Dark waters

Pulling me beneath the sea
Drowning not you but me
Slowly crawling from my eyes
Taking this he slowly dies
On the inside he knows i cry
On the inside he knows i die
On the inside he knows i lie
On the inside he knows i sigh
Every other word i say
Shows my pain every day
But i truely want to hide it
Shove it all in a deep dark pit
Cuz in these dark waters
i won't live long
Not underwater


In between

Can you feel my heart Fall between your fingers All my words so tart My pain just lingers I'm sorry i hurt you so much But my heart just won't be touched Through all the pain of everyday My heart will swa...

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head to toe

white dots spread upon me all white but my eyes playfully i throw it around covered in it from head to toe laughing all the while sitting on the floor you offer me help and i take your hand you hug a...

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scared? what a strange word we over-use it real fear is in murder is in hate is in hell is in your eyes is in my heart is in my mind is in dreams is in nightmares in my everyd...

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Wow this poem sucks

oh really? did that really happen i didnt know i thought i knew you guys were just laughin? that really makes me blue Just tell me when You can tell me the truth And you wont give me that sin no oh no i wo...

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