My name is Samantha and I usually go by Sami. I'm a total dork, crazy and random. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome ^_~
Some facts about me:
My birthday is December 21, 1991.
My parents are divorced, and I just refer to my dad as Donnie. And sometimes my mom as Sherry, depends on if we're fighting or not.
I have a younger sister and an older sister. My younger sister used to have an account on theO but she has abandoned us XD
I live in Ohio.
I'm a Christian.
I've had problems with depression so occasionally things can get a little dark here. But I'm doing much better now.
I go to an AMAZING church. I can't get there very often, but I go whenever I can.
I do not have a boyfriend as of yet. But I'm in the market ;p
I am very random. VERY. Crazy and I love it. So be prepared ^^
I like to write fanfics and random stories. I have a fanfic on my other world and it will be finished eventually, I swear!! Just... Don't hold your breath, ne?
I love music.
I've been home schooled since the tenth grade and recently graduated high school.
I have a kitty named Artemis. He's my baby and he's what helped me through my depression the most.
I babysit and I like to talk about the baby and post pictures because while I may not have the "math gene" I definitely got a double dose of the "mothering gene."
My email is [email protected] if you want to email me. Please do, because I never get email. BUT ABSOLUTELY NO CHAIN MAIL!!!

i'm going to have to hurt somebody.

my thoughts on death note on saturday:
1. i heart matt's voice ^^
2. i heart matt's car
3. i heart matt in general XD
4. screw the anime, he's a redhead!

now that that's out of my system, you can probably tell from my title that i'm pissed. well, some [insert words i'm not allowed to say here] on the road saturday night tried to kill my uncle. my uncle and cousin were both leaving my house in seperate cars and this idiot hit the back of my cousin's car twice for no reason! the babies weren't in there thank God. so this guy sees my uncle writing down his plate, and rammed him into a freaking tree! if he hadn't been in the car he was in, he would have been killed. then this guy drove home, called the cops and said my cousin hit HIM! my uncle went to the emergency room and got x rays but he's ok. now let's focus on his car: it's a dune buggy, completely one of a kind, cannot be replaced. the engine is intact so he can get a new body and put the engine in it but he will never get his buggy back. which means the insurance company will also be pissed. the cops wrote it up as attempted vehicular homicide. but here's what gets me: THEY DIDN'T ARREST HIM. he's going to be in the paper in like two days for having killed someone, i guarantee you.
on to happier things. me and b-chan were texting (like always) last night and, as we usually do, we put random anime characters into our conversation, cuz we're cool like that XDD usually it's matt from death note. she pointed out to me that matt's the third smartest kid at wammy's and we make him seem dim, which is true XD but i came up with a little argument between matt and haruka, which b-chan enjoyed so i thought I'd put it up here.
b-chan: *said something about our previous morbid conversation being matt's fault*
haruka: it always is.
mett: well you're the one who scarred me for life when i was 8.
haruka: you mean the dragging you by the pants thing?
matt: you completely screwed me up as a kid.
haruka: so you steal cars and smoke because i dragged you down the hall by your pants one time? i don't buy it.
matt: and all the times i had to fix you computer! how many times can a laptop break in one day?
haruka: apparently six.
and that was where my brain shut off ^_^ i'll probably be putting up more short scenes soon, i have two already written and i'm working on another one.
crap have to start school.

Today's Random Thought: The police never think it's as funny as you do.


it just hit me that it's friday. SO GLAD!!!
i only have 7 days of school left. which means i have finals soon... meep o.o
there's a hannah montana marathon on disney channel -_- not that i don't like her, i do, she's a great singer (anyone that bashes her may get punched. you have been warned) but four and a half hours? that's enough to melt anyone's brain.
i put a new picture up today. comments are much appreciated ^_^ i have this one picture that just will not upload. i don't kow why. i'll probably try to put it up again tomorrow so we'll see.
i see my therapist in four days, yay. i can't wait to meet her, my mom said she was awesome.
speaking of my mom, the summer craziness continues. she keeps getting in my closet and rearranging my clothes. i like my clothes the way they are thank you very much. she hasn't touched my drawings though, thank goodness. but i get the feeling it's only a matter of time. i'm very particular about my drawings. i want them in a certain order in a certain spot and God help whoever messes them up because they might not live to see the morning. my sister once got water all over one of my pictures and i flipped out. it dried and was fine, but i think she was afraid for her life, as well she should have been.
people at church are still trying to get me to go to camp. i don't know how many more ways i can say no before they just shut up. i told my youth pastor to stop asking, so he did, but everyone else is still bugging me about it and leaving stuff in my truth box on myspace. they keep saying stuff like "get over your social phobia." uh, i can't, it's not something you just get over. you get over breathing and then we'll talk. my mom told my youth pastor that i'm not going though so maybe he'll get them to stop or something. cuz at this point it's just pissing me off, which isn't good for anyone.
me and b-chan were talking about my childhood the other night and trying to decide if donnie should be in jail or not XD sadly the answer was no. even though me and my sister were neglected when we stayed with him, it wasn't bad enough to warrant an arrest unfortunately. quite a conversation for 3 n the morning.
is this post as long as i think it is? making up for the past few days i guess lol.

Today's Random Thought: I play air guitar for an air band.

warning: sappiness ahead

let the sappiness begin: i just wanted to thank everybody for all the nice comments and well wishes from my last few posts when i've been so upset. it honestly makes my day ^_^ so thank you.
end of sappiness.
i wasn't going to post today but i randomly decided to, so i don't have much to say lol. i have no tests today, whoo! finals are coming up, i'm terrified.
my legs hurt, which is weird. everything's still kind of out of whack cuz i'm not sleeping though. but i did sleep pretty good last night though. went to sleep around 1:30 or 2 and didn't wake up till this morning. so that's an improvement i guess.
my mom met with my therapist yesterday and told her basically our family history lol. she told her about how i was in counseling and the therapist wanted to know how often and when my mom told her once a month, she sgreed with me that my old counseler (i know that's not spelled right >_

crap. part of my post is gone, thanks for telling me. it was basically, she agreed with me that the other lady was crazy. and then the random thought, which is:
Today's Random Thought: Yes you have the right to your opinion, and I have the right to think you're stupid.

i refuse to think of a title

again, i didn't sleep last night. i'm never going to sleep again T_T my grandma woke me up this morning and when she left the room i rolled over and went back to sleep just because i could XD i'm tired but can't sleep, and i'm getting headaches and sometimes stomachaches, and i just plain don't feel good. i think all the stress right now is making my body freak out on me.
i tried to put up a picture yesterday but it wouldn't let me again. *crosses arms* i'll probably try again later today.
i think i had a weird dream last night, but i can't remember it. i hate that, i almost never remember my dreams.
i've been on a songfic kick lately lol. i wrote one yesterday and one the day before. but i probably won't post them, they're not that good =/
my mom goes to meet with my therapist today, and my appointment is a week from yesterday. i wish it were sooner.
that's pretty much all i have to say for now, pretty short post =/

Today's Random Thought: I think, therefore I am confused.

how long have i been gone?

what's it been, four days since i posted? feels like forever. i meant to post yesterday but it wasn't such a good day for me, father's day and all. my mom wanted me to go to church but i knew everything would be centered around father's day and i really don't think i could have taken it. i begged her not to make me go and she said i had to and then i cried >_< i didn't mean to but it worked, so whatever.
and i don't think today's going to be very good either because it happens to be exactly one month from when i told the guy i like how i felt and he said he just wanted to be friends.
so yeah, i'm just not in a real good mood. but i checked my email and had one from my friend janet so that cheered me right up ^_^ she won't call me by my real name, which i think is funny. she calls me by my "internet name" asuka. janet is the kind of person who could sit and tell stories for hours and you'd never get bored, because she has been EVERYWHERE. she lived in pakistan!
i had a very weird dream the other night. i was pregnant. it's been a while since i've had a dream like that lol. i woke up and was like "...what?!" except that after that the dream changed and my mom was getting married to some guy that i didn't like. so that part sucked.
my mom still wants to date. and i've noticed that she always goes for guys with kids. donnie already had my older half sister, my neighbor's son has a kids, and the guy at church she likes has a son that i'm friends with, which is not awkward at all *heavy sarcasm*
crap, i only have four minutes until i have to start school because i got woken up late, AGAIN, so i better wrap this up.

Today's Random Thought: One does not simply walk into WalMart. There is evil there that does not sleep.