Welcome to Castle Oblivion 10 years after the deaths of all the original members of Organization 13. *tear* Despite their deaths, new nobodies have been created and have begun to call the castle their home becoming the next generation of Organization 13 members. New things await as things change and adapt in this new season.

Leader: SojiRem (Triskix- The Red Shinigami)
Co-leader: CrazyFangirl5746

Other Members, Power level
LoveKouichi (Lexian- Daemon of Darkness)
Support KIRA (Raxi- Frozen Duplicity)
KiKaiya(Nyx- Maiden of Light)
Rexikat Rhapsody (Rexikat- The Chained Rhapsody)
Dark Smile (Ximh- The Lightning Emperor)
khismylife(Xemmsur- Silent Waves)
Kill Sasuke(Kyxsha- The Air Mistress)
Shadweh (Xakiah- The Shadow's Gnomon) 100
Soichi (Tamex- Ladies Man)
Sasukelover001(Deidrex- The Suicidal Flame) 35
Luna Chan (Amaterasux- The Unknown) 20
darkittylove (Setxune)45
ShizukoxIchimaru (Yuumeix)8
Dangodumpling (Tsukux)8
Troublesum Shika(Syrix)15
Blood Moon Wolf(Sparkx)5
rikusgirl101(Lerxia- The Lone Demon) 8
moonlight9 (Saphirax) 5
tigerlilly (Xena- The Techno Freak) 25
YuiKaueru (Alkaline) 8
cross roses (Healx) 20
Sixth Hoshikage (Narexurk- Silent Thunder) 50
Sukki Chan(Xetira) 35
AtticusPersona (Xatticus) 25
wofldemonchild9 (Lexanis)10
Ryochin30 (Vox) 5

Orginization #, name, Title, gender, element, weapon, items


I Xraktos-M, ?, Cypher (black whip)
II. Triskix- M, Fire, duel shadow scythe
III. Lexian- M, Darkness, Apocalypse keyblade
IV. Nyx- F, Light, Electric Guitar
V. Raxi- F, Ice, giant clear blade
VI. Xemmsur- F, water, No Existence keyblade
VII. Ximh- , M, electricity, Buster Sword
VIII. Kyxsha- F, Air, Hurricane Bazooca
IX. Rexikat- F, spirit of the tigress, Four 2" long steel chains.


Tamex-M, Water, Duel Wave Scythe


X. Xakiah- F, Shadows, Ninjatô
XI. Narexurk-M, Lightning, Charakin
XII. Deidrex- F, Fire, fire shadow blade
XIII. Amaterasux- F, morphing, any part of her
XIV. Xena-F, Techno, FCCS bracelet
XV. Healx-F, Fire, Scarlet Death (ribbon)
XVI. Setxune- M, unknown (Darkness), Shadow Blade
XVII. Yuumeix- F, Darkness, Lunar Scythe
XVIII. Tsukux- M, Spiritual, twin blades
XIX. Syrix- F, Manipulation, White Chess Piece
XX. Sparx- F, Electricity, swords
XXII. Lerxia- F, darkness, bloody mary sword
XXII. Saphirax- F, Earth, golden thorned rose
XXIII. Alkaline-F, Poison, spell book
XXIV. Xetira-F, Darkness, Sirai Blade
XXV. Xatticus- M, Earth/Blood, Staff
XXVI. Lexanis -F, Shadow, Spiked Star Chain
XXVII. Vox-M, Time, Pocket Watch

To Get into the Elite you must be very active in this club constantly contributing. Elitists also get special privileges, if I am thinking of modifying something you will be one of the first ones to know via PM, you will be squad leaders on missions, and you're major quote will be displayed on the intro. Also, Eliters's point numbers are cleared because they have already reached the higher status in the club. Everyone else still have points to rack up in activity.

"..When I gave up my heart....I didn't mean to give up my soul too....oh well no sense in dealing in the past....I will keep order in this castle...or die trying...."
"So far into the darkness that I can no longer see the light...and I like it..."
Remember, darkness does not always equal to evil. Just as light does not always bring good.
"Could one such as I, one without a heart, dare say they have felt the emotion of Love...or was it an illusion cast upon me in this endless darkness?"
"It doesn't matter how pure, full of light your heart is, It doesn't matter how cold, full of darkness your heart is. What matters is knowing if you made the right choice or not"
"Strength decides who lives and who dies. If you're strong, you survive; while if you're weak, you simply fade away. There is no "In-Between"."
Better to be a Nobody without a heart, then a somebody with a heart.
"Why would I want a heart...when everyone I would love is already dead? I have been avenged, I have no one to avenge...life as a Nobody is all that is left for me."

Organization Oblivion's sister world:CLICK has information on the apprentices if you need to look it up

Also check out here which is used for the randomness of the castle.

Prospective new members: we will decline every new member that wishes to enter the castle at this time until this arch in the story line is over. After that time, people may apply for membership. Once this arch is over, I will give more details.

Life as a Doll....isn't for me...>.>'

I opened my eyes to find nothing but darkness. I didn’t realize the state Minx was in was so unstable. I hadn’t known what to do before I was like this. I could see the room...but I couldn’t move at all. My body was propped up and Minx was smiling in front of me.

“Say hello to your new friend RaXi...Aidex, Xyta.” Minx voiced and walked away. She sat back down on her bed heavily...she was getting very tired from all the power usage. I could tell, she would collapse at any given moment now.

I couldn’t do anything...it was utterly frustrating. All I could do was watch...I couldn’t even use my power. What happened?! I thought loudly.

Are you alright? a voice suddenly came through, in the darkness.

Who....who are you? I spoke cautiously.

I am Aidex.... the voice answered.

The doll? I pondered...I hadn’t seen them...but Minx had mentioned them at some point...at least I thought so.

Yes. I was originally an Organization Zero member....until Xerebus became angry with me and had Minx turn me into this....

The same with me. Another voice said cautiously. I am Xyta....Minx uses the most painful memories you possess so she can reflect them and cause your mind to shut down...it is all an illusion, but even knowing that neither Xyta nor I can find a way to escape this imprisonment....

So this is what she meant by doll.... I deliberated.

Yes....and the Leader Xerebus uses us as mediums to talk to Minx sometimes.....

We have to find a way out! I exclaimed defiantly. The very thought of Xerebus USING me, sickened me.

It is impossible.... Xyta answered.

No, it isn’t. I’m not so weak as to give up and remain here. I denied.

But we have tried...it is futile...Aidex insisted.

I thought about the painful image she had used on me. Suddenly it appeared before me...my darkness. She smiled at me evilly. And in that moment, we stood face to face, I no longer heard Xyta or Aidex.

“You are....so very weak RaXi.” She began, circling me. “You are so paralyzed with fear of ME that you have even been humbled by a child. What makes you reject the power I can offer you? Your enemies fall at your feet...NOTHING can withstand the power you harbor, and yet....you reject it?”

I stood there idly. Waiting in fear until suddenly I came to a realization. This darkness...she was part of me...and that would never change. Therefore...there was only one path open to me now...embrace what I truly was...or cower in fear for eternity.

“You’re right.” I stated. She halted and looked at me with a questionable glare. “I have been wrong for keeping you locked away, I admit that. Therefore, I have a proposition for you. A plan to end the strife between us. Will you hear me out?”

She grew strangely calm. All the rage she had for me...was slowly dissipating from her gaze. “Speak.”

I smiled. “I will release you from your cage...break the seal I have kept on you...but in exchange, you must agree to abide by MY rules. You mustn’t go about causing rampant destruction...you must only use your power when it’s necessary. Can you do that?”

She gave me a sideways look, as though trying to see if I was telling the truth. She turned away and put her finger to her mouth. I wondered if this was how I looked when deliberating on a situation. It was eerie to say the least. Finally she turned around.

“Because I desire freedom...not out of sympathy to you...I will accept your terms. We will become one. You must not regret your choice...my power is now yours...” She agreed and slowly disappeared.

Now that the matter was resolved...my deepest fear conquered, there was no longer anything Minx could hold me bound to. I saw the piece of glass within her grasp...slowly it cracked and shattered, she looked shocked.

I could move again. I stood up and approached Minx. She didn’t even rise...she tried yet was too exhausted. There was another piece of glass that looked similar to the one that had just shattered. I smiled and grabbed it.

“I’m sorry Minx. I must take away yet another thing...for no one should be held against their will.” I explained and threw the shard on the ground. She screamed as it shattered. Falling to her knees she rubbed the pieces up as Aidex and Xyta rose from their positions. “And now...you need to sleep. Your power will destroy you if you continue this way. Forgive me Minx...” Oddly, she didn’t stop me from knocking her out.

Xyta and Aidex stumbled a bit...as though they were unfamiliar to the act of walking. They looked at me and suddenly bowed down. “Honorable Lady RaXi...allow us to accompany you in payment for freeing us...” Aidex began. “Yes, you could’ve left us...yet you didn’t...so please...” Xyta finished.

“Very well.” I agree will a small smile. “Though I only did it because NO ONE should be forced against their will.” I looked back at Minx. As soon as she had fallen unconscious the barrier had lowered. That must’ve raised some sort of alarm...and now I wondered what to do.

Minx’s fate is up to you Soji.
Go ahead and continue your parts Nyx/Xakiah! Good luck in your battles! ^^

Shouldn't I...

I stood there for several minutes...wondering just what side the man before me was on. We'd had many run-ins...yet I just didn't know. Whether he was my foe...whether I could fight him...whether I could truly put myself in it to destroy them. Suddenly the area around us began to fade and I felt the room shift. It had been ten minutes...yet this was not the South Wing as Xakiah had said. Perhaps since I'd reached the top?

"No RaXi...this is where I wanted it to shift." The man explained. "We are alone here..."

It was a white room...vast and devoid of anything. Just a large white space...and yet...I sensed Minx's pulsating energy very close. Perhaps closer than from the stairs.

"So then Verex...where DO you stand? I tire of this...this game we play. Never knowing when you are my enemy..." I finally stated, still in my defensive stance. I hadn't moved...nor taken my eyes from him in a moment.

He looked deeply saddened...and somewhat confused as well. I could see the sweat on his brow...he was in pain. "So you did not come here as result of my message? You did not receive it?"

"Message?" I questioned, lowering my guard a bit. I remembered Rexikat's words now. 'When you are well, look me up...I have a message from someone dear to you...'

“I need you to help me. I need a way out of this, to get away from these bonds. I can't take it anymore, especially now that I can't even help those I care for...” He stated as though reciting a verse. “That was my message for you RaXi...I’m deeply saddened that it never reached your ears, for now I’m afraid I had false hope from finding you here.”

I was at a loss for words. I had wanted to give him the help he sought...all this time...the quest I went on...it was all to free HIM, and Triskix as well...but it was too early. I had no idea which method would work...He was staring at me with his golden eyes. Such a sad gaze plastered upon his handsome face.
“I can’t take it anymore RaXi...you were in trouble and yet...I wasn’t able to come for you.” He conveyed, his state was growing more severe...the sweat on his brow increasing. “My bonds grow tighter...my leash shorter...to the point, I can’t even leave this hell...not unless I am given orders. And the orders themselves, only get more difficult to defy. All because of what I know of him...”

“Xerebus?” I questioned coming close to him. “Verex...I don’t know how to help you yet but...”

“RaXi!” Verex shouted grabbing my shoulders. “Don’t you understand...how much....how very much I...”

KILL HER NOW VEREX! A voice in his mind continually pulsed. DO IT....KILL HER....

I was slammed hard against the wall, it knocked the air out of me slightly. I looked up at him, he was tormented, fighting something within. “Verex? It’s Xerebus...isn’t it?! He’s telling you to kill me!” I shouted at him grabbing his shoulders now. He was so close to me and I just couldn’t stand seeing him in this pain.

He took my hand and lifted it up revealing the daggers in my sleeve. “Do it RaXi...kill me now. You can do it...I wouldn’t want anyone else to...please...I don‘t want to hurt you...”

I looked into his eyes. Why a kiss! A kiss can break ANY spell!! Snow white’s words echoed loudly in my memory. I wanted to shake the thought from my mind...but if it WOULD work...shouldn’t I at least try it. If there was a way I could lighten his pain...possibly take it all away. Shouldn’t I try?

I put my hands on his cheek. “I won’t kill you Verex. I want to free you...” Slowly I moved in closer and closer...he stood unmoving. Closing my eyes our lips were so close now.

“RAXI!” A voice boomed from the entrance of the room.

My eyes snapped open and I pulled away quickly to look at the all-too familiar voice. "Marlex?"

He stood there in the doorway, anger written all over his face.

“I knew it was you...” He stated walking in. “You aren’t even bothering to hide your presence. I thought I was mistaken...” He continued casually, though anger was flaring from his eyes. “I failed to bring you here...but yet you came of your own will. I can’t help but to wonder...why?”

I stepped aside. “Stay out of my way Marlex. I already told you, I won’t hesitate to kill you...”

“Yes, you said that.” He accepted. “Yet that’s not what it looked like just now. Or does Verex not apply to that equation?”

I was silent. I had to get to Minx, I didn’t have the time nor the will to take part in this confrontation. I bore Marlex no grudge...yet it seemed I was constantly being pitted against those I had no desire to battle.

“RaXi, do what you came here to do.” Verex stated stepping before me and drawing out his spear. “To the right...the third door on the left. You will find Minx.”

“What are you doing Verex? Drawing your weapon on me? Bad Move.” Marlex stated drawing out his own gwan-do.

“Go.” Verex insisted and the spear ends began to flare brightly. “Don’t worry RaXi...if anyone will kill me...it’ll be you.”

I wanted to stop him...wanted to keep him out of this...but I had to hurry. Marlex didn’t object or try to stop me, so without a moments hesitation I ran out the door and straight to Minx’s room.

I halted just outside...building up the courage to stop this child.

Kira: Oh me oh my!!! What a development?!! Did I have you all on the edge of ur seats there for a minute??? ^^

RaXi: You are enjoying my misery FAR too much! >.>'


"...'O great and noble heathen!" Xakiah stated without even looking to the side.

I had been able to sense a presence, yet I couldn't pinpoint it...it was so like Xakiah's, his skill at concealment only slightly below her own. It aggravated me to no end...an opponent like that. I watched as he emerged from the shadows in a similar way she had. It was dark, but his white cloak was clearly visible. There was a design on it...setting it apart from the others...a three ring symbol. Where have I seen that mark before?! WHERE??! I couldn't get a very good look at his features, not in this darkness. Yet he obviously KNEW Xakiah...

"Though why you still call me that after all this time I will never know." He finished after emerging. I hadn't been paying attention at the beginning.

Xakiah blew him off all together and proceeded to give us directions. As she spoke I took notes of all important details. At the Corner, Corridor ahead, left door, mechanism. Code: pink, white, pink, black, orange. She asked if we had questions...so we both came forth with them without hesitation. If this man wasn't a threat to Xakiah, why should I view him as one? We conversed freely until finally he decided to break in.

"Are you maidens done talking amongst yourselves yet? A man can grow old waiting for you three to finish babbling…” He spoke impatiently.

I glared at him. Now that he'd come a little closer and my eyes were fully adjusted to the dark, I could make out a reddish tint to his hair...but there was more to it...I just couldn't judge it. Yet for some reason his tone just then had aggravated me. "Old age? Is that what concerns you?" I began silkily...a tint of vileness in my tone. "I have a solution for that. Should I kill you now, you won't have to worry about aging..." I continued to glare at him. I already had the daggers in my sleeves ready to fly.

A hand grasped my sleeve. My eyes glanced to my side. Xakiah...she knew about my daggers....so perceptive... "This is my battle. As I told Nyx, go." She stated with an oddly serious look.

I pulled away. "Very well. Make it quick and remember my orders. You know when to pull out. Understood?"

At this she smirked. "Of course...just go through with your part and let me worry about mine."

I almost laughed. Looking over at Nyx she nodded and we began rushing towards the man. I gave him a sideways glare as I ran by him, yet he didn't try and stop us, his eyes never even left Xakiah for a moment. Who did he remind me of...that look in his eyes? I couldn't help but think...yet I continued on.

We got to the mechanism room easy enough...but all the levers. It was crazy. First off we found each lever we needed to pull and then Nyx and I took positions in order to pull them.

"I will dictate them, then we pull them in order, alright?" I conveyed. Nyx agreed.

"Pink." I started, pulling the pink lever. Nyx wouldn't get near it...she hated pink...heh. "White." Nyx pulled the white lever. "Pink." I pulled it again. "Black." Nyx pulled it. "Orange." I took it and pulled the final lever in the sequence. Nothing happened. And then suddenly a screeching sound was heard and the rotation of the giant mechanism screeched to an abrupt halt. I examined everything around us...suddenly the ceiling began to change...

"Nyx! LOOK OUT!" I shouted pushing her off to the side and jumping back myself. Just then a huge piece of the ceiling crashed to the ground, forming a long upwards staircase. As promised, most likely leading to the North Tower. "Ten minutes..." I mumbled.

We both broke into a run. A mad dash up the staircase. I was only slightly ahead of Nyx when I heard a crack from behind. I stopped into my tracks just as the ground beneath Nyx opened up and swallowed her without anything to grasp onto. She began to fall...

"NYX!" I shouted throwing forth ice in an effort to catch her. It dissipated in the shadows. What? How is that possible...

"RaXi!" Nyx called up from the darkness. "Don't worry about me! Go!! Complete the mission...I'll be alright!!!" She called out as the floor began to close again...as though nothing had happened. I examined the floor on my hands and knees, smashing my fist into the ground when I found nothing. I KNEW this would happen! Just like XIMH! DAMN IT! I cursed. But then I turned my attention back to my mission. She'll be fine...she'll be fine...I repeated over and over running faster and faster.

Huffing I can see my breath in the air before me. Looking forward there was a dark figure atop the stairway. I took a defensive stance as I screeched to a halt at the top. They moved out of the shadows slowly.

"I knew it...knew you would come RaXi..."

CLIFFHANGER!! hehe...just wait...this next part's gonna be..great....lol.

will continue a little later! ^^

Plan of Action

"Hey Xakiah, could you give us a minute..." I asked after she's explained the whole concept of Abyss's layout to us. I was quite skeptical on the whole thing...but then again I was SKEPTICAL on lots of things. It was believable...after all, I'd been here once before and Abyss MOST DEFINITELY considered me it's ENEMY. "On second thought...never-mind. I'm just going to speak my mind to the both of you...Xakiah will learn of it sooner or later anyway. If she doesn't already KNOW..." I looked straight into her gaze at this part...her eyes seem to hide the vast amount of knowledge I was SURE they contained.

"What is it RaXi?" Nyx asked looking at me with concern.

I sighed and put my finger to my lip. I really hadn't wanted to resort to this plan of action...yet if I'd come alone it would've been different. I truly thought Xakiah could show us the way...but now it seemed like she was just as much of a foe as we were...Damn you Xerebus...I thought.

"I know what Xakiah speaks is all too true, for I have witnessed this Citadel in action." I began. "Therefore, I can say with most certainty, it's first mode of operation will be to divide us from one another. No matter how you split into groups...it will not rest until you are alone...and most vulnerable to it's twisted tests." I spoke aloud. "What you may not know Xakiah...is the connection we two have here. But as I said...I'm sure you know something on the matter..."I looked at her...but she seemed willing to let me continue. As though I could perhaps offer her a bit of information she HADN'T yet gained. I humored her...this time. "Former Apprentices like us have chosen Zero to side with. They have even openly claimed they desire to reunite us...so I really have no idea what they will do...should they encounter Nyx or myself. I will have no trouble drawing my weapon on them...but Nyx..." I turned my attention to her now and fell silent.

"RaXi...I told you I'll be fine!" She insisted with that huge smile plastered on her face. I wanted to believe her...and just hoped she COULD fight them...for the plan I had...would divide us.

"So then RaXi...you're obviously thinking something. What plan of action shall we take?" Xakiah asked eyeing me.

Yet I didn't answer her right away. My skin was literally tingling...it felt like the very walls had eyes. I closed my eyes to concentrate. I sensed them...several of the apprentices...members of Zero...they were all scattered...it was hard to pinpoint ANYTHING in this place. And there...above it all...I could feel that child. Minx. Such a strong power was emanating from her...it was hard to miss, yet not in a precise location.

"RaXi..." Nyx spoke quietly...she knew what I was doing...but sensed the same feeling of urgency that began to run through me.

"We better hurry...Abyss is getting ready to shift again." Xakiah warned. "Unless you DON'T want the first move..."

My eyes snapped open. "Listen carefully. I'll only say this once. We will divide now before the Citadel has the chance to do it for us. Nyx, I'm sure like me you can sense them all. Try to avoid contact if possible...head for that strong surging power near the top. That is Minx." I explained quickly. "Xakiah, I get the impression you too have unfinished business in this place. After all...there had to be SOME reason you left. I don't care for an explanation, though I doubt I would receive one." I spoke crossly. "I ask only that you both try to get to Minx...should I fail...and subdue her. As soon as the defensive shield is down...return to Oblivion at once. Understood? There will be no meeting up...just pull out."


Verex stormed through the halls. He had a killer headache...the result of his ongoing torture...courtesy of Xerebus. He stopped in his tracks when he felt the barrier around the Citadel increase to such a point, the walls were taking the bluish-tint of glass.

"Minx...that idiot!" He mumbled. "Using that much power can break her!" He started to make his way towards her location. But heard shouting from down the hall. Another child's voice...which came into view shortly after. She crashed right into him flurried...

"Someone's in the castle!" She muttered trying to run off.

Verex's eye's went wide. Without even thinking he knocked the girl on the back of the head, then caught her in his arms as she fell unconscious. Whoever had come into the castle, Xerebus didn't have to know about it just yet. Not until HE himself found out who they were...

Placing her in an abandoned room and efficiently sealing it off, he made his way through the Citadel. Hoping to find that the intruder was who he WANTED it to be.


Enter the CAGE

Nyx walked close to my side...but far enough so that we were ready for anything. She knew the exact amount of space I needed to call forth my weapon. It was odd...it'd been SO LONG since the two of us were on a mission together...and yet...we still worked in perfect rhythm. It was quiet between the two of us as we emerged on the other side of the corridor of darkness. Citadel Abyss loomed before us now. Yet I knew what Nyx was thinking...it was the same as me. We weren't dwelling on the Citadel at all, or even the resistance we would meet with...but with just WHO lie within. We still hadn't seen just HOW MANY of the Apprentices had been gathered together, and as far as we knew...they could ALL be there. Yet another rested in my mind as well...Verex. He could be my ally...but there was also the chance that he could be...My WORST enemy...

"No matter who it is Nyx...can you fight them?" I asked her lowly, my eyes fixated on the Tower. I contemplated whether I could face Verex with all my might...so far...I hadn't.

She hesitated to answer.

"I know we share a past...but I will NOT allow them to kill me. I have much to do still...I haven't the time for mercy anymore..." I explained, trying to convince myself as well...and hoping to give her the confidence to reciprocate my gesture.

She smiled at me. "That's why they target me...because you, Triskix and Lexian are exactly the same...willing to do anything to stay alive. Plus...you three would rather fight BEFORE negotiating..."

I smirked. When it came to the other apprentices and me, this was indeed the case. "Yes, that's true. After all, hesitation can be a great enemy on the battlefield. That's why I worry for you Nyx. You are too kind to those of the past...please just promise me to ease my mind...no matter who we run into...you MUST have the courage to face them on equal ground. No hesitation...understand?"

"I do." She answered...yet she couldn't look me in the eye. I truly worried for her...but there was nothing I could do to persuade her otherwise. Nyx was kind...that's just WHO she was. I didn't ask, or even WANT to change her. I would just have to protect that kindness...with my cruelty if need be. Even if...Verex himself should stand against me...

Before I stepped forward I suddenly felt something off. I couldn't SENSE anything...but my spine was tingling. And that in itself was a bad sign. I drew my sword and examined the area. Suddenly a shadow moved and took form. I knew this person, it was Xakiah... yet my sword remained.

"You're very wise RaXi." She commented with a slightly menacing grin. "Though, I could've killed the both of you 3 times before you sensed anything..." She paused. "If I wanted to, that is."

Sarcasm...It was true though...I was too deep in thought...and her skills of concealment were astounding. Even by MY standards...which were incredibly high. "What are you doing here?"

"I come and go as I please...I sensed the two of you making your way here and I couldn't help but wonder...'why'?" She explained walking casually around us.

"There will be an assault on Abyss, we are here to insure the defenses are down." I explained.

"Ah, Minx then." She quickly answered. "I see."

I had forgotten for a moment...until quite recently Xakiah had been in the company of Zero. Yet...I wondered what had swayed her loyalty. Had she even had any to begin with? Or was she like me...chained to NO ONE...Yet...she could be of great aid. The inside is a brutal maze, seeing it once before, I don't want to blindly charge in again. Perhaps she will help us? I withdrew my weapon and stood down. Yet, I still had the daggers in my coat sleeve prepped...just in case.

"Xakiah...you know the inside of Citadel Abyss...do you not?" I began.

"I do." She answered analyzing my facial expressions. I tried to make it obvious what I wanted...and she reciprocated it immediately. "Very well...I will aid you. After all...without me you won't find Minx in time." She stated walking forward. I could tell simply by her tone that she intended it to sound as though it were HER choice to aid us...that no favors were to be done...and that she really didn't care about us one way or another.

Yes, we are VERY alike...I found myself thinking.

She opened a portal. "Come quickly. With my portals we won't be discovered."

Deciding to put my trust in her, I looked at Nyx and nodded. We walked through quickly, immediately entering the inside of Abyss. Only now did I start to notice it but...Abyss was very similar to Oblivion. Things were crazy and mixed up but...they were very much alike....

"So you know exactly where Minx is..." Nyx asked in a whisper but was cut short by the sudden feeling we all took in. A shockwave...and in an instant we felt totally caged in.

"Such a strong barrier...surely that child is not capable of such power..." I stated feeling the pressure emanating off the very WALLS of the Castle.

"Why else do you think Xerebus keeps her around?" Xakiah conveyed coolly. "He knows she's capable of this...and he uses her to the fullest extent of that. But never-mind that now...we got in just in time...now nothing will come or go from this place." She paused to look at me. "To break the defense we need only subdue her and place her in an unconscious state...or kill her if you see fit."

At this last comment I swear Xakiah grinned again. Hoping I would agree to it. I remembered the Leader's words...'Preferably dead...' I smiled. "No, we shan't kill the girl. Besides...she is needed still." I thought about Triskix, he is the one who needed her. Yet, I also did this to openly defy the Leader.

"Whatever you say..." Xakiah grumbled.

Nyx was smiling at me. I knew she thought I was being kind but really...I just wanted to tick off the Leader... >:}

Waiting for Xakiah to make the first move...we began our insurgence into Citadel Abyss. We'd have to find Minx in this mess of a fortress...and pray we didn't run into too many distractions.

Alright then! Xakiah or Nyx, feel free to continue if you wish! ^^