Welcome to Castle Oblivion 10 years after the deaths of all the original members of Organization 13. *tear* Despite their deaths, new nobodies have been created and have begun to call the castle their home becoming the next generation of Organization 13 members. New things await as things change and adapt in this new season.

Leader: SojiRem (Triskix- The Red Shinigami)
Co-leader: CrazyFangirl5746

Other Members, Power level
LoveKouichi (Lexian- Daemon of Darkness)
Support KIRA (Raxi- Frozen Duplicity)
KiKaiya(Nyx- Maiden of Light)
Rexikat Rhapsody (Rexikat- The Chained Rhapsody)
Dark Smile (Ximh- The Lightning Emperor)
khismylife(Xemmsur- Silent Waves)
Kill Sasuke(Kyxsha- The Air Mistress)
Shadweh (Xakiah- The Shadow's Gnomon) 100
Soichi (Tamex- Ladies Man)
Sasukelover001(Deidrex- The Suicidal Flame) 35
Luna Chan (Amaterasux- The Unknown) 20
darkittylove (Setxune)45
ShizukoxIchimaru (Yuumeix)8
Dangodumpling (Tsukux)8
Troublesum Shika(Syrix)15
Blood Moon Wolf(Sparkx)5
rikusgirl101(Lerxia- The Lone Demon) 8
moonlight9 (Saphirax) 5
tigerlilly (Xena- The Techno Freak) 25
YuiKaueru (Alkaline) 8
cross roses (Healx) 20
Sixth Hoshikage (Narexurk- Silent Thunder) 50
Sukki Chan(Xetira) 35
AtticusPersona (Xatticus) 25
wofldemonchild9 (Lexanis)10
Ryochin30 (Vox) 5

Orginization #, name, Title, gender, element, weapon, items


I Xraktos-M, ?, Cypher (black whip)
II. Triskix- M, Fire, duel shadow scythe
III. Lexian- M, Darkness, Apocalypse keyblade
IV. Nyx- F, Light, Electric Guitar
V. Raxi- F, Ice, giant clear blade
VI. Xemmsur- F, water, No Existence keyblade
VII. Ximh- , M, electricity, Buster Sword
VIII. Kyxsha- F, Air, Hurricane Bazooca
IX. Rexikat- F, spirit of the tigress, Four 2" long steel chains.


Tamex-M, Water, Duel Wave Scythe


X. Xakiah- F, Shadows, Ninjatô
XI. Narexurk-M, Lightning, Charakin
XII. Deidrex- F, Fire, fire shadow blade
XIII. Amaterasux- F, morphing, any part of her
XIV. Xena-F, Techno, FCCS bracelet
XV. Healx-F, Fire, Scarlet Death (ribbon)
XVI. Setxune- M, unknown (Darkness), Shadow Blade
XVII. Yuumeix- F, Darkness, Lunar Scythe
XVIII. Tsukux- M, Spiritual, twin blades
XIX. Syrix- F, Manipulation, White Chess Piece
XX. Sparx- F, Electricity, swords
XXII. Lerxia- F, darkness, bloody mary sword
XXII. Saphirax- F, Earth, golden thorned rose
XXIII. Alkaline-F, Poison, spell book
XXIV. Xetira-F, Darkness, Sirai Blade
XXV. Xatticus- M, Earth/Blood, Staff
XXVI. Lexanis -F, Shadow, Spiked Star Chain
XXVII. Vox-M, Time, Pocket Watch

To Get into the Elite you must be very active in this club constantly contributing. Elitists also get special privileges, if I am thinking of modifying something you will be one of the first ones to know via PM, you will be squad leaders on missions, and you're major quote will be displayed on the intro. Also, Eliters's point numbers are cleared because they have already reached the higher status in the club. Everyone else still have points to rack up in activity.

"..When I gave up my heart....I didn't mean to give up my soul too....oh well no sense in dealing in the past....I will keep order in this castle...or die trying...."
"So far into the darkness that I can no longer see the light...and I like it..."
Remember, darkness does not always equal to evil. Just as light does not always bring good.
"Could one such as I, one without a heart, dare say they have felt the emotion of Love...or was it an illusion cast upon me in this endless darkness?"
"It doesn't matter how pure, full of light your heart is, It doesn't matter how cold, full of darkness your heart is. What matters is knowing if you made the right choice or not"
"Strength decides who lives and who dies. If you're strong, you survive; while if you're weak, you simply fade away. There is no "In-Between"."
Better to be a Nobody without a heart, then a somebody with a heart.
"Why would I want a heart...when everyone I would love is already dead? I have been avenged, I have no one to avenge...life as a Nobody is all that is left for me."

Organization Oblivion's sister world:CLICK has information on the apprentices if you need to look it up

Also check out here which is used for the randomness of the castle.

Prospective new members: we will decline every new member that wishes to enter the castle at this time until this arch in the story line is over. After that time, people may apply for membership. Once this arch is over, I will give more details.

Plan of Action

"Hey Xakiah, could you give us a minute..." I asked after she's explained the whole concept of Abyss's layout to us. I was quite skeptical on the whole thing...but then again I was SKEPTICAL on lots of things. It was believable...after all, I'd been here once before and Abyss MOST DEFINITELY considered me it's ENEMY. "On second thought...never-mind. I'm just going to speak my mind to the both of you...Xakiah will learn of it sooner or later anyway. If she doesn't already KNOW..." I looked straight into her gaze at this part...her eyes seem to hide the vast amount of knowledge I was SURE they contained.

"What is it RaXi?" Nyx asked looking at me with concern.

I sighed and put my finger to my lip. I really hadn't wanted to resort to this plan of action...yet if I'd come alone it would've been different. I truly thought Xakiah could show us the way...but now it seemed like she was just as much of a foe as we were...Damn you Xerebus...I thought.

"I know what Xakiah speaks is all too true, for I have witnessed this Citadel in action." I began. "Therefore, I can say with most certainty, it's first mode of operation will be to divide us from one another. No matter how you split into groups...it will not rest until you are alone...and most vulnerable to it's twisted tests." I spoke aloud. "What you may not know Xakiah...is the connection we two have here. But as I said...I'm sure you know something on the matter..."I looked at her...but she seemed willing to let me continue. As though I could perhaps offer her a bit of information she HADN'T yet gained. I humored her...this time. "Former Apprentices like us have chosen Zero to side with. They have even openly claimed they desire to reunite us...so I really have no idea what they will do...should they encounter Nyx or myself. I will have no trouble drawing my weapon on them...but Nyx..." I turned my attention to her now and fell silent.

"RaXi...I told you I'll be fine!" She insisted with that huge smile plastered on her face. I wanted to believe her...and just hoped she COULD fight them...for the plan I had...would divide us.

"So then RaXi...you're obviously thinking something. What plan of action shall we take?" Xakiah asked eyeing me.

Yet I didn't answer her right away. My skin was literally tingling...it felt like the very walls had eyes. I closed my eyes to concentrate. I sensed them...several of the apprentices...members of Zero...they were all scattered...it was hard to pinpoint ANYTHING in this place. And there...above it all...I could feel that child. Minx. Such a strong power was emanating from her...it was hard to miss, yet not in a precise location.

"RaXi..." Nyx spoke quietly...she knew what I was doing...but sensed the same feeling of urgency that began to run through me.

"We better hurry...Abyss is getting ready to shift again." Xakiah warned. "Unless you DON'T want the first move..."

My eyes snapped open. "Listen carefully. I'll only say this once. We will divide now before the Citadel has the chance to do it for us. Nyx, I'm sure like me you can sense them all. Try to avoid contact if possible...head for that strong surging power near the top. That is Minx." I explained quickly. "Xakiah, I get the impression you too have unfinished business in this place. After all...there had to be SOME reason you left. I don't care for an explanation, though I doubt I would receive one." I spoke crossly. "I ask only that you both try to get to Minx...should I fail...and subdue her. As soon as the defensive shield is down...return to Oblivion at once. Understood? There will be no meeting up...just pull out."


Verex stormed through the halls. He had a killer headache...the result of his ongoing torture...courtesy of Xerebus. He stopped in his tracks when he felt the barrier around the Citadel increase to such a point, the walls were taking the bluish-tint of glass.

"Minx...that idiot!" He mumbled. "Using that much power can break her!" He started to make his way towards her location. But heard shouting from down the hall. Another child's voice...which came into view shortly after. She crashed right into him flurried...

"Someone's in the castle!" She muttered trying to run off.

Verex's eye's went wide. Without even thinking he knocked the girl on the back of the head, then caught her in his arms as she fell unconscious. Whoever had come into the castle, Xerebus didn't have to know about it just yet. Not until HE himself found out who they were...

Placing her in an abandoned room and efficiently sealing it off, he made his way through the Citadel. Hoping to find that the intruder was who he WANTED it to be.



Opening his eyes slowly and sitting up...Verex couldn't believe how well he felt. Looking at his wound, he found it to be missing completely...all that was left was the crusted blood from where he knew it to be. The wound itself was completely healed up. Yet somewhere inside...something was off. He felt an ill chill run up his spine...but he couldn't explain why. All he could think about was the dream he'd just had. A dream of his past...about a ill-fated experiment he'd performed against the laws of nature.

"Minx." He mumbled to himself sullenly. Closing the door behind him as he left his quarters, he made his way to her room, in hopes of thanking her for her kindness.

Marlex walked casually down the hall. Stopping only for a moment when he noticed Verex approaching. The two men locked glances, for only a moment...a hard competitive glare. Marlex smirked a bit waiting for Verex to address him...but was only left speechless as Verex passed him by without a single word.

"Verex!" Marlex finally growled, stopping Verex in his tracks. They stood back to back. "Don't you have an ounce of courtesy in your being? You're supposed to greet your superiors with respect upon meeting."

"Is that so?" Verex finally spoke. "Then forgive me. I hadn't realized you as my superior. I'm sure you can understand." He started to walk once more.

"Where are you off to? On another one of your field trips to Castle Oblivion perhaps?" Marlex smirked. He couldn't get over Verex's insolence.

At this Verex turned to face him. They glared each other down. "How would you know of my trips...lest you were there on one of your own? Tell me...how often do YOU go there Marlex? To remember old times? Or is it something more maybe?"

"I don't have to answer to one lower in rank than I. And you are the lowest...nothing more than Xerebus's pet. I may come and go as I please, unlike you." Marlex scoffed angrily.

"Whatever you say." Verex dismissed. "I'm just curious why you would throw something like that at me...unless you plan to tell on me...has it come to that now?"

"Humph! You misunderstand my character completely. I'm not one to run and proclaim others misdeeds like some town crier. Though I'm also not above hinting on the matter...should I truly dislike someone enough. Therefore...you would do well to get on my good side. Verex." Marlex explained forcefully.

Verex smirked. "If you say so. But I really don't care Marlex. Tell Xerebus whatever you wish...your words are nothing to me."

With that he began to walk off once more towards his destination. Marlex was thoroughly disgusted how nothing he said seemed to matter in the slightest to him. He hated Verex...such a deep hatred...yet he couldn't do anything to touch that man. Until suddenly a thought of the current event flowed into his mind. A smile formed on his lips as he coolly prepared his next words.

"Verex, you have heard the latest? Have you not?"

Marlex's tone had taken such a turn it caused Verex to almost fear what he was about to utter. Keeping his cool demeanor he turned around slowly. "I honestly doubt it concerns me Marlex. So I really don't care." He dismissed.

"Well true. It Doesn't Concern You." Marlex made clear. "I mean, the letter itself, coming from the villains means nothing...but I would think the contents are of SOME interest....at least to you I think they would be."

Verex's eyes narrowed. "Fine. I'll bite. What is it?"

Marlex smiled. "The villains have captured RaXi of Castle Oblivion. They wish to hand her over to us...in exchange for their own lives. Pathetic really. Considering we never wanted their lives to begin with. The others were just...expendable. Yet if they so willingly offer to give us a piece...why not accept? It's great isn't it? Soon RaXi will be here in Citadel Abyss where she belongs. Perhaps as a permanent resident."

Verex clenched his fists tightly. He bit down on his tongue to avoid any sign of emotion.

Marlex examined him closely. "Oh...I thought I'd get more of a rise out of you...I was sure you'd wish to go after her. But that's right! Your leash is getting shorter isn't it?! I mean...it must've taken a lot to just get to Oblivion the last time you went, after all, you are only supposed to leave when ordered to." Marlex grinned. "Oh well, no more time to play today Verex. I'm off to get her now. I would take you with me...but I really don't like you...so I think I won't."

This time Marlex left with the satisfaction of angering Verex. He could feel the tension flooding from him in waves all the way down the hall.

Verex decided NOT to see Minx. He went to one of the abandoned rooms nearby and incinerated EVERYTHING. Marlex had done it this time...he'd hit Verex where it truly hurt. And it was all true. Verex couldn't leave now...going with Domix had been hard enough...his bonds were too tight now...the only way would've been if a superior ordered him to accompany them...and that wasn't going to happen. No...this time Verex was completely and utterly powerless.

Kira: So what do you guys think of the confrontation? I had to write it in 3rd person becuz I was doing BOTH of their roles. hehe...did it turn out alright?

An Antidote?

I had heard the knock on the door...and the sound of Pashnirix's voice drawing Minx out of her room. I waited until the door shut. Xerebus probably needed her again...to do some horribly strenuous task... Though she was extremely possessive...and somewhat demented...I really didn't hate her at all. I knew full well that she was only lonely...and deep down...she was truly a kind girl. I mean...she'd taken the time to mend my wounds...not once, but twice now. When Xerebus had left me at the foot of the stairs...riddled with pain...it was Minx who had taken me to a bed...and helped me regain my composure. And now, she'd stitched yet another wound inflicted by Xerebus.

I thought about how I received it. Xerebus hated the fact that I was so strong willed. Yet he needed my strength...so he refused to let me go. Therefore...he could neither kill me...nor free me. All he could do was wound me to a certain point...and no more. Always leaving Minx to pick up the pieces. Minx...his pawn...which he kept satisfied with false words and promises. That poor lonely child...

I stood up slowly...my wound hurt...but I was already used to pain. It no longer phased me...not in the slightest. Minx had to know I'd be gone before she got back. I formed a portal and appeared in my quarters. I approached my own bed...but just as I was about to lay down I felt someone coming. Soon after, another portal formed. Domix stepped out...he seemed rushed and in a panic.

"Verex!" He shouted grabbing me by my shoulders. "Please...I need your help..."

Brushing his hands off, I took a seat on the side of the bed gingerly. I didn't want to show any sign of pain from my wound...yet it was fresh still. I smiled. "My, Domix...I don't think I've ever seen you so panicked. Not in all my time as your partner...not once. So tell me, what has got you in this condition?"

He looked at me seriously. Like he was almost ashamed to admit it...or perhaps frightened. "My brother...he's been poisoned with this..." He pulled out a small vial. I recognized it immediately. Le Suxube's concoction.

"I see." My smile vanishing instantly. I stood up. "Give it to me. I have to work quickly."

"So you WILL help?" He asked...looked at me surprised. "But you know we'll be aiding the other Organization...against Xerebus's will..."

"Isn't that why you came to me?" I smiled. "Come now Domix...you know me by now...you KNEW that even though I may be chained to Xerebus...he cannot control me..."

"I'm sorry Verex...I'm sure you'll pay for this later...but I don't know who else can do anything..."

"Hey. That's my problem." I smiled again. "Now just let me get to work...if you see Minx looking for me...try and divert her attention for a bit. I don't have time to play now. I'll need all my concentration...there isn't much time."

My body was screaming for me to lay back down and sleep...but my being was telling me to do all in my power to help. Domix's whole being was devoted to his brother...I knew all about them. Domix had often rambled on and on about their past. He idolized Magni...but in the end...somehow they'd killed each other. He never told me the reason behind that...I got the impression it was something he was ashamed of.

Appearing in the lab, I got straight to work. Taking a sample of Le Suxube's potion, I quickly separated and determined all the ingredients. Trying to decipher just what she used that could actually "poison" a God. Though...perhaps Ximh was a rare case. I really needed more information on him if I was going to figure out that. But that wasn't my task...all I needed was a rival potion to neutralize and counteract Le Suxube's.

It took me several hours...that woman wasn't some hack when it came to coding her potions. It was extremely difficult. It was lucky for Domix that I loved the challenge. Finally...I had one prepared. It would have to be injected directly into Ximh's bloodstream. I appeared before Domix.

"Here it is." I smiled holding up a syringe filled with my antidote. "Right into his bloodstream...and he should perk straight up. I've also added something...an immunity of sorts. He won't be affected by anything similar in the future after taking this." I was so proud of my work.

"His bloodstream?" Domix stated solemnly...he had a worried expression.

"Domix? What's the problem...I thought you'd be ecstatic."

"There's a shield...when something is in Magni's system...he instinctively puts up a protective barrier...until it's expelled." He explained.

IDIOT! WHY DIDN'T YOU MENTION THAT SOONER?! I thought loudly. "Well then...it can't be helped. You have to take me with you to inject it. Let's just hope Xerebus is busy...or still dwelling on his recent battle. As soon as I leave...he'll be rampant with rage."

Domix was weighing the odds in his mind. Incurring Xerebus's wrath in order to save his dying brother? It didn't take him long to reach a conclusion. He opened a portal immediately...smiling at me as he committed HIS defiant act.

When we walked through, I found 'the barrier', Ximh inside face-down on the ground. A girl was standing in front of it. It was the girl from inside Citadel Abyss...the one who RaXi had been with.

"It's you..." She mumbled, looking straight at me. "Wait...don't go any closer!" She shouted as I approached the barrier.

Raising an eyebrow I looked at Domix. "Stand aside Woman! Let him through..." He said forcefully. The girl looked at him angrily for a moment...but reluctantly stepped to the side.

Moving forward, I engulfed my hand with protective flames and slowly felt the rim of the barrier. I closed my eyes...I could see the network. Every barrier had a weak point...but this one...was incredible. It was proof of Ximh's godly descent. The weak point moved continually...every 5...no....3 seconds. It was never in the same spot...and it wasn't following any sort of rhythm. At least...it only seemed that way. The movements WERE sporadic...but not UNPLANNED. I smiled and pulled my hand away.

"Domix...fetch me a piece of that chair there." I stated pointed at the crushed pieces in the corner. I only needed something small. He got it for me...giving me a questionable glare. "Just...stay back the two of you..." I explained. Placing my hand again on the shield I waited...then....cast the piece onto the weak point. There was a huge burst of electricity. We were all thrown back a bit...but suddenly the blinding light stopped, and Ximh lay unguarded...smoking.

"OH MY GOD!" The girl exclaimed. "XIMH!!"

Domix grabbed me by the front of my cloak. "What the hell did you do Verex?!" He growled.

I pulled his hands off. "Do you mind? I don't have much time..." I stated nonchalantly. "Unless you want him to die..."

They both backed off and let me approach. The static in the air poked and prodded at my wound...but I ignored the pain. I bent down, and injected the antidote into Ximh's arm. Then stepped away.

"A few minutes time...he should be fine." I reassured them. "Now then, I'll be off now."

I formed a portal before they could say anything...but it didn't lead me back to the Citadel. I appeared outside of a door I was sure I felt RaXi within. My hand reached for the knob...yet lingered but an inch before it...Suppressing the deep desire to see her with all my might, I formed another portal behind me.

"Please take care of yourself..." I mumbled and walked through.

Back to my room. I fell onto my bed....my wound was bleeding a little...but I ignored it and fell asleep.
