Well, I'd like to think I'm am tyring to draw again, but really all I'm doing is thinking about drawing again and looking over my old stuff. Ah... I love looking over my stories because then it makes me think about what could happen next. First and foremost, though, that pain in my ass, Wings has been getting on me about a request that he wanted. Honestly, I'd be more inclined to draw it if he weren't so pushy... =^~^= I'm doing it anyway. I need to push myself, in a way. All I really want to do is draw hot guys... ALL DAY EVERY DAY!
But I need to do other things, too. So I've been thinking of stuff I can draw and I have a few ideas. *hugs Tifa-chan* =^_^= *throws a cookie to I.AM.MANGA.*
Also, I had an idea for a fan manga. It'd be Gintama-based. I already have the title and the general plot set up in my mind, but I'm wondering if I should. I want to, though. It'd be a change of pace, because I'm always manking original works and haven't done much actual fan stuff. That's another thing. I'm thinking I should do more FAN art of actual existing works. I don't do enough of that, either. It may explain why I don't have as much exposure that I'd like here. People notice character that they're familiar with before they notice original works unless they're really breathtaking. And even if I create something really breathtaking, it doesn't help unless the right people see it. So, I figure, why not lure people in with familiar faces, then they'd be more inclined to look at some of my other work, perhaps.
Yet another masterful ramble. =^_^= Basically, to sum it up, I've got art on the brain. I'm trying to get what's in my head on paper, because it's all bursting to come up from being bottled up so long. Schoolwork's made it difficult for me to do anything, but since I on't have to work on a presentation for a while, I may have a little more free time. However, there are still 4 other classes to account for. I'll try my best to get back into the swing of things, k? =^_^=
Until next time. *blows kisses to everyone* (I've been getting a few Ouran High School Host Club episodes... =^_^=)
I'll be starting my Junior year of college on August 25! I'm looking forward to this semester. Probably because there's no Physics involved! Whee! *zooms around the room* I have my books except for one which was misordered, so I have to wait for the new book to come in.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I have a date! Well... I don't know if you could call it a date, persay, but a guy I like is coming over to hang out with me tomorrow! In case you don't read myO, I call him Stretch (not to him, just on here...). He expressed interest in me, but the problem is, he's not sure if he wants to ask me out or not. I don't exactly know what the problem is, but if there's a chance, I'd like to take it! =^_^= I sorta had a small crush on him in high school, so when he told me he liked me, I couldn't really believe it. *lack of confidence shows through* But I've got to be a little more confident and a little more positive. =^_^=
I'm also happy becaus I'm applying for a job at the video store by my house and I think I have a pretty good chance! I have to wait for my callback, but the manager of the place said definitely to expect one! The interview is up to me, but I feel I'll do just fine! I may get a little nervous, but that's to be expected. I could use the money and the convenience. Plus, I think it'd be awesome to work in a video store for my first job. The employees there seems laid back, which seems pretty good to me. I wouldn't want a job with a lot of hussle and bustle anyway. I like things pretty simple most of the time. =^_^= Though I act contrary to what I want because it seems I complicate things a lot! Onoz! =OoO= Lol I'm crossing my fingers here. Wish me luck! =^v^=
I'm sorta slooooooooowly working on the next page of FTL. I drew it and left it sitting there for a little bit, then I inked one part, then more, so I guess that means I only have a little bit left to ink, but thn there's the editing. =>.O= Yeah... my mojo don't go-go when it should sometimes... that's no good. =o_o=
Well, that's all for this rant. See y'all next rant!
Lessee... I've uploaded some more stuff over the last week. I put up a couple of Kitty Days pages and two filled requests. Both of them are Death Note related. I think they turned out pretty good. I can't help feeling I might be missing something.
All I know is, I suddenly have the urge to make some original wallpapers and push past my limits even more to make something that'll really catch people's attention and get me on the front page. I probably shouldn't try so hard, but I get so anxious when I think about improving myself and get new ideas in my head. It makes me feel good to hear what people have to say about my stuff. Even if what they say is criticism, I'm still happy because not only are they looking at my work thoroughly, but they are giving me advice so that I can get better. I think of it as training. =^^= Still, I'm really anxious because I want to get even more people to see me work and read my manga.
On that note, if you would like to ask for a request, I'd be more than happy to do my best for you. =^^= *singing "She works hard for the money"* Lol
Scholarship stuff has been taken care of and should be out of the way, so I've started drawing the next page of Fear to Love. The end of that manga is close at hand, seeing as how it was only meant to be a short story. I think that Ukeshi and Tokeko are my favorite characters at this point in my life. I created them shortly after I had lost another manga that I had been working on, called "Blood Pact." After I had moped for a while, I finally said, "I can't just sit around here and mournthe loss of my manga forever. I can always make more manga!" So then, Fear to Love was born out of the thinking process that followed. Basically, it starte with the thought that I should make a comic about something that I'm afraid of, so that it doesn't seem as scary. I'd always been terrified of spiders, so thus, I made a spider-boy. He is my absolute favorite character to draw. He's funny, adorable, and hot all at the same time. (Around that time, long silver hair was my ideal. I still have a thing for silver hair) He's just really fun to draw and it's almost like I can actually feel his life when I look at my work. He is the most living character that I have made to date. I also enjoy drawing Kevin, the guy in the library. Even though he hasn't been in it much so far, there's a secret about Kevin that will be revealed before the story is done. And that secret is... he's a Martian! Lol, no j/k... You can guess what it is until I get to it. =^_^= Who knows? Maybe somebody will get it right.
I'll be super happy once I've finished it, but I'll also be sad to see it end.
Hope you guys stick with me to the end of it, and even after for my other two manga: Kitty Days and Full Curse. Until next time friends. I wish you all well!
*poof and disappear*
Well, I'm back at college (of course, not at the moment...). I think my Spring Break was worse then going to classes. I got a headache every day except Thursday. Plus, I got really sad at the end of it, feeling useless and like I'm not doing anythin constructive with my life. =-_-;= I thought I could cheer myself up by watching Howl's Moving Castle on Sunday when it came on the CN, but my bf called and wanted to talk (I told him repeatedly that I wanted to watch the movie!) So I missed really getting into it. Not only that, but the movie itself dredged up old feeligns of watching anime and feeling sad and lonely wishing that something like that would happen to me. So that day and yesterday I was feeling empty and lonely. On the bright side, though, I got to see four people that I rarely get to see and consider friends. =^^= Yay. That cheered me up. I think maybe I missed college a little. At least it gave me something to do. I guess it didn't help that I watched Battle Royale (the live action movie) on Saturday, either. It really freaked me out and disturbed me to no end. But, the teacher guy was kinda funny.
I didn't exactly get the work done on my manga like I thought I would. Being sick at the beginning of Spring Break depressed me, so I really didn't feel like doing much of anything. However I did get one page fully inked and am close getting another one inked as well. =^^= I just gotta use my time more wisely. I really do love making manga, but I've gotta be more productive. If I can be super productive while balancing everything else, just imagine how productive I could be when I have the whole day!
I know, I'm ranting, but that's the purpose of this world. You were warned in the introduction. =^^=
Have a good day, ppl! (or person... depending on how many ppl actually are reading this.)