"dear god, I've turned into some sort of hipster-otaku hybrid!"

welcome, it's nice to see you!

I want him! TT^TT

I really wish I could get a dog.
unfortunatl for me; my mom HATES dogs. she doesn't like shedng and training.
but the other night I had a dream that we got a dog.
and silly me, I fueled the fact that Iwant one by going to out Humane Society's webpage and looked at the dogs.
you know what I found?
the CUTEST dog I have ever seen! <3 and strngely enough, he looks like the dog in my dreams. *O-O* he may be older, but he's so cute.
i wish there was a way I could convince my parents to let me get him.
External Image
any advice?


OHIMIGOSH Im so sorry I didn't post the news earlier, but my cat Luna had her kittens last month. :) they are so cute.
she had

5 of them
on my bed.
but you know what. I am over it.
because Luna's kittens are SOOO CUTE!!! (^._.^)/

then today i got home from school. i messed aroud a bit on "eternal darkness" upstairs, then I went into my room, where luna's kittens are, in a box.
Jupiter had her kittens too!
she had

6 of them. :D
also on my bed.
I whipped together a picture for anyone who should stumble upon this, i hope you find the newborns' rat faces as cute as I do.
(they will also be staying in my room)
the two mother cats seem to get along well with them, so it's all good,she even helped Jupiter clean them. so cute.
so......by any chance any of you want a kitten?
i have to find them all homes...T^T
~sammi nishikiori~

... Inufluffy12's icon

so inu-sama.
your challenge has been processed and delt with.

those damm Russian spies won't know what hit them!

Happy April Fool's Day ~again~

yup, so another way to wig me out has been sucessfully etched into my brain....thanks to Adam *or someone else with this sort of power* our wonderfully personal icons have been transformed into the super-kawaii, adorable ..my little ponies...*hrmm...

Read the full post ยป

AwWwWWWw!! <3

this is a picture of my kittys!!^^
(yup, the insane little beasties!! ^-^ yet we still love them!)

wow, i guess this photo is older than i thought..
well, taz(grey/brown) is a little bit bigger now, but for the most part they look the same!^^
