Top 10 Greatest Moments of 2008 in theO

3 - theO’s Sakura-Con 2008 Meet-up:

It came by great luck that the very year I became site staff here at was the same year I finally hoofed my butt southwards to Sakura-Con in Seattle, Washington. Gail and I had a great time talking together with the handful of other members who made it out, giving away some free DVDs and the like… but that was 2007. No, this past spring was where it was at…

A 30-some member turnout. Two full crates of anime DVDs freely handed out. A podcast recording with Ichigo of Anime Pulse. It was freaking badass, and I’m really miffed that we never got a full group photo in the long run!

I’m pretty sure that Sakura-Con will be theO’s big convention for a long time to come. Both Gail and myself make it there every year; she always has tons of free swag that she collects through her work with the industry; west coasters are just awesome like that (probably). So for next spring, if any of you guys can make it out to Seattle… I promise we’ll make it worth your while.

So yeah, Adam, next year. C’mon, you know you wanna…

This one is probably my favourite of the year. But it was far from the last… if you haven’t already noticed, a vast deal of this list could not have been possible without the help of…