| DOB: 11/25/93 [not a creep ^^;] | 16 years old | OTAKU LEGEND | Year of the Rooster | Sagittarius/Part Scorpius | Blood: AB+ | Asian [Chinese] | New York | Speaks Mandarin & English | Senior<3 [12th grade] | Violin | Marching Band | Procrastinator | Anime/Drama Lover | Asian Music<3 | Naruto | Black Cat | One Piece | Lots of Shoujo | Show Luo Is My Idol | More? Talk To Meh |
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Watashi wa Catherine desu, a.k.a. Furry-Chibi. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.
SHINee created one of the most eargasmic songs I've ever heard.
My WORLD is best viewed in a resolution that has a width of 1280 or more+.
I stole this from TimeChaser. :3 I had alotta fun. This was just one huge That's What She Said. xD *shot*
Put your music player on shuffle.
Write down the names of the first 15 songs that come up.
Add "in my pants" at the end of each title.
1. Life's On The Line - in my pants.
2. The Name I Loved - in my pants.
3. Umbrella - in my pants.
4. It's You - in my pants. [LOL]
5. Never Let You Go - in my pants. [I can't even. . . XD]
6. Sorry Sorry - in my pants. [.....]
7. Intro (Big Bang) - in my pants.
8. Keep Your Style - in my pants.
9. Fighter - in my pants.
10. Bleeding Love - in my pants. [o.O;;;;]
11. Winds & Clouds - in my pants. [nice breeze yo]
12. Ring Ding Dong - in my pants.
13. Michi ~ To You All - in my pants.
14. Oh Happy Days - in my pants.
15. It Ends Tonight - in my pants.
Wow, I guess I have more Asian songs than American. XDD
Technically not a new WORLD, but a new edition of Cheeb'sz Rants has been created. I spent a good amount of time making the banner, background, and avatar. :3 I'm pretty content with the results. :D Also, I deleted lots of my 'about me' paragraphs. I narrowed it down. Hmm, I'm still not too satisfied with it. I'll work on that.
Also, I might as well go on hiatus with submitting stuff. I've been way too lazy with making graphics. It took all of my motivation to redo my WORLD. & Now, I have no motivation to make anything else.... I'll still update on Love[Asia]Music, if you guys want to go check it out. Hmm, I mean, I probably will still update here, not like I'm going to be dead. xD LOL ~laughs~ Just no submitting. Wow, I just realized right after I said I'm going on hiatus with making graphics, I wanna make them now. -shot- Well, if I can get all the fonts I want, I will. But as of now, I have to prepare for school. My mom is taking me clothing shopping... then I want her to take me supplies shopping so that I don't have to go during the rush next week. Hm... so much stuff to do, too lazy to be motivated. GRR, this means school is starting soon which saddens me. *sighs* & I feel bad for the people who already started school, but HAH, I haven't yet. -shot for being a brat- Anyways, this was a decent amount of typing compared to my usual 2-3 sentence paragraph. Comments? I haven't heard from a lot of you guys in awhile.
I can't believe I allowed myself to listen to the Hate It or Love It - 50 Cent album while making an Asian theme for my WORLD. xD Nawh, I'm joking. I listened to Asian music at the beginning butttttt.... I haven't touched my playlist since I started so no control over what I hear. Haha~ Soo.. MAIN POINT. . .
SAY WHATTT? Yeah, I'm feelin' it today. TODAYYY, shall be the day when the unwritten is written, when the empty is full, when the poop has been pooped. *shot* I'm tired. Today was the last day of band camp. It felt great. :D Free pizza & Italian ice? Hellyeah. Well, the main point is. . . OMG FURRY-CHIBIZ IS GAWNA MAKE A NEW BACKGROUND & BANNER, WUT. xD OH snippity-cricket... & also a new avatar. I love mawh Show but time for a change. :D [No, not my love for him. That shall NEVER change.] But a change to my WORLD, wouldn't that be snazzzay? I'm more excited than anyone else right now. >___<
*psstttt* Guess what? My avatar is already done. :D :D :D I'm almost done with the background image & then onto the most eye-appealing piece of love that will be awn mawh page. . . . *drum roll* ZEHHHH BANNERR! :D Tell me, is at least one of you as excited as I am? *holds for response*
Yes, I've been legitimately attending band camp this whole week. It's really not band camp cuz I still live at home but my marching band isn't in the best state right now so yeah, but it's still fun somehow. I'm a Senior now, so we threw balloons today at the rest of the band members & did the annual band awards. It was a fun day.
This would be the reason why I haven't been updating. It's cuzza marching band.<3 xD Haha, well it's somehow fun & I can't wait for this year since it's my last year. I will make every single day of my Senior year count. ^_^ Well, if I still do update, it'll probably be on Jae's Love[Asia]Music WORLD. :3 I'mawh guest poster there so visit meh sometimes. :D Later all!