Hello and welcome to Keba's Anime and Manga Place (KAAMP for short)! Here at KAAMP, I write about anime and manga that I have seen/read as well as my views on them. I'll also post about my original stories from time to time.
Just beware that some of my posts contain spoilers. I'll put them in spoiler tags just in case.
KAAMP's history: KAAMP was created in July 2002 by yours truly. It was a sloppy-looking website on Yahoo's now defunct Geocities. I posted my anime fan art on that site. Also, for a time, I posted my thoughts on the few anime series that I had seen. Now that I look back on it, my thoughts were rather ill-informed (is that even a word?) because I had only seen bits and pieces of anime dubs. Now that I've seen more series, I think that my commentary on various anime will be a little better than before.
So, come on in and stay awhile! KAAMP is now in session.
Other places to find me:
Anime-Planet: KebaFox
Toyhouse: KebaFox
Art Fight: KebaFox
Tumblr (kind of inactive): kebasirota
As the title says, I started a conversation with a random stranger. This is extremely rare for me. In fact, I don't remember ever doing it before.
So, I was at a Starbucks, and I was just sitting down with my drink, when I saw this girl with the Attack on Titan Survey Corps emblem on her pants. Because she was in close proximity, and I had nothing much to do besides drink my green tea-type-thing, I said to her, "I like your pants."
We had a pleasant conversation. We talked about our favorite genres, though we didn't get deep into any specific anime. Turns out she's going to Anime Central, too. She told me that she would be cosplaying as a Naruto character.
"Which one?" I asked.
"An OC," she replied.
"So I guess I'll just look for the headband then," I said.
It might have been a little foolish of me not to ask what village emblem would be on her headband. Heck, I didn't even ask her name. Nor did I give mine.
ACen is a huge convention, so I don't know if I'll run into her. I hope I do. She seemed like a really nice person.
Dear fellow Naruto fans,
As you know, the manga has just concluded. Now, I'm going to be blunt and say this: PLEASE DON'T SPOIL THE ENDING!!!!!! That means, don't post fan works with the ending given away in the titles. Don't go blogging about the ending without spoiler warnings. See my post on "R.I.P. So-And-So" for details.
I highly doubt this will nip some fans' disregard for courteousness in the bud. Still, should I see anything related to what I just asked fans not to do, I will post a link in the offenders' respective comment boxes. I really hope I don't have to do that.
Fellow fans, all I'm asking is to be considerate of those of us who don't read illegal manga scans-- or read the manga at all and just watch the anime. I know how dearly many of you love the series. Just please show some restraint when talking about the conclusion or making tribute fan works.
Thank you.
Keba Si Rota
If you're a fan of Naruto, Attack on Titan, One Piece, Sword Art Online, Case Closed (AKA Detective Conan), or any combination of the above, there's a cute little thing sponsored by Manga-Anime Guardians going on that involves all five series. Manga-Anime Guardians, a site dedicated to cutting down on piracy, is looking for people to pledge to obtain manga and anime legally, and is featuring a page with characters of all five series interacting. If you (and several thousand others) click the "join" button, the site reveals more characters. There are twenty characters in total to reveal.
I have spoiled myself to death with Naruto. Every week or so, I go on Leaf Ninja and click on the little manga spoiler updates. Then I read the poorly written fan reactions. Lately, there haven't been many fan comments on the main pages, so I went to the forums. I learned some big news on those forums: Naruto is ending this fall.
Do I believe it? Yeah. From reading the manga synopses, it doesn't seem that it can go on much longer. Besides, I think the fans are losing interest. After all, comments on Leaf Ninja are few and far between. Even the guy running the site hasn't done much updating.
Personally, I think it's time for Naruto to end. It wore out its welcome some years ago. My own interest declined towards the end of the Pain arc. Now I'm over 100 episodes behind in the series, stuck somewhere in a repetitive filler arc.
For those wondering, I don't read the manga due to the inconsistencies in the translation. I'm not fond of fan translations (which are more like transliterations) either 'cause they're illegal. Heck, I find most action manga hard to follow anyway.
I still consider myself a Naruto fan, though nowhere near as hard core as I used to be. After all, it was my favorite anime at one point. Still, I think it's time to let go. I have every intention to finish the series, filler arcs and all. Then I'll have some closure. I'll remember the good times when the characters dreamed of achieving great things, when Naruto wasn't all-powerful, and when the dead characters didn't come back to life.
I still wonder if Naruto will officially advance in ninja rank after all this time. And I still wonder whom each character will wind up with romantically. I guess those answers won't be too far away.
I'm sure that a lot of you Naruto Shippuden fans have heard about the latest video game based on the series. Although this is kind of old news, the game features bonus costumes for some characters. I now present to you "Dragonball Naruto".
I've been meaning to post this for months but kept on forgetting. I'm not really a Dragonball Z fan; I found the show very tiresome to watch. So why did I share this crossover? Because I totally called it back in 2009!