Hello everyone XD and welcome! This is my first world created and its all about... well, me! Now don't take that the wrong way. I'm not copnceated This is just kinda like a blog. A way to keep things up to date about things that are going on in the life of Aury. Though I may not post all the time when I probably should, I still try and make updates! So kick back, relax, and read away!
- Created By babygurl24
Finals and Other Fun Stuffs
Hello again my dear friends! It tiss me again! Day 1 of finals down, and 2 to go! yay! Today was a simple day haha no final in my first period and my second period final only took me about 30 minutes of the 2 hours we had. So sittin in class wasting time until the bell rings signaling my freedom for the day! Well for the most part anyway. I still have a crap load of chores to do.
2 days left until I get to go back home for 3 weeks too :D I missed my home town and all my peoples in it! I get to see my mom and older brother, and then there's all my friends I haven't seen in a million years, aaaaand of course theres the excitment of seeing my boyfriend :D YES! After 6 months I finally found someone who interests me and is interested IN me! haha He's a lot like me too! that's the scary part! And get this, his name is Joey! For those of you who have read a little bit in the past ooooh say a year ago or so, this name will REALLY ring a bell! BUT it is a different guy. He's actually older than that Joey.... hm.... How do I distinguish them... oh! I've known the other Joey for years and I aklep wihd hik! haha where as I only just met the guy I'm with not long ago. Lets hope that things turn out well huh?
Aaaaaanyway, I'll stop rambling now and finish up! wish me luck on my last 2 days of finals and that my mom and older brother like my new boyfriend! *crosses fingers*
Everything Changes... All at once?
It's been quite some time since I was last on here! And there's been so many changes its rediculous! Since the last that I was really on here and talked to anyone I have moved to my dad's, started a new school, made new friends, my little 6(soon to be 7) year old brother had a heart surgery and was back up and running around like normal (well trying to all the while we had to chew him out to get him to sit down and sit still)within 3 days, my fiancee and I broke up, and I rode the transit bus for the first time on my own!
With all of this happening I haven't really had a chace to really be on here. It's been like really overwhelming! I'm so behind on everyone, I wonder what I have missed. I hope it hasn't been too much, but I will say that I will make an effort to be on more often.
It's Complicated....
Have you ever had the feeling that, after being with someone for so long, that it wasn't really a good idea to continue before? Just because things around you were changing and you were going to a new area and just everything felt topsy tervy? But you didn't know how to tell them and you didnt really wasnt either just because it was hard to imagine this world without them?
Thats how I feel right now. I've been with him for so long... and now that I'm staying at my dad's and Im 18 and so many things are changing, I dont feel that this is the right thing anymore. Then he goes and tells me that hes gunna disappear for a while and expects me to act like its nothing. I still love the man. But him saying that is just like him leaving me. I mean its what I was secretly thinking about, but now that its happened, it hurts. I dont know how to deal with all of this. I feel like and idiot...
Any words of wisdome in this time would be GREATLY appreciated... but please dont be too rough in me...
18 AT LAST!!!
Hellos everyone Get what day today is!! That's right! It be ma birthday!!!! XD I am finally 18 at last! I'm so excited! No more hiding things from my family just because they think I am to young for it, and no more having to worry about what they all thing. I'm excited and ready for my new responsibilities and abilities! Age can no longer hold me back! Florida here I come
Thank you soooooo much to all those who wished me a happy birthday! I REAAAALY appreciate it!
Prom :D
I know it's a little late, but I shall write something on Prom from about a month ago. Prom was amazing. Everyone was beautiful and I had a ton of fun. I had so many of my friends there. Definitely worth being forced to go and get ready only 2 hours before the doors opened. The result, the picture below!
The one in the black dress on the left sitting down is me. Soooo does not look like me. A major wordrobe change. Everyone looked their very best!!!