I sighed, and looked out the window. There was no snow on the ground at all. This Christmas sucks. I curled up into a ball on my bed and stared at the present I had bought for Nora yesterday. Why did I do that? He hates Christmas...maybe I'll save it for his birthday..." I closed my eyes and listened to my iPod. Season's Call by Hyde....the same song I heard after I first met Nora. It brought back lots of memories. My bed sank a little as someone leaned over me and nibbled on my ears. My eyes widened and I looked up to see Nora. He smiled down at me. "Hey love. Whatcha listening to?" He grabbed one of my headphones and stuck it in his ear. I saw his eyes widen, but then he smiled at me. I blushed. "Brings back memories doesn't it?" I nodded. After the song was over he pulled it out of his ear and grabbed my hands. "Come on, we're gonna be late!" My eyes widened. "Late for what?" He smiled. "You'll see." He was pulling me out the door when I remembered his present. "WAIT!" I ran over and grabbed it. I tossed it at him. I closed my eyes embarrassed. "I...I know you don't like Christmas but...I love you so I still got you a present." I opened my eyes to see him smiling warmly at me. "Kiba...I love you so much." He put my present under his arm and reached for my hand again. "I'll open it when we get to where we're goin k?" I took his had. "K!" I followed him and finally realized where we were going. The hotels. I blushed. When he opened the door Tsuki and Awai jumped out and yelled "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" I froze. The whole room was decked out. There was even a tree with presents under it! I looked over at Nora to find him watching me. "Merry Christmas Kiba." He went in and reached under the tree. He handed me a big box. I tore into it. When I opened it I froze. It was a green dress the had white trim around the skirt, collar, and sleeves, and green and red stockings and red boots with green pom poms on them. I glared at Nora to see him laughing. "This is not funny!" Tsuki was glaring at him too, but Awai was rolling on the floor. "I'm sorry love, but wait until later and then you'll love it I promise!" Tsuki shook her head. Nora opened the present I had got him. He froze when he saw it and then laughed. "I was looking at this yesterday, but I was going to buy it for you!" I walked up and grabbed it out of his hand. It was the black leather collar with spikes. I reached around and put it on his neck. "Now you belong to me." I leaned my head up and kissed him. He pulled me closer to him. "Ahem! I believe it's my turn to open my present right?" I blushed and nodded at Tsuki. There would be time for more of this later. Awai handed her a present and she opened it up. Her jaw dropped and she glared at Awai. "What is this?!" He laughed. "It's exactly what it looks like! An edible bra and panties!! I can't wait to see how they taste hahaha!!" She threw the box at him. Nora shook his head. "Now that's worse than my present." Awai opened his next. It turned out to be fuzzy handcuffs and a whip....those two disturbed me sometimes...no not sometimes all the time! Nora turned some Christmas music on and things calmed down. He pulled me to him and we danced to I'll Be Home For Christmas hehe never thought I would be dancing to Christmas music. Tsuki and Awai watched for a while, but then snuck out in the middle of the song. The way they were looking at each other I knew those new gifts would be put to use soon. Nora spun me around. My eyes widened as he dipped me. I looked up to see him holding mistletoe over our heads. I laughed. He leaned down and kissed me. "Merry Chirstmas Kiba." His eyes were dark after our kiss. Then he smiled. "Time to put your present on!" I groaned. "Hey now none of that. It'll be fun trust me!" I took the stuff into the bathroom and threw it on. "This is embarrassing." When I opened the door I froze in shock. Nora was laying on the bed in a Santa outfit! His eyes lit up and he smiled when he saw me. He sat up and patted his leg. I slowly walked over. "Sit on Santa's lap." I sighed and did as he said. He wraped his hand around my waist. "So little boy have you been good this year? It looks to me like you've bee naughty." He lifted my chin up and licked my neck. I groaned. "Very naughty indeed." He rolled over and the next thing I knew he was on top of me. He held my wrists above my head with one hand as the other one roamed under my skirt. He kissed me. "You know I think I like Christmas now." I cried out. He laughed. "Yes I think I like it a lot. Merry Christmas Kiba. I can't wait for next year!" When we were done he lay next to me. His beautiful yellow eyes watching my every move. He was playing with my ear. "Thank you." His eyes looked into mine. "For what?" I smiled. "For this the best Christmas ever." He smiled. "I would do anything for you Kiba. I love you." I curled up against his chest. "I love you too Nora. Merry Christmas." He huged me to him and I fell asleep in his warm embrace.