After much research, I have come to the conclusion that Shaun Paul and I may be related.
My moms maiden name was Paul and he has a very similar lineage to mine. He is Sephardi Jewish Portuguese, Afro Caribbean, British and Chinese just like me. Plus he is Jamaican on top of all of that. Minus the Iranian, Indian and Syrian on my side, he could be my long lost brother. Enough with the ranting. Now tell me where you are from. I really love studying about culture and race. It's super interesting to me :D
I reached 70 subscribers! YAY :D
Thanks to all of my subscribers who are awesome. I love you all. I really do appreciate every fave and hug you guys leave on my art. And I'm not just saying that. I really do. I know I was gone for a while and I don't get as much faves as I used to, but I still appreciate it all.
And since its fun to talk about what I hate, I shall commence that. I'm sorry I'm in such a complain-y (word?) mood.
I don't know about you guys, But I seem to have huge Issues with female anime character leads. This is a problem for me...Since most of my main characters are female. But these characters...just drive me nuts.
1) Lenalee from D. Grayman.
No. Just no. She is too whiny. Is there an opening in which she doesn't cry? I mean I get it. I'm a girl. I cry as well..but she is just such a downer and It annoys me how all the guys are all over her. EVEN KANDA. And her legs are just ridonculous. Yes I said it. RIDONCULOUS. Spread the word. Fair enough they are her weapon, but seriously. She gets a new weapon and its like magical-pixiedust-crystal-sparkle-onlyoneofakind-desu type. What is this. Mary-Sue much.
2) Mikuru and Haruhi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
They are both bland. Haruhi is a possesive, and Mikuru is just used as moe fanservice with no backbone. Nuff said. The shameless boob grabbing just put feminism back 50 years. Thank you for that Haruhi, thank you.
3)Otae from Gintama
My favorite anime ever..but this woman just kills me. I can understand using aggression as a tool for comedy, but I don't think it's okay that she gets away with it just like that. Plus all the male characters are all over her. Just like with Lenalee. I love how she can beat up any guy, but RIGHT in the first episode she gets kidnapped and sold to a brothel and can't even defend herself. What is this.
I think next time I'll talk about characters I love.
I hope you guys aren't mad at me or anything. Not meant at all to hurt anyone feelings :) Which characters in general, whether it is anime, a tv series or movie drives you insane?
Thank you for reading this whiplash-mood blog, and please comment, or else it is awkward and I feel like I'm writing this to myself. Now I just sound desperate. I'm tired. I need to sleep..have a good night everyone :D