I'll be starting my Junior year of college on August 25! I'm looking forward to this semester. Probably because there's no Physics involved! Whee! *zooms around the room* I have my books except for one which was misordered, so I have to wait for the new book to come in.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I have a date! Well... I don't know if you could call it a date, persay, but a guy I like is coming over to hang out with me tomorrow! In case you don't read myO, I call him Stretch (not to him, just on here...). He expressed interest in me, but the problem is, he's not sure if he wants to ask me out or not. I don't exactly know what the problem is, but if there's a chance, I'd like to take it! =^_^= I sorta had a small crush on him in high school, so when he told me he liked me, I couldn't really believe it. *lack of confidence shows through* But I've got to be a little more confident and a little more positive. =^_^=
I'm also happy becaus I'm applying for a job at the video store by my house and I think I have a pretty good chance! I have to wait for my callback, but the manager of the place said definitely to expect one! The interview is up to me, but I feel I'll do just fine! I may get a little nervous, but that's to be expected. I could use the money and the convenience. Plus, I think it'd be awesome to work in a video store for my first job. The employees there seems laid back, which seems pretty good to me. I wouldn't want a job with a lot of hussle and bustle anyway. I like things pretty simple most of the time. =^_^= Though I act contrary to what I want because it seems I complicate things a lot! Onoz! =OoO= Lol I'm crossing my fingers here. Wish me luck! =^v^=
I'm sorta slooooooooowly working on the next page of FTL. I drew it and left it sitting there for a little bit, then I inked one part, then more, so I guess that means I only have a little bit left to ink, but thn there's the editing. =>.O= Yeah... my mojo don't go-go when it should sometimes... that's no good. =o_o=
Well, that's all for this rant. See y'all next rant!
Hello all. First of all, I would like to express the fact that I'm very disappointed that no one entered my contest, or even contacted me to say that 2 weeks was not enough time or anything. I guess I'm not that popular yet...
At any rate, I've been doing my community service since Monday, so I've been very busy and haven't been able to work on any manga. I'm going to try to finish my remaining six hours tomorrow so that I'll have plenty of time on Saturday to rest up and maybe do some manga. I think I'll work on a Kitty Days page next, since it has been a while.
I have a "date" coming up on Sunday. An old friend of mine sent me a myspace message and said he would like to hang out. So, if nothing gets in the way, we're gonna hang out at the beach (the same place that I've been doing my community service). I'm nervous, but also a bit pleased to be doing something other than sitting at home by myself for summer. Not that don't like solitude, it's just... I thought it's time I tried something new. Though it will be awkward being alone with a guy whom I haven't seen in a while, and he's a bit attractive, and also wearing a swimsuit which makes me a vulnerable one. I wonder if I should invite other people along... to take away to tension? I think I'll try. =^_^;=
I wonder if people even read my rants here... Well, whether or not they do, I'll just keep ranting anyway.
Please be patient, for those of you who read my manga, as I have been working hard and am very sore.
Ow... I'll go to sleep now. Zaijian (goodbye). Wan an (good night).