Rock beats skull every time

It's been a few weeks since I've made a real post, and I have a buttload of stuff to go over. I'll break this down into various sections and pages and etc.

And after two hours of writing...HERE IT IS!

University life has been pretty cool. Been going to classes, been getting things done. I've had two exams so far - Music 220 and Stats 208. Aced the music, got a B on the Stats, and I'm doing well.

Also been doodling a helluva lot. If you've nabbed me on Facebook, then you know. And there's also the stuff you haven't seen because a.) I'm too lazy to scan them, b.) they're not good enough to post, c.) I don't want you to see them due to various reasons, or d.) teachers are holding my sketchbooks hostage. I doodle in my sketchbooks too! During class! During art class! Ohhh it's bad.

I've also established my group as far as art goes. Really, the only class you interact with others is art, and Art 102 is my big one. That's the class I love, the design class, and the professor is just awesome. Blaine's awesome. Blaine, you're awesome.

My group consists of four girls, all Illustration majors. XD I'm the Vis Comm major, I have the design sense, and they just go crazy with the class. There's Lindsey, who I also have Art 100 with and is my buttmonkey. Jiaqi and Terumi came in a pair; Jiaqi is very quiet but quite adorable while Terumi is like me except cannot win arguments. Then there's Rebecca, who is sort of like, a bit cleaner than the rest of us. I don't know how else to put it. >>;

Thursday night, after class (8:40), we hiked up to my car and went to Steak 'n Shake. As I am the one with the vehicle, I got to use various threat, such as "You want to WALK back to Neptune?" and variations thereof. It was good.

I have a large disdain for Art 100. This is my drawing class. And it's not because of the material, which is stuff I did when I was 14, but it's because of the teacher. We call her B² because those are her initials and we cannot prounce her name. "We" meaning myself and Lindsey of course. Anyway, she's a graduate student, and it's just...argh. Frustrating.

I gave a mock-tour of the art building on Friday morning, and I only missed one thing on the checklist (because I thought it wasn't important to know). The boys did worse, and Don was mad at me, and I'm just really excited it went well. xD

So that's been school! Let me re-heat my coffee and we'll go on down with the Cinematic Titanic reports, plus the verdict from my family on Kastom.