“Clothes, shoes, accessories, knickknacks? Where to first?” She asked him as she stepped up beside him as they walked out on to the sidewalk.
Then Tsukiro got a crazy idea into his head. He smirked, "let's go to a toy store. Or a mall with one in it."
“OOOO!” Kita exclaimed grabbing his hand again. “Toy r’ Us!” She bolted off still holding Tsukiro’s hand dang near pulling him off his feet.
Tsukiro laughed as he almost tripped from Kita dragging him away again. It seemed they were doing a lot of that today. "Ok. Off to the nearest Toys r Us!"
Kita hurried along a few blocks down the road from where they were. When the Toys r’ Us sign came into sight. Kita released Tsukiro’s hand and gave him a side glance. “Last one there is a rotten egg!”
Kita then took off like someone set the dogs on a cat.
Tsukiro was left standing in the dust for a moment. Then he snapped out of it and chased after her. However, he only trailed behind her. She was faster and had him beat to the doors by several seconds.
He huffed, slightly winded, "Jeeze you're fast. And you cheated!"
Kita giggled resting her hand to his back. “Did not. You just were not on your toes.” She poked him in the ribs. “Got to be ready for anything. Remember?”
Tsukiro laughed and shook his head. Then he grabbed her hand again and they walked in together. "With you, I'm not sure I can keep up."
Holding his hand once more Kita replied. “Think light on your feet.” She giggled softly as they walked in Toys r’ Us.