Usually I take pride in the fact I say whatever my mind conjure up, whether or not it's mean. My personality is similar to a cat on acid, so I tend to get away with it; but today I felt really mean...and I'mma do it again, with no *massive* intended harm:
Take no offense to you "dark" kids out there,'re not an emo. You have no dark mysterious life out there and most kids with real problems are taking it waaaay better than you are. They may wear American Eagle clothes or clothes from Good Will(and not because they think it's the shit nowadays, but because they need to). Most don't congregate in a section of the school next to other "dark/emo" kids.
Emo isn't a lifestyle...personally it's just a way to dress that's been copied by almost every teenager that listens to some form of alternative rock. So don't go rolling your eyes or say "ugh" every time you hear someone insult your "usual spot" by calling it "the place where all the people that think they're emo gather", because that's what it me it's a graveyard of lost souls because the majourity of those kids are usually in middle school or fresh out of the place looking for a way to define themselves when in fact with every dyed-black/blonde-cut-and-straightened haircut and skinny jeans make you look just like everyone else-and you pro'ly act like it too. I miss when I wasn't labeled "emo" or "scene" or "poser" when I listen to music or dyed my hair or just happened to wear my plaid stuff that day-you're giving me a bad name =(
Sorry for that, that's been on my mind all day D=< My "son"'s(long story) friend asked where he was and I said "I dunno". As she left I said "I thought he was over where the emo kids are" then corrected myself by saying "where the kids that think they're emo are" and she let out an "ugh" and caught some eye-rolling...doesn't help that my son claims he's emo, too...see? I'm a bitch-shut up Jenni DX
PS-those raccoon-like dyed stripes on your hair are ugly *razor cut*