
~Welcome to where I spill my heart out~



Please enjoy my poems and comment if you wish. All feedback is appreciated and valued.


Sometimes life throws hard times at us. At those times, we must never forget who we are and what we strive for. Never forget your dreams.


Bittersweet [Poem]

((Song Inspiration.))

So it seems I have become a little bitter
Who would have thought that would happen to me?
I always used to think it’d be better
But who knew, this is how it turned out to be

Sometimes I wish others could see
But then again, I may not be this way
By what way, you question? I’ve always fought depression
I’ve kept it my secret but how long could it last?

I try so hard to work for everything I “earn”
But it seems eventually, everything gets taken away
This is something I’ve learned; you shouldn’t really yearn
Because one day, it will all be gone

There are some who don’t have to try as vigorously
Though they say that isn’t true, it surely is to me
Of course, life seems to be harder for some of us
And we’re left asking ourselves, is it really just?

To those of you who are concerned
Don’t be, I’ve always been this way
In life, in one way, we somehow get “burned”
And even if it’s bad, this is how I want to stay

So it seems I have become somewhat bitter
But in the end, who can blame me; this is what I’ve compiled
Seeing what life turns out, it might be worthwhile
You never know what will happen, what will make your heart flutter

As for everything I’ve earned, they seem to get lost
But as I remember what life really costs, all the lives I have crossed
Maybe life doesn’t seem so bad- in the end-we get what we deserve
This is simply what I have observed, surely you must concur?

His Last Minutes: The Abridged Version Incompleted

Chapter One: Matt Matsumoto Sakuraba, the 16-year-old lead singer of his band, the Last Minutes, was walking home from a busy school day. He had sighed twelve times... Yes, he'd counted. It was only a Monday, and it was al...

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