Genesis' POV-

I woke up early the next morning with my greatest love kissing me. Not a bad experience, if I do say so myself. It was a little strange, as usually I'm the one making the first move. But I'm not complaining. I mean, it's not like she was doing anything else to me. In fact, it was rather nice. The kiss wasn't forceful or passionate, it was soft and caring. Like she was thanking me.

"Good morning, Genesis." She brushed back some of my bangs and kissed me on the forehead.

"Good morning, Kagami." I smiled and took her hand. "That must have been a first for you." I traced her heart line on her palm.

"Who ever said that I couldn't have a bit of fun every once in a while?"

Loud noises and yelling erupted outside. "What is a crowd doing up so early in the morning?" I rubbed my eyes as Kagami went over to investigate.


"What is it?" I sat up.

"It's a mob. They have weapons and are heading for the reactor." She sighed a heaving sigh and sat back down next to me. "Looks like we will actually have to do some work."

Wrapping my arms around her, I commented "How bothersome."

More loud noise, except for this time, a large banging on the door and Tseng's irritating voice from the other side.

"Kagami. Wake up. We have a problem." Then he did the most forbidden act of all. He just opened the door with the intention of seeing Kagami in whatever state she was in.

Totally unfazed by this, Kagami merely said "Well, this is awkward."

"What were you two doing?"

I don't usually glare, but this time I almost lit his face on fire with a death glower and rage seeped into every syllable I said. "We WERE talking until YOU barged in and INTERUPTED us."

"Now, now Genesis. No need to get mad." Kagami chastised me. "Tseng didn't know you were here, so naturally he wouldn't care."

Still pissed with this whole situation, I gripped Kagami even tighter. "He still came in without caring about the state you could have been in. For all he knew, you could have been undressing and seen you at your most exposed!"

"That's more 'worst-case senario' than I would have thought." As if knowing that a small token of her love would stop my anger, she kissed me on the cheek. "But that's now what happened, now is it? You can get mad when that sort of thing happens, just not now, alright? Good, now Tseng," She turned to the Turk with a smile that I knew had every inch of it filled with malice. "If I find out that word of my affair with Genesis got out, let's just say that there will be one less Turk in the world and your head will be missing from your body. Excellent. Tseng, leave. Genesis, I'll see you in a second, okay~?"

After Kagami threw us out, I didn't back off from glaring at Tseng who for some reason couldn't look me in the eyes.


Kagami's POV-

I walked out of my room wearing capri cargos, a red tank-top and my two necklaces and see - guess who? - Genesis. Death glaring Tseng like he really would fall over dead.

"It's great to see no one has died yet, that's for sure." I nervously laughed, desperately aiming for a lighter mood. Tseng just walked away. "Impatience to the max. Wait, Genesis, you didn't change?"

"No. I was too busy glaring at him."

I sighed. "Can't you just let that go already?"

"It will take a while."

I sighed again. "Fine." I took Genesis' hand, pulled him down to my level, and completely took him by surprise by locking lips with him. "It looks like I'll have to make you."

Gen just smirked. "Make me do what, exactly?" He leaned in for another, but I swiftly put my hand up and stopped him.

"Ah, ah, ah. No kissing me until you forgive Tseng."

"Oh, please," Genesis rolled his eyes and gave me another smirk while pressing further. "As if you can keep that."

"But I can. Remember, I can do really anything I want." One little spell-ball summoned, check. "I am a first-class mage after all."

"So what would that spell entail, hm?" Genesis, you are an idiot at the worst of times.

"Easy." I gently put the glowing spell on his lips. "You will want to kiss me even more than usual, that's Part A. Part B is that the spell will prevent you from doing so. It's like being starving and surrounded by food, but unable to eat any of it at all. It will lift when you forgive Tseng."

"You know I don't believe in your magic." Leaning in again, he actually stopped himself from kissing me. It looked like the spell actually worked. It was actually almost entertaining to watch him try and figure out why the hell he couldn't kiss me. In a way, this was a punishment not only for him, but for me also. I mean, I love it when he holds me and when he kisses me, but still, he has to know when to be civilized and diciplined. And yet the entire time, it sucked.


Genesis' POV-

The three of us eventually made it to the cave where the reactor was without any deaths. However, I was none to happy with having to hide behind some rocks with Tseng (even though I enjoyed being with Kagami).

"That's one helluva crowd..." She whistled.

"You ready to step in?" Tseng asked, and she flashed an overconfident smile and ran off to settle whatever was going on.

Heh heh heh... I might be stubborn, Kagami, but I know how to get what I want. I mentally told to her while about to get Tseng's attention.

Somehow, he already knew that. "What is it?"

"Well, actually..." I began, being sincere for once because I knew that if I wasn't, the spell wouldn't be lifted. "I wanted so say I'm sorry for this morning."

"Is that all? Then it's alright. I understand." Score!

Kagami came walking back right on time. "Tseng! Genesis! All settled~!"

He began asking Kagami various questions about the riot that I didn't pay attention to. What I did pay attention to was that it was about taxation of all things. Not that I really cared; it was for the President to take care of, not me or Kagami.

I can't wait until she finds out what I did. A "I know something you don't" grin slid onto my lips.

"Tseng, why don't you go on ahead. I need to talk to Genesis." Once he left, that was my cue.

"What aren't you telling me?" Kagami crossed her arms and gave a small adorable pout.

"Oh, nothing~." I teased, turning to her still with my grin, and pulled her close.

Her smile showed she had no idea. "Don't forget, you still can't-" Getting impatient with all this chit-chat, I couldn't help but cut her off with a kiss. But not one she was used to. Oh, no. It was time to turn up the heat.

Feverishly, I nipped at her bottom lip, asking for entrance which she wouldn't give at first. Noticing that she was having a hard time breathing, I let her take a quick breath, taking my chance to slip my tongue into her sweet, warm mouth and throw her into ecstasy, groaning my name when we'd pause to take a breath, but only to launch into another kiss. Knowing her, she might yell at me later, but I had a feeling that she wouldn't have minded what I did.