LSoH Anime/Manga (Act One Complete)

All three employees of Mushnik's Japanese Flower Shop waited and waited for hours. Mr. Mushnik looked at the time.

"It's 6 O'Clock and we haven't sold much as a fern!" He said. Just then, two little children came in.

"Hurray! We finally have customers." Mushnik smiled for one second before Seymour ruined the moment.

"Uh, sir? They're not here to shop. They're our new employees, Yuki and Yumi Shiva. Also, I babysit them everyday." Mushnik frowned. The two twins smiled and waved. The blonde, aging man suddenly cried out.

"That's it! Don't bother coming to work tomorrow." He switched the OPEN sign.

"You don't mean!" Seymour and Audrey said together.

"You can't!" Yuki said as he dropped his comb that brushes his black/orange hair.

"I mean I'm through! Kaput! Extinct! I'm closing this god and customer forsaken place." Seymour stopped his boss from doing that.

"Mr. Mushnik, forgive me for saying so but has it ever occurred to you that what the firm needs is- is-" The red-headed nerd needed to find a word.

"-A new direction?" Yumi finished. Her brother covered her mouth. Audrey nodded.

"What Seymour is trying to say and we all agree," She hesitated and pointed to the back of the shop, "Seymour why don't you run downstairs and bring up that strange and interesting plant you've been working on?" Seymour nodded and went downstairs.

"You see Mr. Mushinik, some of those exotic plants that Seymour tinkers around with are very unusual. We thought that some of them would attract business." Seymour came back with his plant.

"I'm afraid it hasn't been feeling well today." He sighed. All 5 of them looked at the plant.

"Now there." Audrey smiled as she twirled her pigtails, "Doesn't that look bizarre?"

"At least! What kind of a weirdo plant is that, Seymour?" Mr. Mushnik asked. The plant was a dark purple pod with yellow and black polka dots and light green leaves. It also had five different kinds of vines.

"I don't know." Seymour admitted, "I think it's some sort of flytrap but I couldn't indentify it in any of my books. I gave it my own name though. I call it... an Audrey II." He blushed.

"Ahem!" Both the Shiva Twins crossed their arms. The red-haired nerd rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay! Audrey II and The Vinettes." Audrey gasped.

"After me?" She said baffled.

"I hope you don't mind..." Seymour looked into her eyes.

"What's with the 'Vinette' business?" Mr. Mushnik asked the children, "This is a plant, not a name for a brand new music band."

"Oh, they're just the Vine Friends of Audrey II." Yumi said excitedly as she jumped.

"Their names are Thorn, Shay, Anna, Lexanis and Pixy." Yuki explained. Yumi looked at her brother.

"No, the feather one is named Adena." She corrected.




"ADENA!" Seymour stopped the arguement and continued.

"You see sir, if you would put a strange and interesting plant like this," He put it in the front of the shop, "Here on the window, then maybe-"

"Maybe what? Maybe what?!" Mr. Mushnik shook Seymour, "Don't you know how ridiculous you sound?!? Just because you put a strange and interesting plant in the window doesn't mean that people suddenly-" There was a bell chime. A girl with cat ears went into the shop. Her name was Nightmare.

"Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice that strange and interesting plant in the window." She said. Mr. Musnik glared at the plant. Nightmare continued, "What is it?"

"It's an Audrey II!" Audrey giggled.

"I never seen anything like it before..." Nightmare went to examine the plant.

"No one has." Seymour answered.

"Where did you get it?" The cat-girl asked.

"Well, did you remember that total eclipse of the sun 2 weeks ago?" Everyone nodded. Seymour and the three dog girls sung all about that day:

I was walkin' in the wholesale flower district that day
Shoop da-doo,
and I passed by this place where this old Chinese woman
Chang da-doo
She sometimes sells me weird and exotic cuttings,
Snip da-doo,
'cause she knows, you see, that strange plants are my hobby.
Da da da da da da-doo.

She didn't have anything unusual there that day.

Nope, da-doo,
so I was just about to, ya know, walk on by,
Good for you,
when suddenly,
Da doo
and without warning, there was this total eclipse of the sun.

It got very dark and there was this strange
sound like something from another world.
And when the light came back this weird plant was just sitting there,

just, you know, stuck in, among the zinnias.
Audrey Two.
I coulda sworn it hadn't been there before,
but the old Chinese woman sold it to me anyways,
for a dollar ninety-five.
Sha la la, la la la, la la la loo