Hopefully Hime and Dante will be there too.”

Chero frowned, “Yeah…”

Dino jumped as the song, “iNSaNiTY” started to play.

“Oh! That’s my cellphone!” Chero exclaimed, “I did not thing phones worked in here.”

She quickly pulled it from her skirt’s pocket and answered it.



“…? That was weird, it was just a piano note…”

Dino shrugged, “We can think about it later, let’s head upstairs.”