
~Welcome to where I spill my heart out~



Please enjoy my poems and comment if you wish. All feedback is appreciated and valued.


Sometimes life throws hard times at us. At those times, we must never forget who we are and what we strive for. Never forget your dreams.


Blazing Soul [Poem]

Flying through the sky, that light blazing in your eyes
Reflects the very depths of your soul
I thought I’d never see you, stuck inside that hole
But here we are with the walls closing in

Is that very light the traitor, of which saw us through
Till the end, my belief in you still shines bright
Even when we’re trapped, I know I’ll always have you
And have those blazing eyes and warm smile within sight

The fire of your soul, it resonates the very life
Of which you tried so hard to protect
Was stolen away, and started an ever-lasting strife
What I want to know, is why I couldn’t detect

The hint of hopelessness in your voice,
And all I could see was the blazing light in your eyes
I ignored the own sense of my hope, looked up to the looming skies
I depended on you alone, did I make the wrong choice?

Flying through the sky now, that light still blazing brightly
I see now that we were both wrong, in the end
The light was our hope, and lit our path through the dark nights
My own light resonates through the darkness now, and now I…

Believe equally in the light of both our souls…

Wondering Tears [poem]

These days, I keep sighing,
And no I don’t know why
It’s not pain these eyes are crying
They’re too lonely anymore to look up at the sky…

Alone, I’m wondering aimlessly,
Trying to pick a goal and protect my dream
I’ll put it in God’s hands and see
What happens, what it’ll turn out to be

I’m not sure what to call it anymore
But when I look at you, my shrouded eyes begin to clear
The tears dry up and float away from the shore
And everything I know and love, become more endear

Wondering, I sigh once again…
Why was I sighing, why was I crying?
It wasn’t the loneliness, but the hidden pain
These tears that have for too long been stinging

Wash up and evaporate to the clear blue sky,
Shining vibrantly as I blink my eyes and sigh
It was you all along; it’s why I wrote this here song
To see your face shine as brightly as it did long ago

I can’t keep this sighing,
It’s myself I keep reminding
There’s always a new tomorrow
That will wash up on these dry shores of sorrow

Across the World [poem]

Across the World Even through all the journeys we had A part of me is still sad To see how much things had to be changed Oh, how the world now seems so strange The world, which we’re only a small part of...

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Seemingly, You're There [Poem]

Some days it seems as though You've never said "yes" but always "no" I just never understood why We had to split and say "goodbye" I breath in and take a deep sigh While wondering how it was all a lie My swoll...

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Lighten Up Your Heart <3 [Poem]

Looking right through your eyes, It's hard for me to decide If the sky will lighten up, Or if you've already given up We went on a journey, And each of us gained a new memory So why don't you lighten up your he...

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