Naruto Chapter 469

Show of hands... how many of you are NaruHina fans?

How many of you nearly went into rage induced heart attacks come Naruto, Chapter 469?

The pink haired bitch must die.

Sharpen your pitch forks and keep your torches doused in oil.

We may soon march on Tokyo.


... Happy as I am with that development...

Why the fuck haven't we gotten any closure on this development!?!?

We have waited nearly 10 years, Kishimoto-san.

We will not wait much longer.

NaruHina Forever

Most of you head probably read chapter 437 of the Naruto Manga. The latest Chapter.

Hinata has finally confessed, and immmediately afterwards, dies(presumably).

I still feel the rage coursing through me. As far as I'm concerned, the entire franchise- and Kishimoto's life- is balanced on the edge of a knife. Pray for your soul, Masashi, if Hinata is not alive.

Recently, I have discovered the name of chapter 438... and I grinned. And laughed. Laughed for a long, lone time.

438. The Seal Breaks!! (封印破壊!! ,Fūin Hakai!!)

Just the mere thought of the fight to come... it brings a vicious, twisted smile to my face.

As far as I'm concerned... Pein... all of Konoha, maybe.... is about to End.

Damn you Danzo!

I just read the latest Naruto manga. This is all I have to say about Danzo. If anyone cares to know what what whould've gone in the spoiler blocks, PM me, along with proof that there aren't any curse words you haven't heard before. I went all out on this one.

What I have to say about Danzo:
Bannable! More bannables! Danzo you worthless piece of bannable! You more ban sucking, ban you good!, not quite, ban-bag, ban faced two timing favorite curse second fav son of a horse cover your eyes children!! May your soul go straight to the ninth circle of Hell, where Lucifer may most likely ban your traitorous ban with a oh the horror!till doomsday come and beyond!

-take a breath and flop down- There. I'm fairly certain I've used ever curse within my dictionary. -check pocket book- Yeah, that's all of them. Later.
