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Does this count as studying?

Tue Jun 16, 2009, 3:48 PM

* Mood: Panic
* Listening to: "I Walk Alone"-Oleander

I've been reading up on the rule of thirds and colour theory and what attracts people and the like. I feel like one of those people that are paid to find out what's "hip and cool" in the "teen scene"; I've been looking up what colours attract teens and patterns and whatever else I could link together--all to find out how to make a good cover for the comic that can attract those silly people at Chibi-Pa this September.

Here's the thing: I only like researching and studying when it interests me. Who doesn't? That's why I want to majour in art and psychology; they're related anyway. Plus, it's great for comicking-you learn what your audience likes and doesn't like. I'm proud of my notes =D

Almost everyone knows about my fear of vacuum cleaners. Well, it was thundering big this afternoon(just ended a couple minutes ago) and I looked up thunder on Wikipedia to know more about 'em. Well, now I know why I don't like thunder either--vacuum related =(

Ok, I'm off for more research!! Mo, I need to lineart the main part of the cover and send it to V-I'm still working on the background. Cal, nothing for you to correct yet.

