No Deposit. No Return; Part Two

Continued From: No Deposit. No Return

While in Karakura, Kisuke along with Tessai walked down the street headed back to the shop from picking up more supplies. Tessai stopped walking as well as Kisuke as they both turned looking behind them. There above town the sky was torn open as they watched swarms of hollows ascend down on Karakura. They looked to one another and sighed heavily.

“Here we go again,” Kisuke said.

“He will never give up until he has what he wants.” Tessai replied.

Kisuke looked back toward the gargantas opening his eyes focusing there. He saw, but barely, Aizen and three others the hollows still poured out. Shaking his head he took one step forward as Tessai heard him say.

“We got work to do,” Kisuke then flashed step and was gone. Off to stop the hollows Aizen had released on town.

Continued To: The Search
