Kagami’s POV-

It seemed the world hated me at this point. Nothing I was doing was helping me out. My breath came out in ragged gasps and my side hurt like hell. The only thing I could do was keep my hood up and curled in a ball, praying that someone, anyone would find me soon.

I tried to sigh and it didn’t really work. “I wonder when someone will find me...if they find me...” I weakly spoke, knowing that no one would hear me. “Genesis... I hope you're alright, at least-” My entire body shook with more of my hacking. “Aaaaah, I wonder if this is how I'm going to die. Sick and injured in a rainstorm under a tree.” I weakly smiled and tried to keep my hand pressed to my side. “I was hoping to last just a little bit longer...”

Underneath the sounds of the rainstorm, I heard the familiar sound of a branch being broken. Trying my best to shout, I hoarsely yelled out and in response, a dark shadow began walking toward me.

Fearing the worst, I shivered again and pressed myself against the wood, begging to be harmed, but the shadow kept coming closer, faster. My vision began fading and I could feel myself fading in and out, only to catch glimpses of red, blue and brown until I finally saw nothing.


Genesis’ POV-

Angeal and Tseng were worriedly waiting for my return hours later when I finally came back, carrying my wounded goddess in my arms, covered in blood and unconscious, not responding to anything.

I set her down gently on a small cot nearby while ignoring all the pressing questions around me and concentrating only on her.

My heart stopped when she dazedly opened her eyes. “Genesis…” She looked around wearily and I could almost not hear her angelic voice. “Am I...dead?” She weakly smiled. “Because you....aren't be here....”

I gently took her pale, ice cold hand and put it against my face, reassuring her she was still alive and with us. “You're not dead, Kagami.”

“That's funny...” She laughed a bit and looked back up. “I thought I was...” Her smile faded and she paused, thinking her words over. “Genesis... do me a favor... If I die... please, promise me one thing...”

I wouldn’t hear it. I wouldn’t let her die. Ever. “You won't die. Not by a simple fever.”

“No, not by that...” She stared off for a bit and then brought herself back, tears in her eyes and gently pulled me closer. “Promise me, Genesis... That you'll...” My eyes widened when I heard her next words. “keep living.” With a final shudder, my goddess was gone from me.

I didn’t want to believe it. I gently said her name with no response. Nervously laughing I tried again. “Come on, Kagami, I know you’re tired but please don’t joke like that...” Still no response. My hands were shaking when I gently pressed my fingers to her wrist, checking for her pulse.


“No…” I breathed, letting her hand go and stepping back, dread in my heart. “No… it can’t be…”

I was deaf to anyone else speaking and ran outside, just wanting to run away, but memoires of her kept flashing in my mind in time with the lighting. Every cold raindrop was another smile of hers I would never see again and every boom of thunder was another moment of laughter that I would never hear. One question poisoned my entire being.


I stopped my meaningless sprinting and found myself where I had finally found her; where my hope was reignited only to die in the rainfall.

And I didn’t even get to say good-bye…