Nen Kuro Christmas Bonus <3


I sat on my bed and sighed. Waiting for Kiba to get out of school was a pain. I looked over at my clock. 11:00 flashed mockingly at me. I sighed again and reached for my cigs. My hand passed over where they should have been and itched in irritation. "Mother." I rolled my eyes, but smiled. It was kinda nice having a mom that gave a sh*t about me...but other times it was annoying! I sighed and grabbed my wallet. Guess I'll get this over with. I ran down the steps only to be stopped by my mother. "Where are you going Nora? Kiba-kun isn't out of school yet. You don't normally leave the house for anything." She smiled at me, but I knew what she was getting at. Your lazy! "Christmas Eve is I have to do this today or never." She gave me a puzzled look, but then she smiled. "Awww are you getting Kiba-kun a present?" My face burst into a blush. "Yes mom I am!" She laughed at me as I opened the door and headed out. "It better be something nice Nora!" I waved over my head. What did she think I was gonna buy him? Something shi*y? "Moms." I headed toward the shops. There was bound to be something nice and in my budget down there somewhere. I was walking by a clothing shop when I saw it. I froze and a devilish smile broke across my face. "Perfect!" I walked in and asked the closest employee about it. "Oh yes its 6000 yen. Plus it comes with matching stockings and boots!" I laughed. Perfect! I bought it and headed out as fast as I could. I can't wait to see his face! Then I passed a pet shop and saw something else. A black collar with spikes on it. "Hmmm if I got him that he would match my wrist bands..." It was 200 yen. That's pretty good! But does it suit him?......Naw. I shook my head and continued past the shop only to find another part of my plan. Mistletoe <3 I walked in and bought a little. Now then...a tree. I saw a really tiny tree sitting against the fence. It reminded me of Kiba. All tiny and weak looking. Like the simplest breeze would blow it over and end its short existence. I grabbed it and headed to a hotel. "Yes?" "How much to rent a room until the day after Christmas?" The guy looked at me like I was mad...well I guess I looked it with all the s*it I was carrying. I threw the money down on the counter. "Just give me the d*mn room!" He handed me a key. I went in and set everything up. When it was done I stepped back and admired my handy work. I smiled. "Kiba is gonna love this!" With that I left the hotel and headed home. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I was surprised and pulled it out only to see it was Kiba! Oh s*it...what time is it?! I opened it up and heard his voice on the other end. "Where are you? You're late." I rubbed my hand through my hair. "I'm sorry love. I just got caught up in something and lost track of time. You still at the school? I'll be there in 5." I ran as fast as I could. He was waiting by the gate when I got there. I stopped in front of him, my breathing coming out in white clouds. I smiled up at him. He looked down at me worried. "You didn't have to run the whole way! You're sweating! What if you get sick?!" I laughed. "I would have...been here sooner...but.....I'm good shape....Hehe maybe it's time...I quit smoking." He just looked at me huffing. My hands on my knees. Sweat pouring off me and then he laughed. Kiba's laugher is the sweetest sound I ever heard. I loved it when he laughed, when he was happy. I couldn't wait until Christmas!

~OK! ^^ Lastly it's back to Kiba for the final part! I actually really enjoyed this. For once one of my stories is turning out how I want them too! U guys r gonna get a kick out of the final part trust me!