"dear god, I've turned into some sort of hipster-otaku hybrid!"

welcome, it's nice to see you!


so my choir has been invited to participate in possibly the coolest thing ever imaginable. SINGING WITH ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE BANDS!~

unfortunatally, the contest is based of a vote. the 2 highest voted choirs get to participate, and sing with them in feburary. /dies a little//, but since we aren't locals in the UP *Michigan* (we are in northern michigan, about 4 hours away from the concert hall), we are having a hard time getting votes! D:
there are unlimited votes, but I would be more than delighted if you all voted once! please help us on the path to victory!

thank you so much!
link to us singin'here, my good person!

vote here!

Lts of Rant and fun!~

so I just had an amazing time on vacation! >//< I wish I could show you all my pictures! but since I can't, I'll just tell you about everything! <3~ my family just went on vacation. well, we don't do that much traveling, but It's fi...

Read the full post ยป

well, just a bit less than expected...

This is the snow we have right now!! ^^
i took the picture with my dsi, so sorry for the quality...*heh heh heh*
i told inufluffy-sama that i would show her waht our snow looked like right now, so here you go!!

although, i must say, we don't have very much for the time of year. it has been unseasonably warm this winter, and it has rained a lot lately. so yeah, when you see this, imagine about tree times more....that is Michigan for you...

Livin' the dream?

ahhh...I really can't wait until summer...we only have 7 days of school left...*YES!*
tomorow is basically a free day with no-detention convention *which yes, i WILL be attending* and International day. (YUS!)
so let's just hope my ladies and I survive the rest of the school year. :l
Mood: ..meh...tired I guess..
Eating: nothing :>
Listening to: mumford and sons (FTW! >U<)
Fav color right now: Light Blue
Wearing: large (men's) hoodie, with plad * * (even though it's May,it's freaking cold out here...even for Michigan, this is COLD)
Wants?: for my internet to cooperate and download this song... *ravers in the UK*(it's been downloading for 35 minutes, it still has 24 minutes to go!:<),to magically have warm weather

cute, no?
