Hello everyone XD and welcome! This is my first world created and its all about... well, me! Now don't take that the wrong way. I'm not copnceated This is just kinda like a blog. A way to keep things up to date about things that are going on in the life of Aury. Though I may not post all the time when I probably should, I still try and make updates! So kick back, relax, and read away!

Surprise of my life!! :D

Oh my god X3 I had the surprise of my entire life at about 5 am yesterday morning! I still hadn't been to bed, and I was still talking to Talon (:3). I was tired as all hell but I didn't want to stop talking to him. Then, out of no where, he starts talking about the day that I get there. Said we'd go out to eat, go play mini golf, go to a movie, drop his mom and brother off and go grab something to eat again (his mom and brother love me and they'll be wanting to get to see me as well the first day I'm there :D), and then go to the ocean until it gets dark and the stars are as clear as day. He cut off there for a few and I thought that he meant we would take a walk on the beach under the stars. Which is SOOOO totally romantic, but then he kinda hinted that there was an alterior motvie to him talking about that. Started sayin that there was somthing he wanted to wait to do until I got here. Said it would be so much more magical. But, if any of you know how i am, curiosity killed the cat. I wanted to know what it was. So I teased and bugged him about it playfully until he finally told me he would give me a hint. he left for a moment (we were on webcam) and then came back. then he showed me a ring............
thats right! a flippin ring! I'm sure you can guess just as well as I did what he was saying. So, I'm officially engaged now :D
