Three Years?

The dry dirt crunched beneath his feet as he shuffled through the graveyard, the melancholy undertones of the cemetery contrasting with the bright sun, which sat high in the sky. It was already noon, Buriel mused, and he was late. His movements ceased; completely still as he stood in front of the grave, Buriel slipped off his hood and closed his eyes before he opened his mouth to speak.

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other, Yukimura." His voice was soft, no louder than a whisper as he shifted his weight, his hands slipping into the pockets beneath his beige colored cloak, one that was completely weathered for wear, but he didn't seem to mind. "I is my fault that I have waited so long to visit, but you always did say silly things. Better late than never, for instance."

He paused, his eyes opening as he tilted his head toward the sky. "I wish I could have seen what offed you, really. I'd never admit it but you were..." Words became choked as his brow furrowed and he decided to say something different. "Why weren't you as resilient as Danielle and I?" The tone was caked with a amount of pain; he grimaced before continuing, wetting his lips. "I was there, you know. At your coronation...or whatever it was. I regret going. You made me remember what I'd lost...even if it was just...a little.

"I admit I made far too many wrong turns, but you never pursued me. You were a fool. Danielle had a better chance of changing my mind, don't you think? She chased me with hatred...and when she gave up, I went searching for her. Don't lie to me; I know you were just a bit swayed by the tilt of her head before you met Yasu...and maybe after, if only a little. She's found someone, though, a man who is wise beyond his years. They deserve each other, really. What other woman would love a long haired man that does not live in the Edo period?" He ran his fingers through his hair. "I miss your idiotic ways. At least you weren't afraid to smile, yes? I bet you smiled when you died, too.." His throat began to close up, and with horror he realized that he was crying. "Dammit. I'd hate it if Kiki saw me like this."

His thoughts suddenly turned to her. "I met someone." With a sigh, he said, "I think you two would get along well." Swiftly he wiped his face with his sleeve and crouched down. "I would probably become insanely jealous of your relationship, yes? So, in a way, I am glad you two will never meet." Tenderness invaded his voice. "I'm glad you didn't die when I tried to kill you." The words awkwardly hung in the air as he stared at the tombstone, almost as if he were expecting the deceased man to say something. "...but I'll..."


The smile did not waver. His hands slowly lifted until they were above his head, his knees touching the ground before he sifted his weight to stand. With as much enthusiasm as a housewife who had found valuable, unexpired coupons, he said, "I was wondering when you would find me!"

I hope I've still got enough mental strength for this. The angry faces of the Task force (rather, their angry masks) stared back at him, kunai and short swords swarming him from either side. "Amori Buriel, you must be some type of fool to come back here."

His smile wavered a bit. Of course he was a fool; he always had been, and always would be one in more ways than just returning to Motuogakure. "Yes. I know."