NaruHina Forever

Most of you head probably read chapter 437 of the Naruto Manga. The latest Chapter.

Hinata has finally confessed, and immmediately afterwards, dies(presumably).

I still feel the rage coursing through me. As far as I'm concerned, the entire franchise- and Kishimoto's life- is balanced on the edge of a knife. Pray for your soul, Masashi, if Hinata is not alive.

Recently, I have discovered the name of chapter 438... and I grinned. And laughed. Laughed for a long, lone time.

438. The Seal Breaks!! (封印破壊!! ,Fūin Hakai!!)

Just the mere thought of the fight to come... it brings a vicious, twisted smile to my face.

As far as I'm concerned... Pein... all of Konoha, maybe.... is about to End.
