An Antidote?

I had heard the knock on the door...and the sound of Pashnirix's voice drawing Minx out of her room. I waited until the door shut. Xerebus probably needed her do some horribly strenuous task... Though she was extremely possessive...and somewhat demented...I really didn't hate her at all. I knew full well that she was only lonely...and deep down...she was truly a kind girl. I mean...she'd taken the time to mend my wounds...not once, but twice now. When Xerebus had left me at the foot of the stairs...riddled with was Minx who had taken me to a bed...and helped me regain my composure. And now, she'd stitched yet another wound inflicted by Xerebus.

I thought about how I received it. Xerebus hated the fact that I was so strong willed. Yet he needed my he refused to let me go. Therefore...he could neither kill me...nor free me. All he could do was wound me to a certain point...and no more. Always leaving Minx to pick up the pieces. Minx...his pawn...which he kept satisfied with false words and promises. That poor lonely child...

I stood up wound hurt...but I was already used to pain. It no longer phased me...not in the slightest. Minx had to know I'd be gone before she got back. I formed a portal and appeared in my quarters. I approached my own bed...but just as I was about to lay down I felt someone coming. Soon after, another portal formed. Domix stepped out...he seemed rushed and in a panic.

"Verex!" He shouted grabbing me by my shoulders. "Please...I need your help..."

Brushing his hands off, I took a seat on the side of the bed gingerly. I didn't want to show any sign of pain from my wound...yet it was fresh still. I smiled. "My, Domix...I don't think I've ever seen you so panicked. Not in all my time as your partner...not once. So tell me, what has got you in this condition?"

He looked at me seriously. Like he was almost ashamed to admit it...or perhaps frightened. "My brother...he's been poisoned with this..." He pulled out a small vial. I recognized it immediately. Le Suxube's concoction.

"I see." My smile vanishing instantly. I stood up. "Give it to me. I have to work quickly."

"So you WILL help?" He asked...looked at me surprised. "But you know we'll be aiding the other Organization...against Xerebus's will..."

"Isn't that why you came to me?" I smiled. "Come now know me by KNEW that even though I may be chained to Xerebus...he cannot control me..."

"I'm sorry Verex...I'm sure you'll pay for this later...but I don't know who else can do anything..."

"Hey. That's my problem." I smiled again. "Now just let me get to work...if you see Minx looking for me...try and divert her attention for a bit. I don't have time to play now. I'll need all my concentration...there isn't much time."

My body was screaming for me to lay back down and sleep...but my being was telling me to do all in my power to help. Domix's whole being was devoted to his brother...I knew all about them. Domix had often rambled on and on about their past. He idolized Magni...but in the end...somehow they'd killed each other. He never told me the reason behind that...I got the impression it was something he was ashamed of.

Appearing in the lab, I got straight to work. Taking a sample of Le Suxube's potion, I quickly separated and determined all the ingredients. Trying to decipher just what she used that could actually "poison" a God. Though...perhaps Ximh was a rare case. I really needed more information on him if I was going to figure out that. But that wasn't my task...all I needed was a rival potion to neutralize and counteract Le Suxube's.

It took me several hours...that woman wasn't some hack when it came to coding her potions. It was extremely difficult. It was lucky for Domix that I loved the challenge. Finally...I had one prepared. It would have to be injected directly into Ximh's bloodstream. I appeared before Domix.

"Here it is." I smiled holding up a syringe filled with my antidote. "Right into his bloodstream...and he should perk straight up. I've also added immunity of sorts. He won't be affected by anything similar in the future after taking this." I was so proud of my work.

"His bloodstream?" Domix stated solemnly...he had a worried expression.

"Domix? What's the problem...I thought you'd be ecstatic."

"There's a shield...when something is in Magni's system...he instinctively puts up a protective barrier...until it's expelled." He explained.

IDIOT! WHY DIDN'T YOU MENTION THAT SOONER?! I thought loudly. "Well can't be helped. You have to take me with you to inject it. Let's just hope Xerebus is busy...or still dwelling on his recent battle. As soon as I leave...he'll be rampant with rage."

Domix was weighing the odds in his mind. Incurring Xerebus's wrath in order to save his dying brother? It didn't take him long to reach a conclusion. He opened a portal immediately...smiling at me as he committed HIS defiant act.

When we walked through, I found 'the barrier', Ximh inside face-down on the ground. A girl was standing in front of it. It was the girl from inside Citadel Abyss...the one who RaXi had been with.

"It's you..." She mumbled, looking straight at me. "Wait...don't go any closer!" She shouted as I approached the barrier.

Raising an eyebrow I looked at Domix. "Stand aside Woman! Let him through..." He said forcefully. The girl looked at him angrily for a moment...but reluctantly stepped to the side.

Moving forward, I engulfed my hand with protective flames and slowly felt the rim of the barrier. I closed my eyes...I could see the network. Every barrier had a weak point...but this one...was incredible. It was proof of Ximh's godly descent. The weak point moved continually...every seconds. It was never in the same spot...and it wasn't following any sort of rhythm. At only seemed that way. The movements WERE sporadic...but not UNPLANNED. I smiled and pulled my hand away.

"Domix...fetch me a piece of that chair there." I stated pointed at the crushed pieces in the corner. I only needed something small. He got it for me a questionable glare. "Just...stay back the two of you..." I explained. Placing my hand again on the shield I waited...then....cast the piece onto the weak point. There was a huge burst of electricity. We were all thrown back a bit...but suddenly the blinding light stopped, and Ximh lay unguarded...smoking.

"OH MY GOD!" The girl exclaimed. "XIMH!!"

Domix grabbed me by the front of my cloak. "What the hell did you do Verex?!" He growled.

I pulled his hands off. "Do you mind? I don't have much time..." I stated nonchalantly. "Unless you want him to die..."

They both backed off and let me approach. The static in the air poked and prodded at my wound...but I ignored the pain. I bent down, and injected the antidote into Ximh's arm. Then stepped away.

"A few minutes time...he should be fine." I reassured them. "Now then, I'll be off now."

I formed a portal before they could say anything...but it didn't lead me back to the Citadel. I appeared outside of a door I was sure I felt RaXi within. My hand reached for the knob...yet lingered but an inch before it...Suppressing the deep desire to see her with all my might, I formed another portal behind me.

"Please take care of yourself..." I mumbled and walked through.

Back to my room. I fell onto my wound was bleeding a little...but I ignored it and fell asleep.

