"dear god, I've turned into some sort of hipster-otaku hybrid!"

welcome, it's nice to see you!


I am having a FANTASTIC *forgive my Doctor Who* week.
I am pleased to announce, I am now the holder of a new Drivers' licence! Yay! now I don't have to stay home all the time!~ woop. woop, woop!

Lately, I haven't had anything to draw, so I have just went with my gut and did whatever I felt like...but lately, requests have been pouring in from everywhere! It fills me with joys.

requests and projects~

  • Aizen for Donnie/Rebekah
  • Zelda and Link for Tigeatoray
  • something to send in the mail to Maggie
  • (on the top of my priority list) Nautical themed wall art for my sister's friend, Erin
  • that super-huge going away present for my sister.
  • and I am probably forgetting some stuff, so remind me if I promised you something.

speaking of which, you guys really need to help me out. I am going to be starting a challenge soon. My sister is going off to college starting this semester, so I only have about two months left with her...my plan is to fill a scrapbook with pictures of us (and the rest of my family) but here is the catch, it's all going to be drawn or created. (digitally or traditionally) I don't just want pictures of us, also things she likes! Sailor moon, Doctor Who, Little Mermaid, etc. I want her to have something to take with her off to SVSU. so for my challenge, I would like all of the people here on the O to help me by creating something. I feel kind of selfish, but, I really want this to be big.

On another note, I have seen Despicable me 2! My family LOVES cartoons, so it was only a matter of time that we'd go to see it. I want Flash player, because I have a wonderful Idea for a flash dress up game, where you create your own minion! XD I made my sister make one, which I named "Phillis" It was difficult putting all the things she requested on one doodle. but fun.
I was inspired by the movie to make this thing.

one of Agnes' lines is (speaking about Gru's bald head) "I just imagine little chicks popping out, Cheep, cheep cheep!"
It was late, and this was the resulting image.

well, have a good day everyone! stay in summer, don't do drugs, and eat lots of nutella.

Lts of Rant and fun!~

so I just had an amazing time on vacation! >//< I wish I could show you all my pictures! but since I can't, I'll just tell you about everything! <3~ my family just went on vacation. well, we don't do that much traveling, but It's fi...

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