During a rainy night, Jess and Taro as spiders are still tangled up in the threads of the balloons. Jess is still mad at him because the spell didn't work from kissing him and she herself is a spider. Taro explained to her what's been going on and how he became a spider.
"Voodoo?" Jess asked, "You mean to tell me this all happen because you were messing with the Shadow Man, Concerto?"
"He was very charismatic," Taro replied.
Jess sighed frustrated, "It serves me right on wishing on a stars. The only way you get what you wanted in this world is hard work."
"Hard work? Why would a princess need hard work?" Taro asked.
"Oh, I'm not a princess, I'm a waitress," Jess corrected.
"A waitress?! No wonder the kiss did not work! You lied to me!" Taro snapped.
"No way, I'd never said I was a princess," said Jess.
"You never said that you were a waitress! You are wearing a crown!" Taro yelled.
Jess glared at him, "It was a costume party, you spoiled, little rich boy!"
"Oh yeah? Well, the end is in your face because I do not have any riches," Taro told her the truth.
"What?!" Jess asked, shocked.
"I am completely broke!" Taro laughed, but he head and felt the balloon popped, "Uh oh…" All of the balloons popped by the branch. They began to fall, screaming until they fell onto a fence in a back-alley. They broke the surface and Jess is covered up in garbage. Both the spiders landed in a garbage can in the city.
"You said you were fabulously and wealthy!" Jess snapped, throwing the garbage off of her.
"My parents are fabulously wealthy, but they cut me for being a… roach!" Taro screamed, seeing a roach on his elbow.
Jess pulled it off, "You're broke and you haven't called me a lie?" as she threw the roach away. The conversation stopped there, until Taro changed the subject,
"Well waitress, we're going to be here for a while, so we may as well get…comfortable," Taro smirked, getting near Jess.
Jess hits him, "Keep your hairy self away from me!"
"I told you it is not hair, it is feelers!" Taro yelled.
That morning, Taro is still sleeping, until Jess threw an acorn on his head from outside. He looked down and saw Jess walking out of the alley.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty," said Jess, "We got to get back to the center of Tokyo and undo this mess YOU got us into."
Taro joined her, "I am not the one raiding on the phony bologna tiara," he grabbed a stick with some cobwebs on it and began to play, "Music to paradise."
Jess to dodge objects thorwn in the alley, frustrated, "I could use a little help."
"I will play a little louder," Taro began to play louder and faster, but unknown to him; something was watching him through the wall, behind him. Jess looked at the street they were in.
"Skid Row?" She asked herself. She saw a mailbox labeled '1313' on it, but she shook her head, "I was just imagining things..."
"How about a little less picking and…" Jess gasped, seeing a vine behind him.Taro gasped as he and Jess was grabbed by a vine and they were face to face with a giant plant with razor sharp teeth. The plant opened up, about to eat Jess and Taro. He and Jess held each other, but the plant didn't. The male plant was in an orange pot, was about 9 feet tall, and he had a golden cornet with him; he's known as the Audrey II.(A/N: Cool Fact- Did you know that in the Princess and The Frog movie, the person who played Louis the Alligator, (Michael-Leon Wooley), was also one of the voices of Audrey 2 on Broadway? :D True fact)
"I know that tune! Dip of mouth blues!" Audrey 2 grinned, playing the cornet.
Taro smiled and dropped Jess, "Play it brother!" Taro began to play while Audrey 2 played the music with his cornet and he's very good. Jess glared at him as they kept playing.
Audrey 2 laughed and danced with Taro, "Where have you been all my life?"
"Where did you learn to play like that?" Taro asked.
"I used to be in the jazz school in the world, all the greats play the nightclubs,"Audrey 2 explained, "Oh, Twoey give anything to be out there jamming with the big boys."
"Why don't you?" Taro asked.
"Oh I tried once," Twoey explained his story.
In a nightclub, Seymour Krelborn held Twoey as Twoey watched the band playing and suddenly jumped in, ignoring Seymour's plea. The people are frightened when he began to play his cornet. Tiny stopped, hoping that he can join, but without warning, he ran out of the club while being held by Seymour, avoiding the shotguns.
End flashback
Twoey glared from that memory, "It didn't end well."
"Well, it has been a real pleasure meeting you... Twoey," Jess pulled Taro close to her, "Thank you kindly, but we'd best be on our way."
"Where are y'all going?" Twoey asked.
"To find somebody to break the spell," Jess answered.
"What spell?" Audrey 2 asked.
"Brace yourself, my leafy friend, we are not spiders, we're humans," Taro said.
Twoey stared at them and began to laugh and stopped, "You serious?"
"I am Taro, Prince of the Chikumo and she's Jessica, the waitress ninja," Taro whispered to the man-eating plant, "Do not kiss her."
Jess glared at him, "Now just a second, this goon here got himself turning into a spider by the Voodoo man…"
"Voodoo? Like the kind King Othello does?" Twoey asked, thinking.
"King who?" Taro asked.
"King Othello. He's the Voodoo King in Halloween Town. Luckily, he's in the outskirts of Tokyo right now. He's got magic and spells, all kind of Voodoo," Twoey explained.
"Could you take us to him?" Taro and Jess asked.
Audrey 2 gasped, "To the deepest, darkest part of Tokyo? Facing razor sharp thugs and drug dealers and stragglers and hunters with guns?! No," The plant sat by the brick wall and began to play the cornet. Jess sighed and looked at Taro.
Taro smiled, "Watch and learn," he walked next to Twoey, "Audrey 2, it's too bad we cannot help you with your dream. If only you were smaller and less toothy." He played with the vines and slightly raised Twoey mouth, which had big, bloody teeth in it. "You can play jazz to adoring crowds without scaring them," Twoey still played his instrument. Taro sighed. Jess added something.
"Plus, one of my friends named Deiara Uchiha would love you better as a human, " Twoey stopped as Jess continued, "Anyway, enjoy your loneliness."
Taro crossed his arms, "Cute, but it's not going to…" Jess stopped him and pointed at Twoey.
"Hey guys, I'd just had me a crazy idea. What if I asked King Othello to turn me human?" Twoey asked, grinning.
"Audrey 2, you're a genius," Taro said.
"Awesome!" Audrey 2 laughed and began to play his solo of his cornet. He then called out, "TAXI!" A taxi came. Upon finding no one, the taxi started to go. Audrey 2 grabbed both the spiders and placed himself in the back of the taxi. Jess and Taro laughed.
Twoey played the last part of his solo as the three friends rode off in search for King Othello.
I'll continue later