Well, I'd like to think I'm am tyring to draw again, but really all I'm doing is thinking about drawing again and looking over my old stuff. Ah... I love looking over my stories because then it makes me think about what could happen next. First and foremost, though, that pain in my ass, Wings has been getting on me about a request that he wanted. Honestly, I'd be more inclined to draw it if he weren't so pushy... =^~^= I'm doing it anyway. I need to push myself, in a way. All I really want to do is draw hot guys... ALL DAY EVERY DAY!
But I need to do other things, too. So I've been thinking of stuff I can draw and I have a few ideas. *hugs Tifa-chan* =^_^= *throws a cookie to I.AM.MANGA.*
Also, I had an idea for a fan manga. It'd be Gintama-based. I already have the title and the general plot set up in my mind, but I'm wondering if I should. I want to, though. It'd be a change of pace, because I'm always manking original works and haven't done much actual fan stuff. That's another thing. I'm thinking I should do more FAN art of actual existing works. I don't do enough of that, either. It may explain why I don't have as much exposure that I'd like here. People notice character that they're familiar with before they notice original works unless they're really breathtaking. And even if I create something really breathtaking, it doesn't help unless the right people see it. So, I figure, why not lure people in with familiar faces, then they'd be more inclined to look at some of my other work, perhaps.
Yet another masterful ramble. =^_^= Basically, to sum it up, I've got art on the brain. I'm trying to get what's in my head on paper, because it's all bursting to come up from being bottled up so long. Schoolwork's made it difficult for me to do anything, but since I on't have to work on a presentation for a while, I may have a little more free time. However, there are still 4 other classes to account for. I'll try my best to get back into the swing of things, k? =^_^=
Until next time. *blows kisses to everyone* (I've been getting a few Ouran High School Host Club episodes... =^_^=)