-Psalm 203874832749238:21287
YAY I HAVE INTERNET AGAIN! A lot happened in these passes days...gee..where do I start. Well..I moved out of the hotel into our house. It's really nice...I shall get an all pink room with my own bathroom, so I am very thankful for that! But we don't have any hot water and the weather in Africa is freezing. Because It's below the Equator, Seasons are flipped. So we are in winter right now and it rains a lot. I still have to wait for my shipment to arrive, so we are renting furniture. I know this is random, but I have a feeling that someone died on my bed. I don't know what's wrong with me.
SCHOOL SITUATION. SO...same situation as before...I got accepted my sister didn't. The school is saying that she has a learning disability. I almost flipped my shit when they said that (excuse my language) and I had to leave the room. SO yeah..we need to find a school for my sis. I have never seen her so sad...its unlike her. And its the first time I am separated from her in a school
SOO The first time I ever got in a school bus. I sat alone. I was fine anyway because I was listening to music. Then we got to the school..and my class mates where just standing there. Then something weird happened. I STARTED FREAKING GETTING NERVOUS. This has never happened to me before...I am not very shy when meeting new people. A few girls said hi to me...but that was it. I was basically ignored for the rest of the day because I was really awkward and shy. I have never had a first day like this before. They weren't mean to me at all..they just didn't really care about me. I wasn't even assigned a buddy. But The guys were a lot nicer than the girls..I felt a lot more chill talking to them :/ Christian schools always are a little problematic. I am a Christian but I still have some trouble with them, because your expectations are so much higher than usual. I dunno.
But I'm not to worried (though it was weird seeing myself nervous) it was only the first day. I still have two years to go, an I'm sure they will be fun :D
I NEED SOME SERIOUS ADVICE! There are already drama auditions going on.... I am totally new to the school, I don't know anyone and I'm new to the country. Should I still audition? Why? I really love drama..but I'm not sure If I should wait until next year...I'm nervous.
Whats wrong with me??!!!
ANYWAYS I'm sorry this is really long :O I do appreciate if you read it all though! And I shall suck less at commenting on your guys creations now that I have internet.
Isn't this girl awesome for drawing Aka for me? I love her <3

If you guys want to draw her PLEASE DO!!! I would appreciate it a lot!!

Yes that is me hugging a giraffe. I hug giraffes. They feel like carpet it was freaking awesome.
As you can see, I am enjoying Africa quite nicely. Because. I just hugged a giraffe. HA. But yeah. It's pretty nice. I can imagine living here, so the move wasn't all that hard. BTW I ate crocodile, ostrich, kangaroo, camel, and well...ermm...bull testicles. I'm all for experiencing different cultures and being culinary adventurous, but they were ALL definitely not my favorite foods.
IM SO SORRY FOR SUCKING at commenting on your guys work! I am was super busy with moving, but I now promise to comment. Yeah. And I may be scannerless, but I still have some art I drew that needs to be colored on GIMP. And I have to finish Moonlit dreams Request. But I'm working on it!
And all you crazy Yaoi fan girls, help this artist build and audience and lets give them a huge welcome to theO :)
And join this
I am Using a USB stick and I feel like it is going to attack me, since it is blinking so aggressively. And I'm going to attempt to steal my sisters chocolate...I'm such a rebel.
Bye <3
How hardcore am I. Dude I made a college for my new room. I'm gonna have my own bathroom. So that's pretty cool. The pictures are of me, my friends, sayings and other stuff I like.

On a way sadder note...I will be forced to take a 3 month hiatus because I will not have a scanner, because our stuff is gonna take 3 months before it is shipped to our new home. So I'm drawing like crazy TODAY so I have stuff to edit while scanner-less. BUT I shall try to upload cards, wallpapers and I will of course stay active and try to comment and update my blog :)

After much research, I have come to the conclusion that Shaun Paul and I may be related.
My moms maiden name was Paul and he has a very similar lineage to mine. He is Sephardi Jewish Portuguese, Afro Caribbean, British and Chinese just like me. Plus he is Jamaican on top of all of that. Minus the Iranian, Indian and Syrian on my side, he could be my long lost brother. Enough with the ranting. Now tell me where you are from. I really love studying about culture and race. It's super interesting to me :D
I reached 70 subscribers! YAY :D
Thanks to all of my subscribers who are awesome. I love you all. I really do appreciate every fave and hug you guys leave on my art. And I'm not just saying that. I really do. I know I was gone for a while and I don't get as much faves as I used to, but I still appreciate it all.
And since its fun to talk about what I hate, I shall commence that. I'm sorry I'm in such a complain-y (word?) mood.
I don't know about you guys, But I seem to have huge Issues with female anime character leads. This is a problem for me...Since most of my main characters are female. But these characters...just drive me nuts.
1) Lenalee from D. Grayman.
No. Just no. She is too whiny. Is there an opening in which she doesn't cry? I mean I get it. I'm a girl. I cry as well..but she is just such a downer and It annoys me how all the guys are all over her. EVEN KANDA. And her legs are just ridonculous. Yes I said it. RIDONCULOUS. Spread the word. Fair enough they are her weapon, but seriously. She gets a new weapon and its like magical-pixiedust-crystal-sparkle-onlyoneofakind-desu type. What is this. Mary-Sue much.

2) Mikuru and Haruhi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
They are both bland. Haruhi is a possesive, and Mikuru is just used as moe fanservice with no backbone. Nuff said. The shameless boob grabbing just put feminism back 50 years. Thank you for that Haruhi, thank you.
3)Otae from Gintama
My favorite anime ever..but this woman just kills me. I can understand using aggression as a tool for comedy, but I don't think it's okay that she gets away with it just like that. Plus all the male characters are all over her. Just like with Lenalee. I love how she can beat up any guy, but RIGHT in the first episode she gets kidnapped and sold to a brothel and can't even defend herself. What is this.

I think next time I'll talk about characters I love.
I hope you guys aren't mad at me or anything. Not meant at all to hurt anyone feelings :) Which characters in general, whether it is anime, a tv series or movie drives you insane?
Thank you for reading this whiplash-mood blog, and please comment, or else it is awkward and I feel like I'm writing this to myself. Now I just sound desperate. I'm tired. I need to sleep..have a good night everyone :D
I make Scrap books. That's how awesome I am. Yeah. REBEL.

Sooo, this is my new blog. I wonder If I'll be able to keep it up. GOSH...what am I going to say...I suck at this blog stuff. Well, I'm moving to Africa, and I was cleaning up my room. Then I found a bunch of random crap that I didn't want to throw away, So I made a few scrapbooks out of them. Which one is your favorite? I feel like cleaning is really therapeutic to me..Its weird. Besides art, what is something that comforts you? For me it's cleaning my room and just sleeping for hours. I'm weird. Its gonna be awkward if no one answers this. So please do.
AND PLEASE DUDE. I am taking art requests. Please request something...I don't care what. It doesn't matter who you are, just let me draw something :)
Thanks so much for reading my fail blog XD