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Hello there, this is Katana, also known as Kat in some circles. I'm your friendly neighborhood twenty-two-year-old illustrator/writer whose sarcasm is second to none and harboring the ability to verbalize the parentheses in stories. I drink coffee and draw like an addict and am liable to get you into things that I like. Currently the wielder of a BFA in Illustration and a minor in English.

Questions? Comments? Death threats? Feel free to PM or message me in some iteration. I'm always around, you just don't know it.

"Some of the great artists of our time started off by doodling in class. ...Maybe. Oh heck I dunno."
- Miss Anonymous

Insert frustrated face

I went with Waffuru's advice and picked up a power cord on eBay for thereabouts of $16. Not bad considering what I shelled out that one time in the past.

The thing shipped on Wednesday from New Jersey, and the buyer gave me a mail stalking tracking number. Cool. Check it yesterday, and at 11am it was basically about 30 minutes away from here at the post office for the area of like, my brother and sister-in-law. Oh, okay, that means I'll have it on Satur - NO, NO I DON'T.


Melodrama! Man, this is starting to sound like redj's site but worse because I'm not even in school... :D

I can still do everything, but damn if I don't miss Piers. Oh, when I say "everything", I basically mean "I can still come to Movie Sign" and stuff. Yeap, my priorities are really high up there.

Speaking of priorities, I have negated to mention (due to a finicky laptop) that I am now done with my first year in college! Finished Tuesday night with my Drawing 2 final (a preview of sorts you can see here) and as Terumi and I were leaving class, we were intercepted by our friends Jamie and Arturo.

"You wanna go get tacos?!"
"Uh, why?"
"It's Taco Tuesday! 8D"

So we grabbed our other friend, Johnnie, and loaded up in Art's car and got tacos. Or rather, Mexican food. Then we wanted ice cream, or at least Jamie and I did, so we went to Wal-Mart and all bought random ice cream. We came back to campus and parked in one of the commuter lots, since such is where Johnnie's car is, and ended up drawing with chalk pastels on the block of concrete were motorcycles/bikes are designated.

Then we did things like climb on stuff and try not to fall off of Johnnie's longboard and going to the art building at midnight because I really don't know why.

Wednesday involved lots of me not packing but instead coloring a picture (which I'll post once I get Piers back). And then eating dinner. And then loading up my car with some stuff while Terumi helped and kept me company and learned far too much about me. That girl, I swear.

Thursday was "AHHH I HAVE TO PACK" day, meaning my dorm room was a mess as I furiously packed and took things off the walls (sad!) and cleaned (holy SNAP so much dust). I guilt tripped Jiaqi and Terumi into helping me move stuff down to my parents' car, using the method of "I've given you ALL THOSE CAR RIDES and never asked for money..." Once packed, the parentals left, we ate one last dinner in the dining hall, and I was off.

Agh so much to unpack. @___@

Worked last night, shall work tonight. Boo. It was busy as hell last night. Ah well. Tip money, I needed you very very badly. As in "Oh crap I ran out of my last dollar on Wednesday" badly. (I think I was running on two or three bucks for about a week.)

Next weekend is ACen WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN. I'm going to be a little less into cosplay this year, still sporting the Maya costume but not with a wig because I'm finding it hard to justify that money right now. I also want to be able to change into street clothes, a.) because I'm driving, b.) because I want to.

Shiiiii I have to make a Conventionist post...

Oh, and of random note, I can pull my hair back into a ponytail for the first time since, like, sixth grade. ...AHH WAS IT REALLY THAT LONG AGO?! It's a very very stubby one, but I did it yesterday because of work. I think I'll be playing with this to create a sort-of Maya look. xD

On the gauntlet for this week: Fingerpuppet!'gome, last minute touches on the cosplay (I want to make a little magatama earring :B), visiting the high school kids.

Woe in the final stretch

Piers's power cord is acting up again, but this time it's something totally different...uh, well, as totally different as a problem can be when it's still a problem with the power cord.

The damn thing is overheating. The cord, that is. And not even that block unit, but the head that connects into the lappy. It is overheating like crazy. I plug it in, and it'll build a charge (though that's now a bit shoddy, and I have a few suspect reasons why) before it stops charging completly. Once taken out, the metal is frying hot, as is the port where it got plugged in.

So I've been running on Power Saver, even putting my fan to the area in vain attempts to get it to keep cool. But it might be in its final legs of that solution working.

The unit itself isn't overheating. The unit is functioning just fine. It's just that input that's getting fracking hot.

In the meantime, I've resorted to not using the lappy as much as possible and hopping onto whatever computer/laptop I can hijack. Isn't working out that badly. But unless someone maybe has a suggestion, I'll be calling up the place of order and being like "Hey. :|"

A drama llama day

(Warning, strong language in this post.) So yesterday was, ah, interesting, and involved an event that I ever so casually just decided to drop into the description on one of my recent art pieces. Cool stuff. To sum it up, I...

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Tweetaku 2

You know what I've realized? I can probably do a really rocking 4th Doctor cosplay. I've got the hair for it.

Hmm, now just for everything else...

Tweetaku 1

Posts that would be Twitter updates if they could be, or are really just more Twitter material. (Idea partially ganked from Missy and Ducky.)

From reading Hi-Fructose vol. 14 (art magazine, need it for 3D class):

"Drawing is pure language. The written word is simply little drawings we all agree describe ideas and sounds. Those letters make up bigger drawings that we sound out to make words. Every time you write your name you make a drawing. This interview is, in one sense, a collaborative drawing between the two of us.

"Drawing is a great way to understand something better. You can figure out how to make something work by making a drawing. When I figured out that drawing was something you could do standing up, and that it could come from the shoulder as well as the wrist, my whole world changed. I loved that drawing could be a physical activity. My drawings became much more expression when I began standing up to draw. I don't want to get too romantic about it but it became like a dance with the paper, or maybe a duel is more appropriate. Some days you dance the with the page, often you fight it out."

- Keil Johnson, Publish or Perish