Wandering tears

I wander beyond
whats hurting my heart
tears falling down
severing my bond
In words so tart
My wandering tears fall to the ground

In pain and agony
I cant run fast enough
I get caught again
And the process repeats
As my heart cries
My wandering tears fall to the ground

I feel as if i'm running in circles
And crying to noone
I try and try again
yet my tears wont stop falling
i think i might love and
My wandering tears fall to the ground

It hurts too much
To keep this love up
my heart hasnt broken
it's shattered into peices
I can't let it go
The love just wont go
My wandering tears fall to the ground

I stain my cheeks
with a darkness so clear
and i cant run far
not from here
I imagine the hurt of others
and i feel so bad
As my wandering tears fall to the ground

But as i think about all theses things
I remember the good and bad
what i remember
and what i've forgotten
I feel the old love
still tapping me on the heart
But i couldnt do it
Not anymore or anytime
I couldnt do it with the pain
That still lurks in my heart
And i think about it
As my wandering tears fall to the ground


I Let my kiss drain

I let my kiss drain In this black rain I'll see you never now on and forever My cheeks flushed my heart crushed Dont look at me Just let me be I hated that look It was if i shook I would ...

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