This WORLD features all official updates from our network.

Caption Battle: Rated M for Mature...

"It's that time again..." "To eat our minstrels?" "To expect the Spanish Inquisition?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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Caption Battle: So Cute!!!

"It's that time again..." "To have a piece of delicious cupcake?" "To find out the cupcake is a lie?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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Caption Battle: Say It, Don't Spray It

"It's that time again..." "To call the guests' names?" "To call the guests names?" "No, it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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Caption Battle: Delightful Turks...

"It's that time again..." "To find leaked Comic-Con information about Avatar?" "To get fed up with snakes on the Quinjet?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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Caption Battle: I See London, I See France...

"It's that time again..." "To diagnose Lupus?" "To find out that it's not Lupus?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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