IMAGE -- Kaito // Vocaloid
//RED Void // Oekaki Board // Personal Journal // Doll related journal//
IMAGE -- Kaito // Vocaloid
//RED Void // Oekaki Board // Personal Journal // Doll related journal//
I am totally obsessed with fish. True facts. You can't really tell they're fish from this preview though XP I'm basing them kind of on angler fish... so they'll have glowy parts and stuff. (and, yes, technically the same dude from the tentacle pic I posted a while back... I wanted to play with the character more.)
I like the guy in the back. He looks all pointy and snarky.
Not sure I'm feeling this. The other day, it occurred to me that I don't really screw around with sci fi. I wanted to create a different sort of character who looked like an alien or something. This is the result. Still having trouble with it T__T
Gugh, so unproductive. I've been having trouble drawing lately.
Saw District 9. I don't think I've ever been so stressed out while watching a movie. I was all "Nooooooo, don't let XXX die!" or "Noooo, XX is a bastard!" and so on and so on. Despite how very emotional the movie made me, I think I enjoyed it.
And now have a sketch of a boy in a giant shirt and little swimmy shorts.