"dear god, I've turned into some sort of hipster-otaku hybrid!"
welcome, it's nice to see you!
"dear god, I've turned into some sort of hipster-otaku hybrid!"
welcome, it's nice to see you!
My dad and I were outside planting pumpkins and mowing the lawn, when I got the *wonderful..?* idea to make a picture out of chalk...so I did...right on our sidewalk in the front yard ^^ it turned out really bad, *expecially alphonse...sorry * I drew Ed and Al from FMA. sorry the first picture looks weird through the center, (It's actually two different pictures..>//< hee hee)
well, i am , really tired for some reason...oh yeah, it's cuz' today was NO DETENTION CONVENTION, and I sang kareoke almost the whole time...:D byuu, ritsu, nii, and I all sang "brothers" occopella during kareoke, all the people in the cafateria looked at us with the "WTH?" faces...but then they all smiled and clapped...the CLAPPED...i was shocked...:o
well that is it for the sammi's spread diary for today...:P you all stay nerdy out there!!!
good night...maybe...or maybe I'll watch more FMA on TV and play final fantasy...my life is never ending...
oh, P.S. sorry the pic is pixilized, it's paint's fault, not MINE....*weeps*
for starters, let me appoplgize for not being very active these past few weeks....gomenasai! T^T
so, i am going to write to you all saying how things have been.
first off, I would like to say a word to the people living in Japan, I feel so bad for them/you. that was a terrible disaster that i really wish haden't happened. and just so it's established, i was crying so hard when i learned about it. my first reaction was *" oh no, i hope all theO's japanese users are alright!!!") eventhough i am agnostic, i pray for your safety...i really hope this doesn't sound to cleche'
on a second, and much brighter note, i am happy to inform you all that the TBJH junior high school choir has once again managed to slide into the STATE choir festival! ^^ we get to go! even though we SUCKED at sightreading....OAO
we will be doing these three piecies
Will you teach me
two stephenson settings (the Moon, and Pirate story)
Fastival sanctus *it's in latin ;)*
so wish us luck in May!
my third note
my friends marleigh and guin *,mb15184 and Lei Chan know as here on theO,
did the "hare hare yukai" for the talent show! ^^ it was a performance people either hated or they loved.<3 it was much fun!! if you haven't learned it, you should think about it! :D
next *slightly scary* note.
I have a stalker at school.
I would punch him, but i don't want to get in trouble...:<
he follows us around, and I swear he tried getting my locker combonation!
i have been trying to get some friends to make him leave, but i also feel mean for doing so...T^T
plus, he hovers me, while i'm drawing...*shivers*
awww...i sound like a prep...:'(
well, that is my biz for now...i'll try to get more pictures posted in the near future! ^^ bye bye
man, i don't know wheather i'm really lucky, or not lucky at all..
I got sick yesterday, the day before that i was at cedar point (the world's most kick-butt amusement park of all time)
today i'm staying home, because i am sick..
and on top of that, im tired..
see you guys around!!