
~Welcome to where I spill my heart out~



Please enjoy my poems and comment if you wish. All feedback is appreciated and valued.


Sometimes life throws hard times at us. At those times, we must never forget who we are and what we strive for. Never forget your dreams.


His Last Minutes Characters

Name: Matsumoto "Matt" Sakuraba

Age: 17

Height: 5"6

Weight: 145

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Blue

Body build: Lean yet somewhat muscular

Complexion: White

Likes: Playing music, hanging out with his band, eating American foods, and reading non-fictional books.

Clothes Sytle: Usually blue or black pants, nice sneakers, a school uniform, or a tee-shirt or jacket.

Dislikes: Killing, evil, spirits, his math teacher, and milk.

Personality: Matt has split personalities, meaning he has different sides to him mentally. He's usually calm and observative, but his other sides aren't the same way. This doesn't bother him, however; quite the opposite, actually. It really helps him when he's in trouble, because the persuer won't know what to think. Other than that, he is usually calm, creative, and sees things differently than normal people.

Summary: Matt is the lead singer in a band called His Last Minutes, a title thought up by one of his split personalities. He also plays the guitar and the piano. His parents are filfthy rich, which allows him to live in the nice part of the neihgborhood, attend private schools with higher education, and have higher connections. Nevertheless, he has good friends who don't care about the money; they're all in his band, and together he wants to earn his own fame. But there are a few issues at hand... one, his parents don't approve of it. Second, a mysterious girl with fire-colored hair and crimson eyes shows up and eventually fall in love with each other, and finally, there's a ravaging cult of demons after him for an unknown reason.

His Last Minutes: The Abridged Version Incompleted

Chapter One: Matt Matsumoto Sakuraba, the 16-year-old lead singer of his band, the Last Minutes, was walking home from a busy school day. He had sighed twelve times... Yes, he'd counted. It was only a Monday, and it was al...

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