I spit to the side again as I walked away. Why? Because I couldn't get the horrid taste of wolf blood out of my mouth. Who the hell did he think he was...grabbing me in such a disrespectful manner...and then he called me STUPID!! Spouting some weird stuff about Jezabelle...so he was her lover...he was still utterly irritating!!!
"GOOD RIDDANCE!!" I shouted behind me in his direction. Truthfully...I wasn't upset at him...I was totally and completely alone now. Again. Shori...I just prayed Shori was alright. I felt a slight prick on my neck, but I rubbed it off...how I loathed this forest...
I wasn't feeling too well. I felt...light headed... As I stumbled into the clearing beyond the trees, I saw the cliffside once more. Only on this part, there didn't seem to be any evil vine creatures. I saw someone about to cross the bridge...they saw me too and charged to attack. "WAIT!!" I cried out holding my hand up defensively.
"Cat girl...is that you?" The voice spoke.
It...sounded like Jezabelle. Slowly I opened my eyes. "Pureblood..." I muttered. "Keep your distance...." Then I collapsed and everything went dark again.
I had silenced the creature...but none of it mattered now. Shimei, she had gone over the cliffside. "Shimei..." I growled pounding my fist into the earth. "You aren't dead...I know you aren't! I just have to keep moving..."
With that Shori took off, sliding all the way down the cliff's edge. He made his way to the caves on the other side, having to climb up a bit after sliding down too far.
He heard something in the entrance of the hole he'd chosen. Shallow steps... "Hey! Who's in there?!" Shori called from the entrance.
He heard a slight movement, then someone clear their throat. "Who wants to know?!"
"James?!" Shori called out. "That IS you right??"
And so I've taken over the role of Shori...cuz honestly...I don't expect him to ever post here again. *le sigh* No worries though. LOL!
"Hey, You, Uhhh, What's your name?" Someone asked, falling behind to walk beside me.
"What's it to you?" I asked, wondering why, and If, he even cared. I sensed he was a Vampire, but I didn't mind. He had nice black hair, to his shoulders. His eyes were a light cherry color. I smiled slightly.
"Just a simple question." He nodded.
"'Kay...The name's Meridan." I looked away.
"Hmp...Well, I'm Clovis V Seliongarve." He said.
We both kind of remained silent. He continued to walk beside me. It was better than being alone.
"Hey Meridan. Um would you like to go to the village with me? I mean every one else pretty much has a partner with them to get there and you and I don't... It's not fun to be alone. So what do you say?" He asked, politely.
"Sorry, But, Uh, I'm not into guys that way..." I walked a little faster. I am Bisexual, but I don't need a relationship right now...
"Hey Meridan. Um would you like to go to the village with me? I mean every one else pretty much has a partner with them to get there and you and I don't... It's not fun to be alone. So what do you say?" He caught up to me.
"Hmm..." I thought about it. He's just looking for a friend, That's all. I'm sure we could get along...
"Sure...That's actually a pretty great idea." I smirked.
He nodded in understandment.
"So...Do you like Pudding?" I asked, remembering I had an obsession over it when I was with Adrian. (His Ex, if you remember.)
"Like...Pudding? Like, a certain kind?"
"I guess, Yeah."
"I...don't know."
I hope I didn't completely screw up at Clovis's personality. :P Please forgive me XD
After we where tolled about the mission I went on with my day normally. Then the next day I woke up earlier then usual and went on to the main gates. As I was walking there I saw Adam on the phone. It seemed every where I turned there HE was...Almost as tho I was doomed to see him every day. I continued walking hoping he didn't see me but alas...He did... Closing his cell phone he came running up to me as I tried to keep moving.
"Yo, baby bro!" He yelled. "G-morning! I didn't know YOU would be up at this time."
"Well unlike you I DO sleep AND get up when needed. And it not the morning." I said trying to get away form him.
"Oh haha. I do sleep too ya know. Just not as long as others. Anywho, where you going? What you going to do? Is Shimei going to be here? Why up at this time?" He continued to ask question after question.
I tried to ignore childish questions and kept moving. Finally after walking around the school THREE times He stoped talking , but kept walking with me. "Will he ever go away..." I thought to myself. It was almost time to leave so even tho Adam was fallowing me I begain my way to the main gate. As I got closer I saw the teachers coming. Panicking because I was about to be late I then yelled at him.
"I am going on a mission with others and YOU are going to make me late so GOODBYE!!!" just as I was about to leave.
"Whoa now! I'M the one making you late?!" Then he begain to laugh uncontrollably with his arms over his stomach. "YOUR the one making yourself late. But I'll leave if you want me to leave. Also, be sure to say hello to my future rose for me will ya Cloe." And with that he left.
I then ran to the others and made it just in time it seemed to receive the scrolls in which the map. Soon after every one received theirs as well our first objective was set in place. We where all to be at the village before dawn. Before I begain to move I saw Jezabella...
She seemed normal again. Just as I was about to say hi James came and I turned the other way hoping not to bother them. Then opened my scroll to see where this village was. Thanks to my parents for throwing me out of my own home and leaving me to fiend for myself getting to the places was an easy thing for me no matter where it was.
I looked at it just once then hide it away in my bag. Just about everyone was up front, I and a few others stayed in the back. I look over my shoulder only to see a long black and orange haired boy, with by scent seem to be an angel. An angel with a twist it would seem... He looked a bit lonely and so I stoped so he could catch up.
"Hey, You...uhhh...What's your name?" I asked.
"What's it to you?"
"Just a simple question."
"Kay...The names Meridan." He said as he kept walking not even looking at me once.
"hmp. Well I'm Clovis V Seliongarve."
After that we both fell silent. But I continued to walk beside him just to keep him company. It was like that for a bit untill I said.
"Hey Meridan. Um would you like to go to the village with me? I mean every one else pretty much has a partner with them to get there and you and I don't... It's not fun to be alone. So what do you say?"
He looked at me with confusion. It was as if he thought I meant some thing else...
"Sorry but uh... I'm not in to guys that way..." He said then walked a bit faster.
"WHA?! Wa wa wa wait a sec!!! I didn't mean that! I... I'm straight, not gay or anything! I like girls a lot. I'm in to GIRLS not guys! My my..." I panicked jumping back a bit. "I meant to say do you want me to help you get there....So do you?"
I'm sorry to every that I haven't posted anything for some time.... I've been WAY to busy.. Here's part 1. cheriblosomchibi you can go no if you want.
Hope you all enjoy it!
Beat me in a race to the village...never. I'd probably be done by the time ANYONE would show up...
Flying over the vast forest, I could hear them: the cries of the other students as they were attacked one by one. Sitting comfortably with my arms crossed...I tried to ignore it, but was failing miserably.
"AWWWW I wanna be the one making them scream!!!" I tormented. "I wanna crack them all in half...cut out their eyes...SOMETHING....but no...I get to...what's this?" My cloud was suddenly swiped out of nowhere. "Or perhaps NOT!" I called out with excitement, standing up but never halting my progress.
I was approaching the deep chasm from the map. Again the cloud was swiped...a quick flying creature. My eyes started to glow from the excitement...when I drew out my closest friend. My Kanabo. It had heard the screams of many victims...caused the agonizingly long and tormenting end to their pitiful lives.
There were many clouds up here, that was the only thing clotting my vision. What had struck my cloud...it was TWO not one creature. Bat like...it was flying in an erratic pattern...but it's intention the same...to bring me down. Which...it was mistaken if it thought it was going to fly away now...
It flew past me again, I swung hard and...MISS!!! "OH WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted in irritation. The other came at me head on, expecting the first had knocked me off balance. He thought to take advantage did he? "WRONG!!" Grabbing it out of the very air I head the creature up by it's neck.
"Foolish bat demon..." I smirked as it scratched my hands desperately trying to escape. Blood poured down my arms...yet my eyes glowed vividly as I took in every moment. "You see...I'd hate for you to count in my limit...therefore...I'm not satisfied for you to go so simply..." I cooed. My Kanabo vanished and I took hold of it's wing as I held it there. I ripped it off...the beast cried out in extreme agony. I then alternated...ripping off it's other wing. Once the whining stopped it wasn't fun anymore...so I dropped it off the cloud without finishing it off. The other swooped at me fiercely, and I just barely missed catching it as well.
"NOT THIS TIME!" I shouted and dove off the cloud. It didn't see this coming...for within moments it was in my grasp. My adrenaline made me careless however...I ripped it clean in half without enjoying it at ALL!!! Angry, I free fell for ages...until I was within the very chasm I was heading over...
Finally deciding it was enough, I threw my Kanabo at the rocky edge. Causing an instant reaction, hordes of rocks tumbled off the side. Turning myself upright I started hopping from one to the next, all the way to the other side of the rocky abyss. Looking back, I saw the bridge Brenin had mentioned. Smirking a bit, I pulled on one of the ropes...loosening it a bit. I almost felt bad for the next fool who crossed using it...Okay...no I didn't.
Laughing loudly I took to the skies once again...off to clear the land and then the mountain before me.
Dark: Makoto! That's so mean!!!
Makoto: Hah...I hope the kitten boy tries to use it...>:D
Dark: You have no conscience....
Makoto: Duh...
Oh yeah, wanna know what his weapon is? Click HERE
I stayed motionless on the ground. Every breath like agony. I slowly reached up to inspect my ribs with my hand. None were broken but my gentle touch made them burn in pain. I gasped as the pain began to slow. The beast began to take steps toward me.
I reached for the sheath on my thigh only to find it empty. The silver knife metres from my reach. Angry at myself for letting it escape my grasp I touched the poisened darts. As the monster reached for me again i caught it in time. Jumping up to stand i missed it's hand grabbing ahold of me again.
I through three darts. Off of it's hide two bounced. Then the third struck in. Going through the skin at the base of the neck. After a quick smile in celebration, i ran to the trees. It wasn't speed that was his weakness, it was agility. Weaving in and out i slowed it down. Only for it's strength to begin to show through as he started ploughing down trees.
I reached for another lot of poisen darts. Jumping high into the trees until came underneath where i hid. I pounced. Three darts to the back of his neck again. This time two struck. Running back to where i had been dazed before i grabbed up my knife.
Standing in an offensive position my knife aimed and right next to my head i waited for it to come to me. It pondered, confused at where i was then looking around it saw me and rushed. It finally slowed. It's head too heavy for it anymore. It came crashing to my feet and fell down it's horns resting on either side of me.
I smirked at it's attempt. As i brought my arms down i noticed my knife was warm to the touch. IT was always good when it warmed up after a fight, always made me feel..... happy? Placing the knife back into it's sheath i focused on my hair.Undoing it i swept back the strands that had become loosened from the rough battle. As my hair was fixed i leaned over and plucked out the poisen darts. Blood seeped from the wound, the creature was still alive. And it was not my mission to kill it.
Refilling my holder with new darts from my bag i heard the snap of a twig. Sending my knife flying in the direction of the noise, i looked to see a small bunny fozen in fear.
"Sorry litte bunny." i grabbed the knife from the tree above it's little head. It started to limp away. Unfortuantly when it came to animals i was more than compassionate.
"Pathetic little thing." I picked the poor thing up and wrapped it in a scarf i had just in case in my bag.
"Now you hold tight. I'll have you fixed in no time." I could feel eyes on me and looking around i tried to pinpoint the owner, to no avail.
I walked on. The cliff was to be infront of me. Somewhere i would see a giant drop and certain death for unfotunates who where foolish enough not to notice it..... i DO believe i heard James come to that unfortunate end a while ago....
Oh well. One less thorn in my side.
I walked along, gradually picking up my speed. My knife was getting hotter the closer i walked to my target.
"Ah, were ment to go this way.... to get to the bridge....." i heard the small voice of my little guest.
"I know a short-cut."
"Hmp." i heard her. I could almost hear her thoughts. you didn't even know which way to go in the first place so how can you know a short-cut
I sniffed the scents around me. NO. Beast. BIG beast. Danger. STOP. I was dead still, that is until the vampire following me walked into me.
"Wha...?" i spun around her and covered her mouth. One hand on her mouth the other around her shoulders keeping her still. I was dead silent. Listening.
A silent battle was occuring. I tried to gather as much as possible but my 'guest' was squirming in my grasp.
"Stop before i slit your throat." i threatened quietly in her ear, tightening my grib on her shoulder. She winced in pain and stopped moving.
I grabbed up my little vampire and keeping my hand over her mouth i walked until i was close enough to begin gaining a better understanding of the situation. Whatever monster was in that clearing was formidable. I wouldn't take it on if i could avoid it. Even with a pack at my back i wouldn't risk their health to fight this THING.
Through this girl over my shoulder i jumped into a tree and looked down on the fight. AHH, i see now. My 'guest' fought against my hold as i sat in the tree. A twig snapped off and i only JUST caught the glimmer of steel zooming past. I looked down to see the brother of my own knife lodged in the heart of a nearby rabbit. IT's mate petrified in fear. Quickly glancing from rabbit to the vamprie now coming at it, i grabbed my own knife and through it into the tree. I did so fast that it sounded as though my own knife was the one that had been thrown by the vampire instead of her own.
"Sorry little bunny" the OH SO familiar Vampire said to the bunny, oblivious of the decapitated rabbit meatres away.
"Pathetic little thing." WIth that Jezabelle grabbed a scarf, her brown one with an intricate rose design on the edges that smelt of lavander for some reason.
FINALLY after she left a far distance I let go of the vampire that was now elbowing me in the ribs and trying to scream her lungs out. Not to mention biting my hands to shreds.
"You done yet?" she glared up at me as i still held my hand over her mouth. Eventually i jumped down and released her heading towards the knife thrown by Jezabelle. My 'guest' wiped her mouth and spat out my blood, i simply wiped the blood off the knife and put it in it's brother's sheath.
"Why'd you do that.... werewolf?" venom in her voice.
"She doesn't like blood."
"She's a PUREBLOOD vampire, of course she loves blood." i leant over and grabbed the dead rabbit and slung it over my shoulder, the blood dripping everywhere.
"if you say so.... and let me guess, trolls are the dumbest thing to roam this earth?"
"Naturally, all they do is bash things."
"Well then, we now know how stupid you are. Try visiting..."
"I am NOT stupid." She yelled cutting me off
"Prove me wrong then. How do you know her?" i said pointing in the direction Jeza left.
"She's my roommate..... some big shot pureblood..."
"AND? What does being a pureblood have ANYTHING to do with who she is?"
"She acts like one."
"She was MADE to act like that.... and i bet you think i’m just some guy that turns into a wolf at the full moon?" i lent my head back and howled.
"Most likely...... werewolf."
"Exactly..... you know nothing..." i was starting to get disgusted at the thinking of these 'beings' but i knew thats how they were just brought up, "You should REALLY talk to James.... he could tell you a couple things about judging a book by it's status."
"Isn't it book by it's cover?"
"Your BEYOND help." i said shaking my head and leaving her to her own devices.
"WAIT. Your the one that left that rose for.... her." she said motioning to Jezabelles direction. Turning around i looked back her with a blank look on my face.
"Who's HER?"
"Jezabelle Oread." i shook my head and took a couple steps towards her. Outstreching my hand i looked at her.
"Names Alexander, and you are?"
"Nice to meet you... sorry about the rough handling... but if you hurray you might be able to catch up with.... JEZABELLE, she looks like she knows where she's going." with that i walked away without a word.
my Alexy. He's sooo awesome..... and he's walking away with a dead bleeding rabbit on hi back O.e
Alex: It's a meal for the pups..... Don't look at me like that!! I'm not THAT weird
Me: Yeah.... but your CUTE..... You made sure Jeza didn't see the dead bunny...
Alex: No nothing of the sort *slightly blushes* i just needed a small snack and the demmons are too big.
Jeza: *screams in the far distance* THIS ISN'T MY KNIFE!!!!
Alex: O.O Sorry got to go... BYE!!!!!! *runs off*