Kagami’s POV-

“WHERE THE HELL AM I?!?!?!” I shouted, scaring away several birds. I had gotten lost on my way to the nearest village to get some supplies and I found myself in a heavily wooded area on an overgrown path I didn’t recognize.

“I can't believe that I'm lost... I usually have a good sense of direction too!” I complained, shoving my hands in my black jeans. “I can't believe this is happening...” More of my complaining was cut off by a small buzzing coming from the hood of my jacket. “And this WHATEVER IT IS won't be QUIET!” I slapped the spot in the hopes that it would finally shut up. “AUGH. It's times like these that I wish that I had a GPS... Or at least a magical spirit guide. That'd be better than nothing.” My stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten since the early morning. I sat down by a large tree, hoping to get my bearings when a slight drip caught my attention. I was about to examine it when the clash of thunder and the skies opened up, a torrential downpour starting. Great. This just can’t get any worse, can it?


Genesis’ POV-

Right when we arrived, a terrible storm started. Thankfully we were safe at the camp where a few other SOLDIER members were along with the Turks, but all I could think about what how Kagami might be caught outside in it as well.
Tseng pulled out a map and pointed to a spot rather far off. “Here is where we lost Kagami's signal.”

It looked too far away for her to have been just taking a simple walk. “What was she doing out there?”

“One of the Thrid-Classes had fallen ill. She was going to make a trip to the nearby village, saying she knew the leader there.” He explained.

Ever-fathering Angeal wasn’t too happy with that. “So you let her go ALONE?!”

“Not exactly. Reno and Rude were watching from the skies and we had the tracking chip on her. We kept an eye on her.”

“Obviously not well enough.” I turned away to look outside and crossed my arms.

“We are doing everything we can to find her safely.”

Frustrated that they weren’t thinking well enough, I pointed to the map and tried to keep my voice calm. “This is where the signal was lost, correct?” I moved my finger along the map, tracing the various marked paths. “There is a small hunting path here. Kagami's a smart girl; she wouldn’t stray off the path, especially since she was going to a village.” I took a deep breath. “Post people along the path to the village and keep a lookout in the sky for her when it clears up. Send someone to the village itself in case she made it there before or during the storm.”

Tseng nodded and began ordering people as I asked. “Angeal,” I kept my voice low. “You should stay here so that if she comes back, someone she knows will greet her.”

“What about you, Genesis?”

Already knowing what was going to happen, I walked to the entrance of the camp. “I'm going to look for her.”

I ignored his protests and kept walking. If Kagami was anywhere, she was outside and I couldn’t just sit around waiting. A gut feeling told me she was somewhere and needed my help. The only problem was where?