
~Welcome to where I spill my heart out~



Please enjoy my poems and comment if you wish. All feedback is appreciated and valued.


Sometimes life throws hard times at us. At those times, we must never forget who we are and what we strive for. Never forget your dreams.


Strength or Weakness [Poem]

Your strength, it lies hidden, deep within your heart
You’re beginning to crumble, starting to shake
And I’ve been able to see your weakness right from the start
When will you see you for what you are, when will you finally be awake?

Is it considered brute strength, your heart, or is it a weakness?
Can you merely toss it away, only to bring it back again?
I looked at you and thought I became breathless
When really I was choking so badly, I forgot the pain

Tell me, when will you awaken?
When will your stale heart’s shell be shaken?
Tell me, am I simply mistaken,
Or for a fool, am I forsaken?

I see it as both, strength and weakness
The splinter in your heart
Pierced by the suppressed air, can you hear my distress?
Between strength and weakness, I am torn apart

I cannot see, but what you mean to me,
You’re more than the whole world, and that burden of your heart
It lies deep within the both of us, its fine if you let it be
But when you see through the wounds and pain

I will come to you when you call my name
And I’ll know the difference between strength and weakness
It’s not all that different at all, but only the same
It doesn’t matter, as long as you listen and hear me well

Blazing Soul [Poem]

Flying through the sky, that light blazing in your eyes
Reflects the very depths of your soul
I thought I’d never see you, stuck inside that hole
But here we are with the walls closing in

Is that very light the traitor, of which saw us through
Till the end, my belief in you still shines bright
Even when we’re trapped, I know I’ll always have you
And have those blazing eyes and warm smile within sight

The fire of your soul, it resonates the very life
Of which you tried so hard to protect
Was stolen away, and started an ever-lasting strife
What I want to know, is why I couldn’t detect

The hint of hopelessness in your voice,
And all I could see was the blazing light in your eyes
I ignored the own sense of my hope, looked up to the looming skies
I depended on you alone, did I make the wrong choice?

Flying through the sky now, that light still blazing brightly
I see now that we were both wrong, in the end
The light was our hope, and lit our path through the dark nights
My own light resonates through the darkness now, and now I…

Believe equally in the light of both our souls…

Characters of Tales of Infinity

Story: Tales of Infinity Name: Naomi Miyazaki Age: 15 Height: 4”8 Weight: 100 lbs. Race: Human Class: Sorceress Weapon: Phoenix Ring Symbol: Phoenix Feather Summary: A bright, lively, and...

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Tales of Infinity, Part 1

Tales of Infinity, Part 1 A tall, 13-year-old girl glared angrily up at the sky. Her long, light brown ponytails blew gently in the soft breeze. Her blue-green eyes scanned the clouds as if she could make it all disappear. A part of her wan...

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The Race of the Foul Comet

Tales of Infinity Prologue: The Race of the Foul Comet Two years ago, a devastating catastrophe struck the planet of Infintria. There was a series of dynamic explosions, followed by a rai...

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