He didn't think it suited him to walk around in broad daylight, dressed like an exchange student from Japan in England, but Buriel was not one to fuss about details. It served its purpose; he was able to get around without attracting any attention (his cloak made him stick out like a sore thumb) because he knew that there was someone following him, and that it was only a matter of time before that someone found him.
"Found him."
The voice was unfamiliar; though Buriel did not know how long he had been "Away", the day that became a very problematic day had started two and a half years into his journey, and the voice's tone was of female quality- though it was quite...seductive, he supposed he could call it, nearly deep enough to pass for a young man's voice.
The sound belonged to a woman with short red hair that framed her face, her blue green eyes sparkling with mischief as she rested a hand on her hip. Beside her stood an attractive looking man (by attractive, Buriel meant that he saw him as feminine) with long dark hair that was tied in a high ponytail, its longest point touching his waist. "You're still alive," he said, and Buriel bristled.
"Incubus." He addressed him. Shishigami Kou (or so he liked to be called) had done him much more harm than good, and really, Buriel would have liked to see the demon's throat slit- or however one would kill a demon. His eyes lingered on the woman standing beside him. She was far too beautiful; her curves were perfect, her lips were full, her eyes beckoning... "Succubus." He murmured, though he didn't move. There were people around; though he had no fear of their attack on himself, he found he wanted the reassurance for the well-being of the innocent bystanders (though in his mind, no one was innocent). "I trust you aren't here to visit.
"Oh, no, we followed you here deliberately." The woman beside him did not speak when Kou stepped forward, waving his hands as he spoke. "You shouldn't be alive. Really, you're mortal now, aren't you? All better? You happen to smell delicious now." His fingers trailed down the shinobi's jawline- though how he had gotten so close to Buriel was a mystery. "You sure you won't let me have just...a taste?"
Stonily, Buriel slipped away from Kou, his eyes once more settling on the woman he had brought with him. "Who are you?"
She didn't answer him. Her arms crossed and she closed her eyes, but when she spoke, it was to her accomplice. "Do you want me to dispose of him now or later? He's definitely attractive. I wouldn't mind a little snack."
"Now would be nice."
When had they cornered him off? There were no people around, he realized. Somehow his vision had been altered, or maybe his mind... Maybe it would have been better to...
His shoulders squared themselves. "Back away, or I will erase both of you."
"Ooh, very threatening." Kou crossed his arms, calmly advancing on him. "You don't have enough energy for that."
He did, and he knew it. It may leave him fatigued, but...His irises tinted with purple, dimming as he sized up his target. "One..."
The woman backed away. "I don't like it. His aura changed. I don't find him appetizing anymore."
With a bit of a smile, Kou murmured, "...I see. I suppose we can always scrap him and save him for-"
Silence settled between them as a different voice cut through their conversation. With a hint of surprise, Buriel noticed that just behind him (and steadily walking past him) was a young man with blonde hair that was almost white and bright blue eyes that seemed both steely and kind. He wore a long, black trench coat and carried no hint of a British accent (or any variant of it). In all honesty, the man seemed American, in his early to mid twenties, and with his hand in one of his pockets, he said, "You're demons, aren't you?" He completely ignored Buriel (smart boy!) and was staring directly at Kou and the redhead, who seemed the slightest bit unnerved.
"...Ume, dear, I believe it's time to take our leave." The brunette's fingers twitched at his sides as he calmly turned to leave. "Ja ne, Buriel. We'll meet again." Without any delay, the two vanished, leaving no trace of even being there.
The young blonde cracked the tiniest bit of a smile before he looked to Buriel. "Hello. You seemed to have been in a bit of trouble. I'm sorry if you could handle it yourself and I intruded on you."
"Not at all." The shinobi seemed surprised. "What did you...?"
"Nothing, really. They could smell my occupation on me, though." His smile faded, as if he meant something else by that, but he abruptly offered Buriel his hand. "Cainbridge. Roy Cainbridge."