Hey everybody! You can post anything you want here as long as its APPROPRIATE. I also post my random/personal things here. So, if you wanna be a guest poster here, just PM me and ill add you ^^ Can't wait to see all you guys on here.
You can also find me on DeviantArt- www.animeotaku99.deviantart.com Dont be afraud to PM me and we can talk there too ^^
- Created By skullrose99
Ok so I kind of have a confession?
So I doubt any of the people I used to talk to still get on but I have something to say
So when I first joined and used to get on a lot I was like only 11.... and oh my god looking back at the stuff I said I was god annoying and like a major weeaboo and -.-' It's so embarrassing looking back at all of that stuff I used to say actually xD
But i'm actually 13 right now, turning 14 soon
so yeah ^^ hopefully i'm a little less annoying? i'm also a lot less weeabooish as well xD
We have shippers o.O
Ok, so I have a boyfriend and stuff. Well, we have shippers. Like, seriously, people draw pictures of us and squee when we say we went somewhere together. Its actually quite funny XD It's sweet too. Even people who don't like us are like I Knew it! You guys are cute together XD Its quite adorable XD
Cosplay List :D
Well, since im starting a cosplay group with some friends of mine, I decide to make a list of who'd I like to cosplay as. Here goes :D
- Sollux Captor
- Dave Strider
- Gamzee Makara
- Maka Albarn
- Crona
- Italy Veneciano (I dont think I spelled that right XD)
- Grelle Sutcliffe
And thats all i got so far. I cant wait to get started with all this cosplay :D
Miku Hatsune cosplay :D
I got my Miku Hatsune cosplay quite a while back, so here's some quick pictures i took when i first got it http://animeotaku99.deviantart.com/gallery/37526948
I'm also planning on making a cosplay group with my friends after the convention im going to. But I'm wearing my Miku cosplay to Nan Desu Kan :D
Nan Desu Kan in Denver
Well, I said i was going last year, but i didn;t. But this year I really am, I've been working so hard saving all my money ANywya, I'm finally going to my first anime con in Denver, SO EXCITED :D I'll be cosplaying as Miku Hatsune ^^ Anybody going? Anybody got tips for a young otaku at her first con? :D