After we left Kiba's I grabbed Awai's hand. He looked into my eyes. You thinking what I'm thinking? I laughed. Obiously. We both nodded and turned and knocked on Nora's door. His mother opened the door. "Oh Tsuki-chan and Awai-kun! Welcome! NORA!! You have company!" We heard him run across his room and charge down the steps. His smiled disapeared when he saw it was us though. In fact I even saw an eye roll. Hmph! I like visiting Kiba more than Nora. After all we do for them you think he would be nicer! Awai's shoulder shook with his suppressed laughter. He squeezed my hand harder. Remember the only reason we help is for Kiba. Nora headed back upstairs and we followed him. When we were in his room he fell back onto his bed. He opened a book and didn't even spare us a glance. "Gee we feel so welcome." He nodded his head. "That's good." We both sighed in exasperation. "You could at least try to like us! We are Kiba's friends!" That got his attention. "I like you guys...yunz just annoy me to the point of murder." We threw up our hands. "Ohh we're so scared! Big bada*s Nora's gonna kill us!" I snickered and Awai laughed. Nora threw his book at us. "Hmm that's the second time we've had a book thrown at us today." He smiled. "Who was the first? Your mother? Did she catch you guys in the middle of something and throw your a*ses out? Is that why you're bothering me?" My eyes widened. "THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!" Awai's eyes widened in shock. He reached out and grabbed my hand. I had clentched it so tightly I had dug my nails into my palm. He glared at Nora. "You didn't have to say that. You know the sting of a parents abandonment as well as we do!" Nora looked at the ground. Then he got up and walked over to me. I glared at him. He reached out and hugged me. "I'm sorry. Your right it was uncalled for." He's being nice to us? Awai pulled me back. "Ok ok enough touching my sister!" I giggled. He gets so jealous. Do not! Nora seemed distracted. I don't think he really ment to say what he did. "What's your problem?" He shook his head. "I've got a lot on my mind." Awai and I exchanged a look. "Kiba?" He nodded. See so easy. His eyes widened and he looked over at us. "Is that where you two were? Did he say anything?!" Awai laughed. "Of course he said something! We were talking about our math!" Nora's eyes narrowed. I just watched silently. Dummy! Don't p*ss him off! "Christmas. That's what he talked about." Nora nodded. "Thought so....I hate Christmas. In the orphanage it just served as a reminder of things I didn't have. I never really celebrated it before..but I want to do something special with Kiba this year." I smiled. So he was just being an idot. Typical male. Awai shot me a look. "So what did you have in mind?"
This was boring. I just sat on Nora's bed while he and Tsuki discussed their Christmas present to Kiba. BORING! Typical girl behavior. Maybe Nora isn't as manly as I thought. Oh like your a man. What did you get me for Christmas anyway? Oh yeah NOTHING! I smiled and looked at Tsuki. Don't worry sis. I got you something really nice. He eyes widened, but she kept talking to Nora as if nothing was going on. What's that? I smiled and looked at her butt. Like I'm gonna tell you! You'll just have to find out on Christmas like everyone else! She rolled her eyes. I heard Nora say something about a secret present. I jumped off the bed. "Ah finally my area of expertise!" Tsuki looked like she could kill me. "Kiba's never really had a Christmas either. He really wants to spend it with you. So you should get him exactly what he wants!" Nora shrugged. "Ok well what does he want?" I rolled my eyes gosh he could be dense. "You of course numbn*ts!" Tsuki slapped me. "Vulgar idiot!" I gave her her favorite grin. "You know you like it when I talk dirty." She shook her head and looked at Nora. "In a way he is right...even though he could have put it better. Kiba wants you for Christmas. He wants you and him to exchange gifts and maybe kiss under the mistletoe." She giggled. "And then come what may you'll eventually end up in bed." Nora blushed. Tsuki and I looked at each other. "Really all he wants is you basiclly. He wants to spend Christmas with his boyfriend. Its quite simple. Now all we need is a present!" Nora sighed. "I will get one by myself. I don't need you two to run off and tell him!" We both gave him puppy dog eyes. "Aww but we would never do something like that!" Well I would. Tsuki looked at me out of the corner of her eye. Yes and I would kill you. My hand caressed her butt. Naw. You would miss me too much. She blushed and I felt her furry in the form of a bump on my head. "Y..you didn't have to hit me so hard!" Nora had climbed back onto his bed. "If I were her I would have hit you harder. Couldn't even wait to get to your own house. You dirty little perv." Tsuki's face got even redder. JUST...YOU...WAIT..TILL WE...GET HOME! I couldn't resist. Why, are you gonna tie me up and torture me a little? Despite being angry she smiled. Aww, but I like it more when I'm the one tied up. Man I want to go home. I grabbed her hand and headed for the door. "Cya Nora! Places to go things to do! Have fun finding Kiba a present!" Tsuki winked at him as I pulled her out the door. Girls. I rolled my eyes. Men! I laughed. I was barely able to contain myself long enough to get to our room. I kissed her long and passionately. Holding her close to me I whispered in her ear. "I love you Tsuki."
~GROSS!! CLOSE THE DOOR CLOSE THE DOOR!! NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOUR TWINCEST!...it would be better if you were both boys....why didn't I make Tsuki a boy?
Tsuki: Because it's more fun if I'm a girl. You can relate to me easier. Besides I would kill myself I had to be one of them! *points at the guys*
Guys: HEY!
Me: Hahaha ok ok I see your point, and I'm happy I made you a girl ^^ It makes you unique.
Tsuki: ^^ I love being unique! <3
Ok next up is Nora! I guess I'll do his part Monday? Than I'll do the last part next Thursday. Yeah that will work out fine ^^