
~Welcome to where I spill my heart out~



Please enjoy my poems and comment if you wish. All feedback is appreciated and valued.


Sometimes life throws hard times at us. At those times, we must never forget who we are and what we strive for. Never forget your dreams.


Drawing ~ Slam Poetry

This is a project my English teach in school is making us do. It's like slam poetry, only written. If you dont' know what slam poetry is, it's not like Shakespear or anything. It's poetry with a bite, so to speak. Well, I hope you enjoy this! Here we go!


Warm and cold, dark and light
Drawing the breath of life
Under a bright, shining light
Stroke of perception, it’s your own interpretation

Go on, take a bite of sweet imagination
Taste the difference, sublime soul and resonance
Reputation, familiar, crowd-pleasing, far or near

Killing time, crinkling up the unwanted lines
Recognition, a salvation of sanity; could it really be
A personal, fascinating grasp of illuminating reality?
Evoking, unreachable worlds, inspiring a hemisphere

Complex, captivate thy spirit and revealing my merit
Quiet, unique, the odd one, instrumental,
Resourceful, well-known, a pose, another world complete
Noisy thoughts, scattering in my head

Musical, lyrical, could it really be a miracle?
This talent from above, otherwise incomparable
Technicolor, solid, lively, captivate a restless memory
Dynamic balance, universal connection, finally, a new-found harmony

Loud, blooming, an image is worth a thousand words
Fraction, pencil scratching, ink splatters, blackening, landing on paper
Familiar, alluring, reaching out to another world
Frustration; no more ideas, maybe I’ll finish it later.

The End.

The Blame Game [poem]

Running around, pointing fingers
Because we don’t know where our fates linger
While the stars collide, and our problems coincide
The universe still vies for time, better lives more sublime

But it’s the blame game we’re playing,
Not the hands on the clock we should be slaying
This will be the way the end is, ticking away
Relentlessly, chipping down each and every day

We don’t know what to do, or where to go
So we play the blame game, even though
No one knows the truth, the light hidden by night
Out of the world’s sight, it lingers along with our fates

However it’s the time, not the people against us we should hate
Because it’s time we don’t exactly have,
We’re running around, pointing our fingers,
And we’re, well, playing the blame game

The blame game, it blinds us from what’s true, what’s really there
But I know we’ll pull through, pointing our fingers at the sky instead
At night, instead of ambushes, we’ll peacefully go to bed
And forget everything that happened while the stars collided

Playing the blame game, is only an illusion
That brings our lives out of light and into confusion
So promise me that you won’t play the blame game too
And stay by my side, watching the stars restlessly collide…

His Last Minutes [continued!]

Hello! This is from a story I wrote but didn't finish from a while ago, His Last Minutes. I read it and decided to start it up again! So I hope you all enjoy it and some tips or suggestions would be nice too. Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it.


Matt gave Akira and Tatsuyo a strange look. "So do I have like to people chasing after me then, or what?" He asked. Akira laughed, shaking her head. "No, no. I was sent to be your uh... bodyguard, I guess you could say." She told him. "And I believe I'm just a bystander for the time being..." Tatsuyo said. "Well I beg to differ!" Amaya said loudly. They all looked at her. "Huh?" Matt said. "Mm-hm. I was sent to get to you! So I won't be the one getting my ass kicked when I get home!" She explained.

Amaya abruptly snatched Matt's arm who gasped at her sudden strength; her grip was strong. "You're coming with me!" She exclaimed. "Right now?!" Matt stammered. "No, when the grass grows taller! Yes, now!" She told him. Akira summoned her scythe, and Tatsuyo drew his sword, ready to fight again. "Please, Amaya. You must understand. He's the missing link to an entire galaxy that's being hunted down by an even greater enemy than your employer... Right now we're dealing with Grand Hayate." Akira said softly.

Amaya paused, then her eyes grew wide. "Grand Hayate?! Him? Really?" She said. Akira nodded gravely. "Well... okay then, I guess I could wait a little while. I'm ahead of my schedule anyhow. Maybe I could help you guys out too." She agreed. Matt gave a relieved sigh. Amaya released him and Tatsuyo placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, though. I won't forget my real mission." Amaya said slyly, winking.


(One week later)

Matt waled down the lonely sidewalk of the quiet city. It's been a week since the first attack of Hayate's servants, so Matt decided to investigate exactly how he summoned Raiden. It occurred to him that somehow Raiden and Hayate were connected. Why else would a powerful spirit want him? The mystery had finally unfolded, and he felt it would last a while.

He stopped at the corner where he had summoned Raiden. What was he? Who was Hayate really, and what was he planning?

"I must be going crazy..." Matt uttered to himself. Then, suddenly, he felt his left arm shaking violently. A blue glow was abruptly vibrating from it, like sound waves. "What is this?!" As soon as he spoke, the vibrating and glowing stopped just as suddenly as it had begun.

The window on the building in front of him suddenly glowed; the sun reflected off it brightly. A menacing and dark face suddenly appeared in the window where Matt's reflection should have been. He gasped as a strong force of wind blew him off of his feet.

"Do not repent... bend to the forces that are greater than your own..." a low voice echoed. Matt looked around anxiously.

The Elemental Star Zones

“No way, sorry, but last time we went on one of your crazy adventures, we almost got killed.” Atsuko refused, turning to walk away from his best friend, Opal Fields. “Aw, come on, Atsuko, this time you’ll have a blast! I’ve actually met someone else there who can show us some neat stuff!” Opal begged. Her normally wide, blue eyes narrowed slyly. A twisted smile spread across her face. “I’ll tell you who I met and what she knows.” Opal tried to tempt him. Atsuko sighed. He knew it was hopeless not to go with her. After all, they did find it together…

Atsuko and Opal shared a secret. They found a portal inside an old abandoned tunnel that was underneath a bridge in the town they lived in. Sure, everyone else knew about the tunnel, but everyone had been saying that weird sounds were coming from there… Some said that an old lady died there during her daily walk, while others said that the spirits of people who died in their town haunted the area. In other words, it is cursed.

Therefore, one day, a couple of kids in Opal and Atsuko’s school dared them to check out the tunnel at midnight. Opal tripped and fell over a loose piece of tin in the floor. The tin opened, revealing a deep black whole. Atsuko grabbed her hand a second too late, and the whole sucked them into an abyss. Later, they found themselves stranded in a strange, enchanted place. Someone who was already there transported them back to the tunnel as soon as they saw them, and Opal and Atsuko never saw that place again.

Now, someone from far away came to their town, asking Opal and Atsuko if they had ever been to the tunnel. They said ‘no’, but the stranger insisted that they had. They said ‘no’ because the person wore black, and wouldn’t show his face or give a name. The man was angered, and ran away, cursing. Since then, they have kept their discovery a secret.

Atsuko thought over everything that had happened since they went into that tunnel. He thought that if someone was looking for them, they should probably stay away from there. “Opal, don’t you remember that guy who found us last week, you know, the man in the black clothes?” Atsuko asked. Opal shrugged. “Yeah, what about him?” she asked carelessly. “Didn’t he seem kind of suspicious?” He told her. “You mean dangerous? Nah, I don’t think so.” Opal remarked. “Why would you want to go back there when we’re not even supposed to in the first place? It’s even on private property!” Atsuko shouted.

Opal winced. “Okay, you’re overreacting, Atsuko. Jeez, I was just asking anyhow.” She said innocently. Atsuko sighed in frustration. “You know, if you want to go back there, why not take someone else with you?” he asked. Opal gasped. “How could you say that? We’re supposed to keep it a secret, remember?” she asked. “Sorry. It’s just… Hold on, you went down there by yourself, didn’t you!” Atsuko scowled. Opal shrugged. “Maybe,” she said quietly. “Anyway, I met this girl named Monique. She’s really nice, and really strong, too.”

“I’m listening.” Atsuko groaned. “Well, the mayor of her village said something about the Elemental Star Zones. It all sounds like her world is in some kind of trouble.” Opal explained. “Probably trouble we shouldn’t get involved in.” Atsuko warned. “But- we have to help her. She knows someone else who can help, too.” Opal said. “Then why do we have to help?” Atsuko asked. “I don’t know. I just told her about you and she said to bring you along the next time I went there.” Opal remarked.

[To Be Continued]

A Thousand Windows [poem]

As I look upon a mirror, my reflection shows
But only in a mysterious fog of cold snow that will arise
Ice froze time, frosting the edges of the windows
That’s when I realized the pure truth behind all those lies

All of the theories go out the window and flies
Far away from our sights, forever staining our beliefs
Thus scorching the purposes of our useless relief’s
Rattling the glass and frame of the windows…

A thousand windows appear before us
Overlapping the line of true sight
Making us scream and start a fuss
Your words, I would never again cite

Those thousand windows, covering our hopes
Pushing us down those steep, snowy slopes
Time may stop, but I believe our thoughts will remain
Echoing through the future, our old beliefs stained

Crippling our original dreams and sights
Snapping the wings, we once took on flights
Frost took our spirits, and froze our truths
Waiting for the day to uncover and reveal them again

On that day, I hope that our reflections
Are cleared from the fog, and the snow will fall
So that our predictions were really held true
Except for the fact that they had frozen inside of us

After the night… the dawn arises
And all of those clothes, our disguises
Will disappear, clearing out the frosted fog
Allowing us to see our dreams and goals,
Once again, through a thousand windows