I don't belong here

I don’t belong here
No I don’t belong here.
I here none talk.
No I hear none talk.
They mouth their words with no sound.
Yes they mouth their words with no sound.
They smile as if I understand
Yes they smile as if I understand.
It’s like the feeling of loneliness
Yes it’s like the feeling of loneliness.
I wanted to shout out and cry
Yes I wanted to shout out and cry.
Before all the years would go by
Yes before all the years would go by.
Because I don’t belong here
Yes because I don’t belong here.
I will end my life now
Yes I will end my life now.


I deserve

I dont deserve a Life This strife That love This shove That inclusion This confusion Tomorrow This sorrow That time This Climb To be free To flee That repair This despai...

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