Top 10 Greatest Moments of 2008 in theO

5 - The Halloween Writer’s Jam:

Sure, I hosted it. That’s beside the point.

Article writing was something a small percentage of theO’s community thrived on, but it was all we had. We were sad to see it go. So when Fan Words came back into the fold in Version Vibrant, we were all for it.

Skip ahead, and NightBeck and I went on found a World dedicated to writing that went strong up until we both had to go back to work and school respectively… but it’s there, and we’ll get to it soon enough, I’m sure.

All of that culminated last October, however, when we hosted the Halloween Writer’s Jam. It gave a pointed excuse to do some holiday writing for Halloween, to get the old writers out and writing again, to just have a good old time. And sure, we dangled a carrot in the shape of a free premium membership and stuff, but writing promotion was always the main intention.

And… I gotta say, it was a darn strong success with about 40 published Fan Words within the span of the month. That’s some effective writing done out there.

Now if only we could keep that kind of quality up… and yeah, we missed Christmas. Maybe next year.

That was just one month of insanity, though… can you imagine what kind of insanity happens every week here?